Busy Weekend - 15th, 16th and 17th June 2007 - View the entire paragliding news archive |
Busy Weekend
The forecast looked promising for a powered flight on Friday night. I hooked up with Andre and we had a quick flight before Ajay turned up for some training. Then it was off to Finger Lakes on Saturday and back for some clubbing in the evening. Here is Ajay's training video.
Ajay preparing for another trike flight. Conditions were perfect for a nice smooth evening flight.
Final checks before launch. See Ajay's training video here.
We are treated to another fine sunset at Sodom airfield.
Saturday morning sat at Hammondsport wondering where everyone else is? Conditions look perfect so against my better judgement I go for a flight and top land when I get the chance.
Mukrim has been busy clearing the launch, and making the site better for all pilots. Nice job Mukrim, I owe you a beer.
Fluffy clouds are everywhere and I can't fathom why no other pilots are turning up. Turns out I should read my e-mail. Everyone ended up in Bristol. After a bottom landing and a slog through the brush back to launch I decide to quit while I am ahead and head back home ready for some clubbing.
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The content of this site is � Mark Andrews 2005-12, mandrews1973@gmail.com