
From Harvest Moon | Rune Factory Wiki

Revision as of 14:24, 13 July 2013; view current revision
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Hiiiiii. c':

I love both the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory series.
I've played the original Harvest Moon for SNES, 64, Back to Nature, Save the Homeland, A Wonderful Life Special Edition, Magical Melody, Tree of Tranquility, DS, Rune Factory 1 and 2, THUS FAR. I wander around editing many different articles, fixing the place up in general, adding new information, tra la la. I gather the information myself, off Ranch Story, or through sources online.
Feel free to hit me up on Ranch Story Forums through PM or otherwise for any assistance you need on the Wiki. You can take advantage of my administrative privilages on the Wiki. ;]
I hope you can help me and work hard together to make the Wiki the #1 spot for Harvest Moon. <'3
