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Jasper (Rune Factory 1)Jean (Rune Factory 1)
JeffJeff (Harvest Moon: 64)Jeff (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Jessica (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
JinJin (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Jin (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Jin and Anissa (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Joan (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Jocelyn (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
JoeJoe (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Joe (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Joe (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Joe (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Jonas (Story of Seasons)
Jones (Rune Factory 4)Julia
Julia (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Julia (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Julia (Rune Factory 2)
JuliusJulius (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Julius (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Julius and Candace (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Juris' House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Kagetsu's Cave (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Kai
Kai (Harvest Moon: 64)Kai (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Kai (Harvest Moon: DS)
Kai (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
KamilKana (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Kanno (Rune Factory Frontier)
Kano (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Kappa Berry (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Kardia Village (Rune Factory 1)Karen
Karen (Harvest Moon: 64)Karen (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Karen (Harvest Moon: DS)
Karen (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Karina (Rune Factory 3)
Kasey (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Kasimir Ruins (Rune Factory 1)Kassey
Kassey (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Kassey (Harvest Moon: DS)Kate
Kate (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Kate (Harvest Moon: DS)Kathy
Kathy (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Kathy (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Katie
Katie (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Katie (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Katie (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Kelsey (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Ken (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)
Kent (Harvest Moon: 64)
Keria (Harvest Moon: DS)Kevin (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Kiel (Rune Factory 4)Klaus
Klaus (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Klaus (Story of Seasons)
Konohana Town (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Konohana Village (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Kosaburo (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Kross (Rune Factory Frontier)
KurtKurt (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Kurt (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Kurt (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Kuruna (Rune Factory 3)
Kyle (Rune Factory 2)
Land (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Laney (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Lanna
Lanna (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Lanna (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Lannas Storyline (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)
LaraLara (Rune Factory 1)Lara (Rune Factory Frontier)
Lauren (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Leaf Valley (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Leann (Rune Factory 2)
Leia (Harvest Moon: DS)
Leo (Rune Factory 1)Leon (Rune Factory 4)
Leonal (Rune Factory 2)
Library (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Licorice (Story of Seasons)
LilliaLillia (Harvest Moon: 64)Lillia (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Lillie (Story of Seasons)Lily
Lily (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Lily (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Lin Fa (Rune Factory 4)Link to FoMT (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Livestock (Story of Seasons)Livestock Dealer (Harvest Moon: GB)
Lloyd (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Louis
Louis (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Louis (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Louis (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Louis (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Lucas (Rune Factory 1)
Lucy (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
LukeLuke (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Luke (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
LuminaLumina (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Lumina (Harvest Moon: DS)LunaLuna (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Luna (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Lute (Rune Factory Frontier)
Lutz (Story of Seasons)Lyla
Lyla (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Lyla (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Lyla (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Lynette (Rune Factory 1)
Maerwen (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Magic Books (Rune Factory 2)
Main Page
Makers (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Making Friends (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Mako (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Mana (Rune Factory 2)MannaManna (Harvest Moon: 64)
Manna (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Manna (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Map (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Map (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Marco (Rune Factory Frontier)
Margaret (Rune Factory 4)Margot (Story of Seasons)
MariaMaria (Harvest Moon: 64)Maria (Harvest Moon: GB)
Maria (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Maria (Harvest Moon: SNES)Marian
Marian (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Marian (Rune Factory 3)Marian (Story of Seasons)
Maries Translations (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Marjorie (Rune Factory 3)
MarkMark (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)
Mark (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Mark (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Marlin
Marlin (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Marlin (Harvest Moon: DS)
Marriage (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Marriage (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Marriage (Harvest Moon: SNES)Marriage (Rune Factory 1)Marriage (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Marriage and Children (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Marry One of Us (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Martha
Martha (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Martha (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Marvelous Entertainment
