Life is pretty good in Canada! I went for a two hour flight with Andre this morning. We flew from a small lumpy field in St Catharines. We both forward launched in a light breeze and were soon heading for Lake Ontario shoreline. From there we followed the highway for about half an hour making fairly slow progress into wind.
We turned back inland and headed towards a nice little tree covered ridge to attempt some soaring. Birds were managing fine on the updrafts but we would soon have been on the deck without the engines. After a while I thought it time I started to head back since by fuel levels were extremely low. I set off downwind climbing as high as possible so that if I did run out I would have ample time and distance to consider my landing options. Well, sure enough I ran out! No problem I just called Andre on the radio and told him where I would land (he was just below me). We made our arrangements and I landed in a small vineyard just about a mile short of the launch site.
Within 15 mins of landing I had been retrieved by Andre and we were off to get some coffe and bagels at the nearest drive through. A great morning! Now I had to go to work!...