We arrived at Entrevernes to find the trees clearly indicating that it was too windy to fly. We didn't even bother getting our wings out of the car, but had a look at the launch anyway.
Jason and Bob survey the view from launch.
With no chance of flying we head in to town for some cafe culture and people watching.
Jason and Bob experiment with the d-bag that Jason has on loan from Simon Perriard.
Graeme helps Jason to perform some dummy deployments on the ground. I film them and we watch the footage carefully to see how the wing behaves. With little information anywhere, Jason is planning his first d-bag with meticulous attention to detail.
Bob (in front) and Graeme (holding the d-bag) help Jason perform a test deployment on the ground. We are keen to see the wing open quickly and symetrically with no cravattes in the wing tips. This is as close to the real thing as we can get before doing it.
The paraglider plops out with no snags.
Inflation looks to be very symmetrical
The wing is fully open very quickly.
After two insightful dummy runs Jason has a few ideas about things that need modifying, but overall he is very happy, having watched the video footage of how the wing opened up, he is confident that the 'mushroom pack' will be the method he uses for his first deployment bag drop.
The first big modification is the position of the quick release. It was previously set up so that it remained with the d-bag and tandem pilot, but this seemed to risk the loss of a thumb! Jason re-rigged it so that the quick release remained with the falling pilot. In this picture the d-bag is on the left, the quick release (with the blue strap) is in the middle, and the suspension points to the harness are on the right.