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AaronAaron (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Aaron (Rune Factory 2)
Accessories (Rune Factory 2)Adam (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Aden (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Agate (Story of Seasons)Agi's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Aja Winery (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Alan
Alan (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Alan (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Albums (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)
Alex (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Alice
Alice (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Alice (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Alicia (Rune Factory 2)AlisaAlisa (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Alisa (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Alisa (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Allen (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Alvarna Chapel (Rune Factory 2)Alvarna Clinic (Rune Factory 2)
Alvarna Village (Rune Factory 2)Amber (Rune Factory 4)
AmirAmir (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Amir (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
AnetteAnette (Rune Factory Frontier)
Anette (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Angela (Story of Seasons)
Angelo (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Angie
Angie (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Angie (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Animals (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)Animals (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Animals (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Animals (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Animals (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Animals (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Animals (Harvest Moon: GB)Animals (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Animals (Harvest Moon: Innocent Life)
Animals (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Animals (Harvest Moon: SNES)Animals (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
AnissaAnissa (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Anissa (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)AnnAnn's Dad (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Ann (Harvest Moon: 64)Ann (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Ann (Harvest Moon: DS)
Ann (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Ann (Harvest Moon: GB)Ann (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Ann (Harvest Moon: SNES)AnnaAnna (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Anna (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Anne (Rune Factory 1)
Antoinette (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Aria (Rune Factory 2)
Arthur (Rune Factory 4)Artwork (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Artwork (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Artwork (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Artwork (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Ash (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Assorted Images (Harvest Moon: DS)
Aurelia (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Ayame (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Babies (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Bacchus (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Bachelorettes (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Bachelorettes (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Bachelors (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Bachelors (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Bado (Rune Factory 4)
BarbaraBarbara (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Barbara (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)BarleyBarley (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Barley (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Barney (Harvest Moon: DS)
BarrettBarrett (Rune Factory 2)
Barrett (Rune Factory 4)Bartender (Harvest Moon: SNES)Basil
Basil (Harvest Moon: 64)Basil (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Basil (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Battle Circus (Harvest Moon: DS)Bazaar (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Beatrix (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Beginners Guide (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Ben
Ben (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Ben (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Bestiary (Rune Factory 4)Bestiary (Rune Factory Frontier)Bestiary (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Beta (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)BiancaBianca (Rune Factory 1)
Bianca (Rune Factory Frontier)Big BossesBirthdays (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Bismark (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Blacksmith (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Blaise (Rune Factory 3)
Blessia Island (Rune Factory 2)Blossom (Rune Factory 4)
Blue (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Bluebell Town (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Bluebell Village (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)BoBo (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Bo (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)BobBob (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Bob (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Bob (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Booklet Scans (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Brodik (Rune Factory Frontier)
Brown (Harvest Moon: 64)Brownie Ranch (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Bugs (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Building a Town (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Buildings and Shops (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Byron (Rune Factory 2)Cafe (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
CainCain (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)Cain (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Cain (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)CalvinCalvin (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Calvin (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Calvin and Phoebe (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Cam (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Camellia (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Cammy (Rune Factory 2)Camus (Rune Factory 1)
CandaceCandace (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Candace (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
CandyCandy (Rune Factory Frontier)
Carl (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Carlos (Rune Factory 3)
Carmen (Rune Factory 3)Carmite Cave (Rune Factory 1)
Carpenter (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Carpenter (Harvest Moon: GB)Carpenters (Harvest Moon: SNES)
CarterCarter (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Carter (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Carter (Harvest Moon: DS)Castanet Island (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
CeciliaCecilia (Rune Factory 1)
Cecilia (Rune Factory 2)Celia
Celia (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Celia (Harvest Moon: DS)Chapters (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Character Intros (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Characters (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Characters (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Characters (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Characters (Harvest Moon: My Little Shop)
Characters (Harvest Moon: SNES)Characters (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Characters (Rune Factory 1)
Characters and Sightseers (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Charles
Charles (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Charles (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Charlie
Charlie (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Charlie (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Chartest
ChaseChase (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Chase (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Chase and Maya (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)ChelseaChelsea (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)
Chelsea (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Chelsea (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Chen
Chen (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Chen (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Chens Goods (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Cheryl (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Chester (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Chet (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)Chickens (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Chickens (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Chickens (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Child (Harvest Moon: 64)
