żGot a question? ĦAsk Oscar! |
żGot a question? ĦAsk Oscar! |
May 16 2010, 01:30 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Haha! Hmm, what would I do....I know! I'll be happy my car is insured and tell everyone my dog is a genius!
May 16 2010, 01:40 AM
Melted Wings of Wax Group: Global Moderators Joined: 22-January 08 |
But what if it's a stray and not your dog? :O
May 16 2010, 02:11 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
You really love your kitties, huh?
Nope, can't say I have. Well, I don't think so. It might ring a teensy bit of a bell, buuuuuut, I dunno. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Do you have a dog/want one? |
May 16 2010, 02:15 AM
[[.scg.]] Group: Veterans Joined: 23-March 09 |
Who's your favorite music artist?
May 16 2010, 03:16 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Twi: Haha, I'd kidnap it and sell it to the US government! No, wait. The government won't get their hands on a driving dog!
Zen: Heck yes I do! Love 'em so much. And yeah, I have a dog too! I love him a lot, as well. I take him on a walk frequently every week. showchoi: Oh man, this kind of relates to Zen's question, but I don't really have one. There's no one artist I like better than others. |
May 16 2010, 03:19 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Awwwe! What's his name? :DDDDD (Yes, he had so many 'D's because I needed more characters. Don't judge me. D;)
May 16 2010, 03:22 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
*quietly judges you* Lolz, just kidding.
Kaiser, like the insurance thing, haha |
May 16 2010, 03:23 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Cool!! :D What kind is he? :D (One letter? Really? Really?)
May 16 2010, 03:24 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
He's a beagle mixed with what seems like a Chihuahua dog. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Weird, huh?
May 16 2010, 03:29 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Very. But he sounds adorable! :]
I drew another picture including Ranch Storians. Wanna see? |
May 16 2010, 03:31 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
OMGOMG! YES! I love these! Show me
May 16 2010, 03:34 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Okay, okay, okay! *uploads to DeviantArt* This may take a few minutes....
(IMG:http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/135/d/6/The_Jason_Judges_You_by_Zen_Clarke.png) I call it, The Jason Judges You. It's you, me, and Jason, off to the side. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Whattcha think? |
May 16 2010, 03:36 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Hahaha! I absolutely love it! Jason is just looking at us like we're crazy. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) It's awesome! Thanks for showing me
May 16 2010, 03:38 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Thank you. No problem. I saw it, and immediately went, "OMG! That would so happen if we all met up in Colorado! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) "
The bathroom door keeps closing itself. Think it's a ghost?? |
May 16 2010, 03:45 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Haha, I knew it was based in Colorado!
It just might be! Get a camera and take a pic. If you see white dots, it's a ghost. D: |
May 16 2010, 03:47 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
D: Eek!! Oh, no, wait, it's Caspar the Friendly Ghost!
So, why don't you like your aunt and uncle or their kids? They just annoying? |
May 16 2010, 03:55 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
As long as it's friendly! I think no ghosts actually can hurt people, but I dunno. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Maybe some can.
Well, they had stopped talking to us for like three years for no reason. They just never answered my mom's phone calls anymore. And all of a sudden my mom decides to visit them to make things better and they do get better. But I haven't gotten a good vibe from them and I just don't feel comfortable around them. My aunt especially. She gives me a really bad vibe; she seems really mean. >.> Guu |
May 16 2010, 03:57 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Sounds like my aunt! The one I don't like much? She's already planning what she wants from my grandma when she kicks the bucket. She's even gone through all of my grandma's stuff without her permission!! >[ And I don't even like my grandma much, but I'm on her side! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
*yawns* Are you waiting until you think I'm asleep before you comment on my profile so I get an alert so you can try and wake me? |
May 16 2010, 04:01 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Oh that is bad. Man, is she her daughter?
And now they just asked where I am cuz I haven't shown my face since I greeted them. Pfft, as if they care. We don't even talk and I'm old enough to not have to be so dang polite, haha. Seriously, if I don't like someone, I am not a nice person to them at all. Though it's hard for me to not be nice to people, I still try hard and it ends up still beating me up inside. Gaaa! YES! I will wake you up! Just wait! |
May 16 2010, 04:04 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
I know what you mean! I'm actually pretty rude to people I don't like. LOL! There's a guy in my ROTC class, and I really don't like him. So whenever he starts to talk to me, I just go, "-_- Whatever." (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) I'm so mean. Anyway, I know what you mean with the too nice thing, too. A lot of times I end up apologizing to people, even though I don't feel that I should. I just don't like people to be mad.
Keep dreamin'. *yawns more* I'm sleepy. Bedtime soon? |
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