Witch Princess (Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness)

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Witch Princess (魔女さま) She grew tired of living in Forget-me-not Valley and decided to move to an island were few people lived. Besides, she heard that the Goddess is here, too, and that just makes things more fun for her~. For some reason, she keeps dozens of small teddy bears and one large one in her house. Family: None
Arrival on Island: Build the bridge that leads to the forest (2nd bridge). The first time you enter the forest, you'll meet her.
Birthday: Winter 29
Rival: None
Loves: Red grass,Toadstools, Gold Lumber
Likes: Colored grass, fish bones, Moonstone, Gold
Dislikes:Failed dishes, Animal feed(For any animal) Peach juicebr> Item of horror: Peach

Favorite Locations: No matter the season or the weather she will always be in her hut/house.

Note: Unlike Sprite's Station, there are no extra requirements for marrying the Witch Princess. No heart appears on her picture when you talk to her, but you can keep track of her love points through her profile. However, a red heart will appear on her dialogue picture during the wedding ceremony and will remain there.
<img src="witchfaces.gif">
Heart Events:
<img src="witchpurple.png"> Purple Heart: Witch's Questions (Ëâ½÷¤µ¤Þ¤Î¼ÁÌä)

To Trigger: When the witch has 3~4 hearts of LP, enter her house between 10am and 5pm. It must not be a clear day so enter on a day that is cloudy raining or snowing.

The witch has a few questions that she'd like to ask you. These questions might differ according to game. The object of the questions is for her to see what you think of the goddess. In order to increase the witch's LP, you must answer the questions in such a way as to insult the goddess. The correct answer is in bold. Pick the negative answer to all questions.

Question 1: Do you think the goddess is pretty? ¤Þ¤¢¡¢Èþ¤·¤¤¤ªÊý¤À¤Í¡¡(Yeah, she's beautiful). ¡¦¡¦¡¦¹¥¤ß¤Ç¤Ï¤Ê¤¤¤«¤Ê (...I don't care for her.)

Question 2: Do you think the goddess has a good taste in clothing? ¤ªÊ¢¤Ò¤ä¤·¤½¤¦¡¡(Her belly must be cold.) ¿ÀÍÍ¡Á¤Ã¤Æ´¶¤¸¤À¤Ê (It makes her seem like a divine being~)

Question 3: Do you think the goddess is strong? ¤¢¤Î¾Ð´é¤Ë¤ÏŨ¤ï¤Ê¤¤ (You can't beat that smile.) ¤¢¤ó¤ÊºÙÏӤΤɤ³¤¬¡¦¡¦¡¦ (How can she be with those thin arms...?)

Question 4: Do you admire the goddess? ¤ä¤Ã¤Ñ¤ê¿ÀÍͤǤϤ¢¤ë¤·¡¦¡¦¡¦ (Of course, she's a divine being...) Àô¤Î¼ç¤Ê¤ó¤¾¤ËÍѤϤʤ¤ (I have nothing to do with the one in the pond.)

If you show that you're not fond of the goddess, the witch will be pleased.

<img src="witch_event2.png"> Blue Heart: Sorting the Potions (Ìôê¤ÎÀ°Íý)

To Trigger: Marie triggered this at noon on a unclear day. Her LP must be around 4~6 hearts. Enter the witch's house.

The witch is standing in front of her potion shelves, looking confused. She spots you and says you came in at just the right time! It's been so long since she last sorted her potions, she's having trouble figuring out which potion is where. However, the last time she reorganized her potions, she put some in the wrong order, and bad things happened. Ever since then, she's been reluctant to reorganize her potions by herself. She asks if you'll help. Say you'd be happy to help. (option 1: ¤è¤í¤³¤ó¤Ç) She'll thank you for your help and tell you the order in which the potions are supposed to be arranged: white (Çò), blue (ÀÄ), red (ÀÖ), purple (»ç). She'll then get to organizing and ask you to tell her the correct order for potions. The choices are, from top to bottom: white, blue, purple, red. Tell her to put them in the right order (white, blue, red, purple). Her LP will rise.

<img src="witch_event_3.png"> Yellow Heart: Witch VS Goddess (Ëâ½÷¤µ¤ÞVS½÷¿À¤µ¤Þ)

To Trigger: Enter the witch's house around noon when she has around 7~8 points of LP.

The witch is furious! She had a dream in which the goddess made a fool of her. She can't believe that the goddess has gotten into her dreams now! She turns around and sees you, and asks you to go see the goddess with her. You have no choice but to agree.

At the pond, the witch will demand that the goddess emerge from the water. So the goddess appears, happy... despite the fact that the witch is the one who called her out! She comments that it's been a long time since they last spoke. The witch blames the goddess for the dream she had last night! The goddess gets angry and says that's not so. She thinks that you agree with her. But the witch insists that the goddess did something and that you are on her (the witch's) side! So they decide to have a contest to see who is really better. The witch suggests a staring contest, but the goddess giggles and the witch realizes she must have something up her sleeve. The goddess says that no, she doesn't, but she thinks that the witch will use magic to cheat or something along those lines. Therefore, they can't have a contest. Instead, the goddess suggests that you decide which one is better! The witch agrees, and asks you for your answer. Take your time to think about it (option 1: ¹Í¤¨¤ë) and you'll take so long to decide that they both decide to drop it. The goddess apologizes for getting you caught up in their feud. The goddess then says it's teatime and returns to her pond. The witch says she's not mad or anything; after all, she knows that you like her better! You two then return to her house.

<img src="witch_wedding.png"> Red Heart: A Blue Feather for You... (ÀĤ¤±©º¬¤ò·¯¤Ë¡¦¡¦¡¦) To Trigger: Once you've met the marriage requirements and have the witch to 10 LP (and make sure she blushes when you talk to her in her house) give the witch the Blue Feather. The witch will suggest that you go to your house to talk about it. She's happy to accept your proposal! However, she refuses to get married in the church. Instead, she wants the ceremony to be at her house, with the big teddy bear, which she calls Kuma-chan, officiating. So on the wedding day, you go to her house, and she brings Kuma-chan and the rest of the bears to life (they don't move nor do they have a face when they talk) and you begin the ceremony. After the ceremony, the witch casts a spell that causes the bell at the church to ring.

Harvest Moon (Series)
Console Series: Harvest Moon · Harvest Moon: 64 · Back to Nature (For Girl) (Boy and Girl) · Save the Homeland · A Wonderful Life (Special Edition) (Another Wonderful Life) · Magical Melody · Tree of Tranquility · Animal Parade
Portable Series: Harvest Moon GB · Harvest Moon 2 GBC · Harvest Moon 3 GBC · Friends of Mineral Town (More Friends of Mineral Town) · Harvest Moon DS (Cute) · Island of Happiness · Sunshine Islands · Grand Bazaar · Hero of Leaf Valley · The Tale of Two Towns · A New Beginning · Story of Seasons
Spin-offs: Innocent Life · Rune Factory Series · Puzzle de Harvest Moon · Frantic Farming · My Little Shop · Hometown Story · The Lost Valley