Child (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Child (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Child (Harvest Moon: DS)
Child (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Child (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Child (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Child (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Children (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Children (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Children (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Children (Story of Seasons)Chloe
Chloe (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Chloe (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Chris
Chris (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Chris (Harvest Moon: DS)Church (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Church (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Cindy (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Cinnamon (Rune Factory Frontier)
Claire (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Claude (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Clemens Cave (Rune Factory 1)Clement (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
CliffCliff (Harvest Moon: 64)Cliff (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Cliff (Harvest Moon: DS)Cliff (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Clinic (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Clorica (Rune Factory 4)Clothing (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
CodyCody (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Cody (Harvest Moon: DS)Coliseum (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Collectibles (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Colleen
Colleen (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Colleen (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Collette (Rune Factory 3)CollinCollin (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Collin (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Comics (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Comics (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Conquests (Story of Seasons)Constellations (Rune Factory Frontier)
Controls (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Controls (Rune Factory 2)Controls (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Cooking (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Cooking (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Cooking (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Cooking (Rune Factory 1)
Cooking (Rune Factory 2)Corona (Story of Seasons)
Courtship Marriage Children (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Courtship and Marriage (Rune Factory Frontier)
Cows (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Cows (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Crafting (Rune Factory 2)Crafting (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Craig
Craig (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Craig (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Crea's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Crop Chart (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)
Crops (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Crops (Harvest Moon: 64)Crops (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Crops (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Crops (Harvest Moon: GB)Crops (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Crops (Harvest Moon: SNES)Crops (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Crops (Rune Factory 2)Crops (Save the Homeland)Crops (Story of Seasons)
Current eventsCustomisation (Story of Seasons)
Dad (Harvest Moon: SNES)DaisyDaisy (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)
Daisy (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)DakotaDakota (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Dakota (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)DaleDale (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Dale (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Dan (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Danaan Cave (Rune Factory 1)
Danny (Rune Factory Frontier)
DarenDaren (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Daria (Rune Factory 3)Darren (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
DarylDaryl (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Daryl (Harvest Moon: DS)
De Saint-Coquille Manor (Rune Factory 2)Decoration (Rune Factory 1)
DennyDenny (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Denny (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Denny and Lanna (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Dessie (Story of Seasons)
DiaDia (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Dia (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Dia (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Diary of Events (Harvest Moon: Innocent Life)Diego
Diego (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Diego (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Diner (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
DirkDirk (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Dirk (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Dirka's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Doctor
Doctor (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Doctor (Harvest Moon: DS)Doctor (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Dog (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Dolce (Rune Factory 4)
Dorothy (Rune Factory 2)Doug
Doug (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Doug (Rune Factory 4)
Douglas (Rune Factory 2)Drunk (Harvest Moon: SNES)
DukeDuke (Harvest Moon: 64)Duke (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Dungeons (Rune Factory 2)Dungeons (Rune Factory Frontier)Dungeons (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Dunhill (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Dylas (Rune Factory 4)Eagle Inn (Rune Factory 2)Earning Money (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)
Echo Village (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Eda (Story of Seasons)EdgeEdge (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Edge (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Edward (Rune Factory 1)
Egan (Rune Factory 2)
Eileen (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Electra (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Elemental Attributes (Rune Factory 2)
Elena (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Elise (Story of Seasons)ElizaEliza (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Eliza (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)EllenEllen's House (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Ellen's Mom (Harvest Moon: SNES)Ellen's Uncle (Harvest Moon: SNES)Ellen (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Ellen (Harvest Moon: GB)Ellen (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Ellen (Harvest Moon: SNES)
ElliElli (Harvest Moon: 64)Elli (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Elli (Harvest Moon: DS)Elli (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Elli (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
ElliotElliot (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)Elliot (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Elliot (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Elliot and Julia (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Emiko (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Emma (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Emmett (Rune Factory 1)Endings (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Endings (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Energy (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Enju's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
EnriqueEnrique (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Enrique (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Erik (Rune Factory Frontier)
Ethel (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Ethelbert (Rune Factory 4)
Eunice (Rune Factory Frontier)EveEve's Grandfather (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Eve (Harvest Moon: GB)Eve (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Eve (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Evelyn (Rune Factory 3)Events (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Events (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Events (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Events (Harvest Moon: GB)
Events and Festivals (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)Excavation Site (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Extensions (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Extensions (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Extentions (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Farm (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Farming (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Farming (Rune Factory 2)Felicia
Felicia (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Felicia (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Felicity
Felicity (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Felicity (Rune Factory 1)
