Gabstah |
Gabstah |
Mar 8 2009, 08:58 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I do have OCD, but that's been in remission for a while now. It might be that, but honestly Iunno.
It's no fair. Everyone on the forum has someone speical now that Twi's started dating. I bet even Olivia has a boyfriend. Why must I be left alone? |
Mar 8 2009, 09:00 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Not everyone does, I'm sure. Being single isn't a bad thing either. Socially speaking, I haven't made a lot of new friends in college because I had a boyfriend to hang out with instead.
Mar 8 2009, 09:02 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
When they talk about the road not taken, do they mean a dirt road in the middle of nowhere or a busy freeway? Either one is a dangerous path to walk down, if you ask me. |
Mar 8 2009, 09:11 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
I'm pretty sure he came to a fork in the road. One of the ones that was on Goofy, where one direction is super sunny and birds are singing and music is playing.. the other direction is dark and you can hear growls and vultures are flying over head. Frost wants us to walk through the lion pit, and I don't know why he wants us to kill ourselves.
Mar 8 2009, 09:12 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Do you think Robert Frost may have been getting at some Biblical symbolism, talking about lion pits and such?
Mar 8 2009, 09:13 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Um I'm pretty sure I made up the lion den part, haha. Besides that yeah he could be saying "everyones religious, be different!" (you're unique, just like everybody else)
Mar 8 2009, 09:17 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Sorry for being an idiot again. But you should be used to it by now. ;D
Is Sevendust cool? |
Mar 8 2009, 09:47 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
I don't think you're an idiot at all, don't worry.
I'm so used to MGMT, it's a little bit different sounding,haha. |
Mar 9 2009, 11:23 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I'm going to demostrate my ESP. Within the next 24 hours Tolby will post something incredibly stupid in the "Bad" Words topic. Do you think Swami Domeki will be right again?
Mar 9 2009, 11:25 AM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Hm, that is an interesting theory, but I haven't seen Tolby in so long. Maybe he's taking a mini break from us. Or maybe the swear words topic will make him post again instead of lurk.
Mar 9 2009, 11:30 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
He'll be back. I'm never ever wrong on anything. Ever.
This is going to sound incredibly nerdy, but have you ever thought you looked like Misty, only a bit older? (IMG: And what the heck? How could I get such dirty results for "Misty pokemon" on the first page? |
Mar 9 2009, 11:35 AM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Rule 34, especially on pokemon.
Um, I've never gotten that one before. I never really thought so, mostly since I think every anime character looks exactly the same but with different hair, and my hair isn't orange. |
Mar 9 2009, 01:25 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Oh. Just wondering. Yeah, I know what you look like, BTW. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
Are you happy that Yume has a steady girlfriend? |
Mar 9 2009, 03:04 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
Do you sometimes get scared when you're home alone?
Mar 9 2009, 03:38 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
I'm happy for him, yeah. He seems to be pretty happy :)
And I've posted pictures, haha, of course you know what I look like. Although every time I post a picture I look a little bit different, so you never know which picture I actually look like! Only if it's at night. More often than not I get scared if I'm awake and on the computer or something and it is late and Fraser is asleeo. I want to wake him up because I'm scared but not of anything specifically... just generally, I'm scared. |
Mar 9 2009, 04:59 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
Did you have to get braces when you were younger?
Mar 9 2009, 05:08 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Is it weird that I can't sleep without some sort of noise in the background?
Mar 9 2009, 06:21 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Yeah I had braces for 2 years or something. It was fairly painless, no surgeries or anything. I only wore my retainer for like half of the recommended time and my teeth never moved back. Fraser had braces for like 7 years though, one of his teeth was growing sideways out of the roof of his mouth, and his teeth were super crooked. He's had them off since I met him, but his teeth are slowly crowding inwards and one of his teeth is being pushed further and further out.
Not weird at all, I need sound too. Most of my family does, my brother does the most. He likes to have a huge fan going full blast right at his head while he sleeps. When Fraser was gone I would leave my computer on all night, not for music but for the fan of the computer. (This one is SUPER loud) |
Mar 9 2009, 07:41 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
From the same anime that brought you "Is L Fapping?" comes Rape - It's what's for dinner. Funny?
I wanted to show this to Twi but her thread's booked and Saffy doesn't go for this stuff. What a weirdo. |
Mar 9 2009, 07:46 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
I've heard that saying before. Why have I heard it before? It's okay, I'm sorry that I wouldn't appreciate it as much as someone who watches anime though. Why is Twi's thread booked?
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