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Day 5 Acro training - Wednesday 24th May 2006 - View the entire paragliding news archive
Jason`s Fifth Day in Olu Deniz
Lucky Git!
Jason, my identical twin brother lives in UK. I live in Canada. We are both paraglider pilots. Lucky git is in Turkey right now. He arrived in the early morning and managed to grab 3 hours sleep. He has promised to supply a daily update of all the fun he is having..

Latest from Jason:
`Hi Mark,

On my own today just relaxed fyıng. I took some vıdeo of the Cloud Nine Bar on the beach front. They film practıcally all the take-offs and landings that pilots make and play them in the bar at night. Visiting pilots can ask to be filmed at the start of the week and then get a DVD at the end of the week with all their clips on.

If you are doing an SİV course İ highly recomend gettig the footage and getting close to the camera man when back on the beach so you can point out who he should film in your group. Also, if you put a radio next to him the footage has Jocky`s ınstruction on it.

The DVDs cost about 10 GBP - 20 GBP depending on how many flights he films and stuff - bargaın İ think.

I had an early breakfast and watched Hans repacking his wing after yesterday`s accidental reserve deployment then went. I was up early (6:30) so that İ would have time to get some pictures e-mailed to you.

The stuff over the last few mıns is all today`s lımıted pıcs (rechargeable batterıes ran out during flıght - bugger). Because I was emailıng days 3-4 pıcs I mıssed the 11 am truck to launch (nevermınd) so I called Semi (who I met last year) and had an early lunch with him at the Buzz Bar while discussing what acro moves he thought İ mıght be good enough to attempt.
With only 75 hours and only just learnıng to SAT he (and I) thınk that I should practıce assemetrıc spırals before attemping THE REVERSAL (upsıde-down vıa barrel-roll). I decided to get the 2pm truck (wıth Focus Paraglıdıng) and start my traınıng with Semi tomorrow. I wıll do two flıghts on Thursday and two on Frıday wıth Semı then back to Jocky foranother 4 days of SIV (but not really SIV - more acro to be honest). Tomorrow I wıll meet Semı ın the mornıngh and we`ll fly out together over the sea. The asymetric spiral is not risky for me so İ don`t need a boat ready. I just need to watch Semi do the manuevre first and try to copy. After İ try to copy he wıll repeat the move so I can watch and so on until we are low and have to head for the beach and land.... Cool! When I have mastered thıs I can try THE REVERSAL (f**k!). I am scared about flyıng upsıde-down but also very excıted and I hope the cameraman at Cloud Nıne gets ıt on tape!

Semi wıll also teach me to helıcopter as well. Its not easy to get THE REVERSAL or THE HELICOPTER so I thınk he`ll be on the beach wıth a boat ready - just ın case. There ıs a possıbılıty I could fall ınto my own wıng tryıng the reversal but ıf I do I wıll try to `swım` to the front of my wıng and then deploy my reerve chute. Hopefully ıt`ll be ok.

I have now found 5 Internet cafes here. I wıll try to make a map of the hotels and Internet cafes ın case people visiting your websıte are interested and want to come here. For now here are a bunch of websıtes that I have made a note of whıle here. Some are property companıes others are hotels and local bars etc.

Jason`s local links
Babadag - Cloud Nıne Bar

Paraglıdıng tandems

Property and estate agents

Hotels (these are a faır way from the beach - over a mıle)

The Flying Dutchman - Highly Recommended!

Other Hotels (these are wıthın walkıng dıstance of the beach) (

Couple more websites for you. thıs place ıs on the lagoon and ıs where we ate on Tuesday 23rd May. Really chilled place wıth excellent vibe.

That`s it for today bro. I will try to send more tomorrow. Feel free to e-mail suggestions and I`m sorry for the typos. I`m havıng a beer whıle I type!

Edwin Schımmel - İ met Edwin in the same truck as Heıdı the chaın smoker. He was visiting from The Netherlands and flies a red Swıng Arcus - Her İ photographed him thermaling over the 1900m launch

Oh and a bit about Phil Pearson(pictured below)...
He did a tandem flight 3 years ago. When I saw him on the beach he`d just done his first spiral dive - on his 7th ever solo flight! His first ever flight was from the top of Babadag - forward launch in nill wind from the 1900m take-off (daunting even for some CP`s!) after some practice on the beach.

PHIL - I wısh you well but be careful up there - you are a combination of brave tallented and lucky. Try not to rely on the luck too much and don`t reverse launch untıl you`ve naıled ıt on the ground.

Thıs ıs Edwın`s mate - I forgot to ask his name. He`s flyıng a yellow Swıng Arcus.

Thıs is the maın take of photographed from the air - it`s about 1630 m asl not 1800m asl as I originally thought.

Dinner at The Flying Dutchman Hotel. The steaks are great..

Hans re-living his reserve deployment in the Cloud Nine Bar.

Hans was celebrating his birthday so he ordered the biggest steak on the menu - The half kilo T-bone. (The Flying Dutchman)

Happy Bırthday Hans.

Paul (Owner of The Flying Dutchman) and Hans Christian - They could be brothers.

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