Virtual Console (Harvest Moon: SNES)

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So, you want to play HM SNES, but don't have a SNES to play it on? Well now you can! Virtual Console made a smart move and released HM SNES for your Wii. To purchase Harvest Moon SNES off of Virtual Console you need to have 800 Wii points.(8 US dollars) To get Wii points you either need to get it off the Wii Shop channel with a credit card, or, you could buy a Wii points card at your local videogame store. So, what are you waiting for? Go get HM SNES!

Nintendo's Description:

You bought the farm, so now it's time to roll up your sleeves and try living off the fat of the land. Fresh air and the beauty of the outdoors will be fulfilling, but a successful farm needs a lot of working capital as well. There are buildings on your property, but they are in need of livestock. You have a modest house, but if things get lonely in the field, it's going to take a remodel to woo a female farming companion. Your challenge is to dig in and build your life as a farmer from the ground up. How you manage will determine the outcome, but remember, you always reap what you sow!

Wii Points:

  • 800


Pretty much the same, but now the Z-button on the Game Cube controller acts as the SELECT button, which brings up the menu screen.

Harvest Moon (Series)
Console Series: Harvest Moon · Harvest Moon: 64 · Back to Nature (For Girl) (Boy and Girl) · Save the Homeland · A Wonderful Life (Special Edition) (Another Wonderful Life) · Magical Melody · Tree of Tranquility · Animal Parade
Portable Series: Harvest Moon GB · Harvest Moon 2 GBC · Harvest Moon 3 GBC · Friends of Mineral Town (More Friends of Mineral Town) · Harvest Moon DS (Cute) · Island of Happiness · Sunshine Islands · Grand Bazaar · Hero of Leaf Valley · The Tale of Two Towns · A New Beginning · Story of Seasons
Spin-offs: Innocent Life · Rune Factory Series · Puzzle de Harvest Moon · Frantic Farming · My Little Shop · Hometown Story · The Lost Valley