Felix's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Felix (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Fenith Island (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Festivals (Harvest Moon: 64)Festivals (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Festivals (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Festivals (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Festivals (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Festivals (Harvest Moon: DS)Festivals (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Festivals (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Festivals (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Festivals (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Festivals (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Festivals (Harvest Moon: SNES)Festivals (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Festivals (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Festivals (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Festivals (Rune Factory 1)
Festivals (Rune Factory 2)Festivals (Rune Factory 3)Festivals (Rune Factory 4)
Festivals (Rune Factory Frontier)Festivals (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Festivals (Story of Seasons)
Fighting (Rune Factory 2)
Finn (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)First Windmill (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Fish (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Fish (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Fish and Beach (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Fisherman (Harvest Moon: SNES)Fishing (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Fishing (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Fishing Guide (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Fishing Locations (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Flak
FloraFlora (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Flora (Harvest Moon: DS)
Flowerbud Village (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)Flowerbud Village (Harvest Moon: 64)Flowerbud Village (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Flowerbud Village (Harvest Moon: SNES)Forage (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Foraging (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Foraging (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Foraging (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Foraging (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Forget-Me-Not Valley (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Forget-Me-Not Valley (Harvest Moon: DS)
Forging (Rune Factory 1)Forging (Rune Factory 2)Forging (Rune Factory 3)
Forte (Rune Factory 4)Fortune Teller's Granddaughter (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Fortune Teller (Harvest Moon: SNES)Freja's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Freya (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Fritz (Story of Seasons)
Gaius (Rune Factory 3)GalenGalen (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Galen (Harvest Moon: DS)Game Mode Explanations (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)
Gameplay Features (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Ganesha (Rune Factory Frontier)GannonGannon's Craft (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Gannon (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Gannon (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Garmon Mining District (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Gelwein (Rune Factory Frontier)
Georgia (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Gerard (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Getting Started (Rune Factory 2)Gigant Mountain (Rune Factory 1)Gill
Gill (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Gill (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Gina
Gina (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Gina (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Gina (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Girls (Harvest Moon: 64)Girls (Harvest Moon: DS)Girls (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Girls and Marriage (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Glitches (Harvest Moon: DS)Glitches (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Godwin (Rune Factory 1)
Gombe (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Gordon (Rune Factory 2)GotzGotz (Harvest Moon: 64)
Gotz (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Gotz (Harvest Moon: DS)
Grady (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
GrantGrant (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Grant (Harvest Moon: DS)
GrayGray (Harvest Moon: 64)Gray (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Gray (Harvest Moon: DS)Gray (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Gray (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Greed Cave (Rune Factory 1)
Greenhouse (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)GregGreg (Harvest Moon: 64)
Greg (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)GriffinGriffin (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Griffin (Harvest Moon: DS)
Gunther (Story of Seasons)GustafaGustafa (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Gustafa (Harvest Moon: DS)Gwen
Gwen (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Gwen (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Gwen (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Hall (Harvest Moon: 64)
HamiltonHamilton (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Hamilton (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Hana (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Hank
Hank (Harvest Moon: SNES)HannaHanna (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Hanna (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Happy Family Life (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
HardyHardy (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Hardy (Harvest Moon: DS)
HarrisHarris (Harvest Moon: 64)Harris (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Harvest GoddessHarvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: 64)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: DS)
Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: GB)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town)
Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: SNES)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Harvest Goddess (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Harvest King (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Harvest Moon (Series)
Harvest Sprite's House (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Harvest Sprites (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Harvest Sprites (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Harvest Sprites (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Harvest Sprites (Story of Seasons)
Having Children (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Hawker (Harvest Moon: SNES)
HaydenHayden (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Hayden (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Hazel (Rune Factory 3)Heart Events (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
HeathHeath (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Heath (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Henry (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Herman (Rune Factory 2)
Heroines (Rune Factory Frontier)
Hina (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Hints and Tips (Harvest Moon: GB)
Hiro (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Horse Race Track (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Horses (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)
Hossan (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Hotel (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
House Locations (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)House Upgrades (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Houses (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Houses Visiting Hours (Rune Factory 2)Howard (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
HughHugh (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Hugh (Harvest Moon: DS)Icons (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Illuminata (Rune Factory 4)
Ina (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Inn (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
IreneIrene (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Irene (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Iris (Story of Seasons)Iris Blanche and Iris Noire (Rune Factory Frontier)
Iroha (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Isaac (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Island Farming (Tides of Destiny)
Islanders (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Items (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Items (Harvest Moon: GB)
Items (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)IvanIvan (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Ivan (Rune Factory 1)Jake
Jake (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Jake (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Jake (Rune Factory 2)
James (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Jamie (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)