Animals (Harvest Moon: SNES)

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In HM SNES you can breed 2 animals, cows and chickens. You can also have a pet dog and horse.

Dog - The dog is free and you don’t need to feed it or brush it. His default name is Koro but you can call him whatever you want. He helps out by scaring moles away and also if you leave him outside during the night he will scare wild dogs away and prevent them from breaking your fences (you can hear him bark at night while you sleep if any wild dogs have come). I’ve heard that if you hug your dog (picking it up and putting it down) 100 times will add to your score at the end. You must bring in the dog when its raining or snowing so be sure to always check the weather forecast!</li>

Horse - Foal length: 21 days util adult. On the first day of winter you will find a little lost foal at the crossroads for free, you will get to name the little foal and it will roam around your farm from then on. You don’t need to feed it or brush it, and when he grows up you can buy a saddle from the tool shop which lets you ride him around your farm and also you can harvest the crops into his saddle bag!

Chickens - When you first start the game, I would recommend buying a chicken because they are not too expensive and they don’t need that much care and you can get lots of chickens easily by incubating the eggs the chickens lay.

  • Amount: 12
  • Buy Price: 1,500g
  • Sell Price: 500g
  • Sell Egg Price: 50g
  • Egg Length: 3 days 'til it hatches
  • Chick Length: 7 days 'til it grows up
  • Grass Amount needed for each chicken: 2 full grown grass fields

Care - When you buy a chicken, it will be outside the livestock shop in the little paddock and you have to pick it up and take it home. You can’t give chickens names. You don’t need to buy any more because you can just incubate the eggs the chicken lays. You must feed the chicken everyday, and if you forget to feed the chicken it will stop laying eggs for three days. You don’t need to brush the chickens or anything else to make them happy, just feed them and after a few weeks you can have 12 chickens and get 600 Gold a day! Chicks don’t need any chicken feed. If you run out of chicken feed you can buy a chicken feed packet* at the livestock dealer’s.

You can take the chickens outside when its sunny, (never leave them overnight because they will get killed by wild dogs) When you do leave them outside, make sure the fences are all secure, otherwise wild dogs could attack your chickens (I wouldn’t take the chickens outside at all since it’s pointless).

Cows- Cows are overall the best animals to have, they might take long and lots of work and love, but with lots of cows that really like you, you can become rich in no time! Amount: You can have up to 12 cows in your barn though it might get very laggy when you try walking around.

  • Buy Price: 5,000g
  • Sell Adult (S. Milk) Price: 5,000g
  • Sell Adult (M. Milk) Price: 8,000g
  • Sell Adult (L. Milk) Price: 10,000g
  • Sell Small milk price: 150g
  • Sell Medium milk price: 250g
  • Sell large milk price: 350g
  • Time for pregnant cow to have a baby: 21 days
  • Time for calf to grow into adult: 21 days
  • Grass Amount needed for each calf: 2 full grown grass fields

Care- Cows are very hard to take care of, but it really is worth it. When you first buy a cow from the livestock dealer go home and he will be standing there with a brand new cow and he will ask you to name it and give you a free bell. The bell will call the cows towards you and can help if you are trying to take the cows inside the barn (though its still very hard to try and get the cows back in) If you have just bought a cow, it will only be a calf that doesn’t yet give milk, be sure to feed it fodder everyday, talk to it and use the brush (from the tool shop) to brush her. If you manage to do this everyday for as long as the cow lives, you will get a cow that gives large milk in no time! If you run out of fodder you can buy a cow feed packet* from the livestock shop. When your cow grows up you can use the milker (from the tool shop) to milk the cow. Cows like it if you let them outside in a closed fenced area with grass where the grass is full grown (at the stage where you cut it) so they can eat it, though you could waste all day trying to get the cows back in the barn! You should never let the cow outside when it’s raining or snowing, and if you do, your cow could get sick and die, but before she dies you have a chance to buy cow medicine to heal her. If you want to get a cow pregnant, be sure to buy the miracle potion from the livestock dealer and use it on your cow. When your cow is pregnant you will have to feed it at the lower stall in the barn. You cannot sell calves, or young cows.

Don’t forget that cows have affection scores too. When you brush a cow it adds 3 points (but you can only get those points once a day) and talking to her adds 1 point (you can only get this point once a day too). If you hit a cow it might or might not be lowered but if you keep hitting her with a tool it will go down eventually. If you miss a feeding it lowers 8 points too.

  • Note: when you buy the chicken feed or cow it appears in the bottom of the coop/barn</li></ul>

Other Animals:

  • Pi-Chan: Pi-Chan is Ellen’s pet songbird, he is blue and Ellen keeps him inside her room on the table, use the action button on him and he will chirp. If you choose to woo Ellen, Pi-Chan will come in later on in the story. Fox: If you go near the hot springs one day in winter you might find a fox standing there, some people say you can catch it but I doubt it since it always runs away.
  • Rabbit: If in fall you go near the cave you might find a rabbit, it wont run away so you can catch it and have the choice to give it to the hunter (eve’s granddad) or pay him to let it free (you don’t have to pay anything).
  • Squirrel: If you go to the bottom right section of the mountain one day and don’t move, a squirrel might pop its head out of the log and run away! Thought it doesn’t do anything else.
  • Moles: Moles might pop out of the ground when you are tilling it and cows are scared of moles so set your dog on them or its better to just pick it up and chuck it outside the fence.
  • Monkey: the monkey will appear in winter one day bathing in the hot springs and singing, some people think it’s a Bigfoot!
  • Frogs: these just pop out sometimes when you are cutting the grass, don’t mind them.
  • Wild Birds: some days you might find wild birds chirping and pecking outside your front door, other than that, they are useless.
  • Butterflies: It’s nice to see butterflies flying around you during the spring and other times if you go to the mountains, other than that, they too are useless.

Harvest Moon (Series)
Console Series: Harvest Moon · Harvest Moon: 64 · Back to Nature (For Girl) (Boy and Girl) · Save the Homeland · A Wonderful Life (Special Edition) (Another Wonderful Life) · Magical Melody · Tree of Tranquility · Animal Parade
Portable Series: Harvest Moon GB · Harvest Moon 2 GBC · Harvest Moon 3 GBC · Friends of Mineral Town (More Friends of Mineral Town) · Harvest Moon DS (Cute) · Island of Happiness · Sunshine Islands · Grand Bazaar · Hero of Leaf Valley · The Tale of Two Towns · A New Beginning · Story of Seasons
Spin-offs: Innocent Life · Rune Factory Series · Puzzle de Harvest Moon · Frantic Farming · My Little Shop · Hometown Story · The Lost Valley