MaryMary (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)Mary (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Mary (Harvest Moon: DS)Mary (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Matt (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Matt (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Maurice (Story of Seasons)Max (Rune Factory 2)
MayMay (Harvest Moon: 64)May (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
MayaMaya (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Maya (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Mayor's House (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Mayor's House (Rune Factory 2)Mayor's Wife (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Mayor (Harvest Moon: SNES)Mei
Mei (Rune Factory 1)Mei (Rune Factory 3)
Melanie (Story of Seasons)MelodyMelody (Rune Factory 1)
Melody (Rune Factory Frontier)
Messhina Valley (Rune Factory 2)Micah (Rune Factory 3)
MichaelMichael (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Michelle (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Mikhail (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Mikoto (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Mimi (Harvest Moon: DS)
Mineral Town (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Mineral Town (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Minerva (Rune Factory Frontier)
MiniGames (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Mini Games (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Mini Games (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Minigames (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Mining (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Mining (Harvest Moon: DS)Mining (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Mining (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Mining (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Mining (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Mining (Rune Factory 1)
Mining Mini Game (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)MiraMira (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Mira (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)MirabelleMirabelle's Livestock (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Mirabelle (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Mirabelle (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Mist
Mist (Rune Factory 1)Mist (Rune Factory Frontier)
Mistel (Story of Seasons)Misty Bloom Cave (Rune Factory 1)Mixing (Rune Factory 3)
Molly (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Money Making (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Monica (Rune Factory 3)
Monsters (Rune Factory 2)
Mucho's Shop (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
MuffyMuffy (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Muffy (Harvest Moon: DS)MukumukuMukumuku (Harvest Moon: DS)
MurreyMurrey (Harvest Moon: DS)Musical Scores (Rune Factory 2)
Nadi (Story of Seasons)Nak
NamiNami (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Nami (Harvest Moon: DS)
Nancy (Rune Factory 4)
NatalieNatalie (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)Natalie (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Natalie (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Natalie (Rune Factory 2)Nathan
Nathan (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Nathan (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Nathan (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Neil (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Nellie (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Nerine's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Neumann (Rune Factory 1)
Nicholas (Rune Factory 1)
Niko (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)NinaNina's Mother (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Nina (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Nina (Harvest Moon: DS)Nina (Harvest Moon: GB)
Nina (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Nina (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Nolan (Rune Factory Frontier)Nori (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Notes (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Notes (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Oak Tree Town (Story of Seasons)
Objective (Harvest Moon: GB)
Odette (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Official Art (Harvest Moon: 64)Official Art (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Official Art (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Official Art (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Official Art (Rune Factory 2)
Olivia (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Ondorus (Rune Factory 3)Oracle (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Orland (Rune Factory 2)
Other Characters (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Ottmar (Story of Seasons)
OwenOwen (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Owen (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
OzzieOzzie (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Ozzie (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Padova Mountains (Rune Factory 2)Palermo Shrine (Rune Factory 2)
Pandora (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
PaoloPaolo (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Paolo (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Paradise Winery (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Parsley (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Parsley (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Pascal (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Pascal (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Patrick (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Patrick (Harvest Moon: DS)Peddler (Harvest Moon: SNES)Perry
Perry (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Perry (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Pets (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)
Pets (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Pets (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Pets (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Pets (Story of Seasons)Pharmacy (Rune Factory 1)Pharmacy (Rune Factory 2)
Phoebe (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Phoebe (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Photo Album (Harvest Moon: 64)
Pia (Rune Factory 3)
Pico (Rune Factory 4)Pierre (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Pierre (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Pierre (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Pierre and Natalie (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Ponta (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
PopuriPopuri (Harvest Moon: 64)Popuri (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Popuri (Harvest Moon: DS)Popuri (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Porcoline (Rune Factory 4)Poultry Farm (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Power Berries (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Power Berries (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Power Berries (Harvest Moon: GB)Power Berries (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Power Berries (Harvest Moon: SNES)Power Berries (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Power Berry Guide (Harvest Moon: 64)
Powerberry Locations (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Priest's Grandson (Harvest Moon: SNES)Priest (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Puchasing Cooking Utensils (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Pumpkin General Store (Rune Factory 2)Puzzle Solutions (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)
Quests (Harvest Moon: Innocent Life)Quests (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Quests - First Generation (Rune Factory 2)Quests - Second Generation (Rune Factory 2)
Quinn (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Raguna (Rune Factory 1)Raguna (Rune Factory Frontier)Rahi (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Ramsey (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Ramsey (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Ranch Spirit (Harvest Moon: GB)
Ranching (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Raul (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Raul (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)Raven
Raven (Rune Factory 3)Raven (Rune Factory 4)
Ray (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Ray (Rune Factory 2)
Reager (Story of Seasons)Rebecca (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Recipes (Harvest Moon: 64)Recipes (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Recipes (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Recipes (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Recipes (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Recipes (Rune Factory 3)Recipes (Story of Seasons)Regeneration (Harvest Moon: GB)
Regis (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Regis (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Reina (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Renee (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Renee (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Renton (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Reons Farm (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Rick (Harvest Moon: 64)Rick (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Rick (Harvest Moon: DS)
Rick (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Rising Star GamesRita (Rune Factory Frontier)
Rival Couples (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Rival Events (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Rivals (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Rivals (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Rock (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Rock (Harvest Moon: DS)
Rod (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Romana (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Romana (Harvest Moon: DS)Ronald (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Ronald (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Rosalind (Rune Factory 2)
Rose (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
RosettaRosetta (Rune Factory 1)Rosetta (Rune Factory Frontier)
Rosie (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)
RoyRoy (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Roy (Rune Factory 2)
Royd's House (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Ruby (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Ruby (Harvest Moon: DS)Rudolph (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Rumours (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Rune Factory (Series)
Runeys (Rune Factory Frontier)Rusk (Rune Factory 3)
Russell (Rune Factory 1)Rutger (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Ruth (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Ruth (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Sabrina (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Sabrina (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Sabrina (Rune Factory 1)
Safari (Story of Seasons)Saibara (Harvest Moon: 64)
Saibara (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Sakuya (Rune Factory 3)
Samantha (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Samson (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Samson (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Sandra (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Sanjay (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Sasha (Harvest Moon: 64)Sasha (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Scans (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Scans (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Scans (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Scans (Harvest Moon: My Little Shop)
Scans (Rune Factory 2)Scans (Rune Factory Frontier)
School (Rune Factory 2)Screenshots (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Screenshots (Harvest Moon: DS)
Screenshots (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)Screenshots (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Screenshots (Harvest Moon: SNES)Screenshots (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Screenshots (Rune Factory 2)
Screenshots (Rune Factory Frontier)Sebastian (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Sebastian (Harvest Moon: DS)
Second Windmill (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Secrets1 (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Secrets (Harvest Moon: 64)Secrets (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Secrets (Harvest Moon: SNES)Selena (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Selena (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Selling (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Selling (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Selphy (Rune Factory Frontier)
Sera and Serena (Rune Factory 2)
Shara (Rune Factory 3)
Sharper Edge Blacksmith (Rune Factory 2)Sharron (Rune Factory 1)
SheaShea (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)
Shea (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Shea (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Sheep (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)
Sheep (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Shelly (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Shelly (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Sheng (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Sherman (Rune Factory 3)Sherry (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Shiba (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Shields (Rune Factory 2)
Shino (Rune Factory 3)Shippable Items (Harvest Moon: GB)Shipper (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Shipping Apprentice (Harvest Moon: SNES)Shop Items (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Shop Mini Games (Harvest Moon: My Little Shop)Shops (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Shops (Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town)
Shops (Rune Factory 2)Shops (Rune Factory Frontier)Shops and Locations (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Sidequests and Subevents (Rune Factory Frontier)Sierra (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Simon (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Simon (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Skill Seals (Rune Factory 2)Skinny (Harvest Moon: 64)
Skye (Harvest Moon: DS)Skye (Harvest Moon: DS Cute)Sleeping (Rune Factory 2)
Sofia (Rune Factory 3)
Sonja (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Soseki (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)
Souffle Farm (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Soundtrack (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Soundtrack (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Spouse (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Sprite Locations (Harvest Moon: DS)Start Menu (Rune Factory 2)
Stella (Rune Factory Frontier)
Stores (Rune Factory 1)Story (Harvest Moon: DS)Story Events (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Story Mode Text (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)Story Walkthrough (Rune Factory 3)
Strategies and Tips (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)Stu (Harvest Moon: 64)Stu (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Stuart (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Sue (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Sue (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Sugar Village (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Sunshine Islands (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Supermarket (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Sydney (Harvest Moon: 64)TV (Story of Seasons)
TabathaTabatha (Rune Factory 1)Tabatha (Rune Factory Frontier)
TakakuraTakakura (Harvest Moon: DS)
Tanya (Rune Factory 2)Taro
Taro's House (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Taro (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Taro (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Taylor (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Taylor (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Television Guide (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
The Collection (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)The Green Ruins (Rune Factory Frontier)
The Lava Ruins (Rune Factory Frontier)
The Town (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)The Trees (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
TheodoreThird Windmill (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
ThomasThomas (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)Thomas (Harvest Moon: DS)
Thomas (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)TimTim (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Tim (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Tim (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Tina (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Tips (Rune Factory 1)Toby
Toby (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Toby (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Toby and Renee (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Toni (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Tools (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)
Tools (Harvest Moon: 3 GBC)Tools (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Tools (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)
Tools (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Tools (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Tools (Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town)
Tools (Harvest Moon: SNES)Tools (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Tools (Rune Factory 2)Tools (Rune Factory Frontier)Tools (Story of Seasons)
Tori (Rune Factory 1)Toros Cave (Rune Factory 1)
Town (Harvest Moon: SNES)Townspeople (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Townspeople (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Townspeople (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Townspeople (Rune Factory Frontier)
Trampoli Village (Rune Factory Frontier)Tree of Peace Videos (Japanese) (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
Trent (Harvest Moon: DS Cute)Tricks (Harvest Moon: 2 GBC)
Trieste Forest (Rune Factory 2)
Trophies (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Tsubute (Rune Factory Frontier)
Turner (Rune Factory Frontier)
Unlockables (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Unlocking (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)
Uzuki (Rune Factory Frontier)
VanVan (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)
Van (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Van (Harvest Moon: DS)Van (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)
VaughnVaughn (Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming)Vaughn (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Vaughn (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Vaughn and Sabrina (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)Ventuswill (Rune Factory 4)
Veronica (Story of Seasons)Vesta
Vesta (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Vesta (Harvest Moon: DS)Videos (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
Videos (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Videos (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Videos (Rune Factory Frontier)
Villagers (Rune Factory 2)
Violet (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)Virtual Console (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Vishnal (Rune Factory 4)Visitor (Harvest Moon: SNES)
Vivian (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)
Volkanon (Rune Factory 4)WadaWada (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Waffle Island (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)WallaceWallace (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Wallace (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)Wallpapers (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Wallpapers (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Wallpapers (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)Wallpapers (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Wallpapers (Rune Factory Frontier)
WallyWally (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life)Wally (Harvest Moon: DS)
Waterfall (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)
Weapons (Rune Factory 2)Weapons (Rune Factory 4)Weapons (Rune Factory Tides of Destiny)
Wedding (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)Wells (Rune Factory 3)
Wesley (Rune Factory 1)
Wi-Fi Evolution (Rune Factory 2)
Wilbur (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Wild Animals (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)
Wild Animals (Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility)Will (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Windmills (Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar)Wisdom Bathhouse (Rune Factory 2)
Witch (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)Witch Princess
Witch Princess (Harvest Moon: A New Beginning)Witch Princess (Harvest Moon: DS)Witch Princess (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)
Witch Princess (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)Witchie (Story of Seasons)
Witchkin (Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands)
Wizard (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)WonWon (Harvest Moon: Back to Nature)
WoodyWoody (Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley)
Woody (Harvest Moon: Magical Melody)Woody (Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland)
Xiao Pai (Rune Factory 4)Ying (Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns)
Yodel Ranch (Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town)YolandaYolanda (Harvest Moon: Animal Parade)