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Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 ![]() |
Don't be philosophical. Obviously I have enough brain cells to comprehend that. However, Czechs, Poles, and the surrounding area DO have a distinct look.
Veteran Trash Can Diver Group: Raccoons Joined: 23-July 07 ![]() |
What is your favorite past-time?
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
Usually I can recognize Poles for having fairly pasty skin and light brown/reddish/blondish hair, but no freckles, and usually blue eyes. But any area has a distinct look if you pay attention to their features. I can tell Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese people apart. I can tell Haitians from Jamaicans from Africans. Lots of little features that become clear when people aren't mixed descent, which is why mutts like myself can't be recognized as easily.
Not sure, I would definitely say drawing and animating are a lot of fun. Sometimes a little bit of writing or just idea organizing. I have notes of all kinds written down all over the place. I suppose you can count video games in there too, but I'm not sure that really falls into the same category. Whatever. |
be like a cloud Group: Veterans Joined: 6-March 07 ![]() |
Why do I always try eating avocados? I know I hate them, but whenever I see one, I'm like: ooh I bet that tastes wondrous.
But then I eat one and I think it tastes like old socks. |
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
I have the same problem. I think it's cuz everyone's all "oh, I love avocados" and you get all "well, maybe I just didn't give them a chance". Then you go and eat it and it's like "what a shitty fruit". Maybe all those avocado lovers have retarded taste buds or something.
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 ![]() |
So you had read books by Dave Eggers? Could you tell me more about his writing?
Also, how long does a DS Lite take to charge? I want to play Chrono Trigger again. EDIT: Looks like it just finished charging after I posted. I think it took about two hours. |
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
I've only read "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius", which is the true story of when both his parents died of cancer and he moves out to California with his little brother. He forgoes flowery language and instead tells his story the way you would if you were talking. Like I remember a part where he's going to pick up his brother and he can't find him. Actually I'll go dig up the book and write the part:
I drive around the block and when I come down Polk again and pause in front of the hotel he's again not there, and there's a motherfucking cable car behind me, full of idiot people hanging off--whee!--so I drive around again, and when I come to Union Square, tourist clusterfuck, I-- Fuck it, I'll just park underground and so I do, and then run to the hotel, into the lobby, in my shorts. I am already almost late for Sari. She will be waiting. She has to fly out tonight, she had a convention today and is flying out tonight, but by the time I get Toph and drop him off, she'll be gone-- Fuck. There are some kids walking out with their parents, but he is nowhere. He is not in the lobby, as other kids awaiting their parents are, and he is not on the steps, as a normal child might be, and not in the doorway, and not by the elevators or front desk. When I ask, a willowy girl in his class says that no, she hasn't seen him for a while, but that some kids are still upstairs, maybe he's up-- I ride the chrome and mirrored elevator up, assaulted by the garish red carpeting, then the view, it's an outdoor elevator, view of the whole city how nice, and upstairs the room is all glass, there are balloons sadly resting on the floor, a DJ packing up his equipment. Two kids are left, dressed up, one in suspenders. Toph is not among them. I ride the elevator down with one of them, ask him but he doesn't know where Toph is. Outside the front door, the steps, into Union Square, another ridiculous cable car, tourists everywhere, no Toph. Sari will be gone. My one chance with the sexologist, squandered by this inconsiderate little-- I go to a phone and see if he's called. He has not called. Back to the hotel, scan the lobby, back up the elevator, look at the view so nice, inspect the party room again, which is almost empty now, only a few parents, who look at me quizzically while I look at them desperately--but cannot talk to them because I am not them and do not know what to say--if I explain it will only confirm their low expectations of me, strengthen their fear and pity for little Toph. I ride down again, and in the mirrored elevator I look like a madman and maybe he's dead. He was taken, of course, he was taken like Polly Klaas was taken, and is right now being molested and dismembered. Or first driven to another state. Not possible. Of course possible. It's probable, all probable! Sari will not wait. Oh to be able to just fucking once do something, to be able to do something simple and normal like shacking with the author of sex manuals, just that one little thing--goddamn can I just have this one thing-- Oh wait. That's it. He's gotten a ride from a friend, yes, a ride--the little dickweed, without telling me, he got a ride from someone else. If I find him at home-- No, no, he's still here. I'm sure of it. I look in the hotel's phone room, the restaurant, the bar-- Why the bar? Why the bar, dumbass? Think, think! Then up the elevator again, oh ha ha what a nice view, and such a leisurely pace, this elevator, then off and in the party room, no one left. Then down, then outside. Then into the park across the street. Then around the block, and he's definitely gone now, he's as good as dead, been taken, of course, the same age as Polly Klaas, right? Oh God. I will become Mark Klaas. I'll initiate legislation--Toph's Law--I'll start a foundation-- Then back into the lobby, where he is standing by the door, his shirt untucked, his hair matted, looking outside, through the hotel's thick gold glass doors, on his tiptoes. |
Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 ![]() |
By the way, just so you know, Poles are typically identifiable by dark brown to black hair and brown eyes. I'm equally as Polish as I am Czech, so I'm pretty confident that I can discern from my family members that you're more than likely mistaking Poles for Russians.
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 ![]() |
I have a real dilemna for you today.
You are driving a van around town. You want to run some people over. You come to a fork in the road. Down one road is a bunch of pricks from Arizona in their late teens. This is the type of prick who wear sunglasses all the time, have blond stubble, eat beef jerky, drink mountain dew and play Call of Duty and similar games all the time. They're the type who, regardless of the game, always have to be the archer/ranger type, and will disconnect when they're losing. But before you slam your foot down on the pedal, down the other road is a group of pretentious art critics from North London. You know - bald men in their fifties who wear pink shirts and white trousers, listen to "ambient world music" at parties, drink far too much red wine than is feasibly possible, put pesto on everything and won't eat something unless it comes from a place with a French name like Café Bistro de la Fourchette. So WHO DO YOU KILL Don't worry about the police, they'll be congradulating you either way. |
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
Cars have the amazing ability to turn around, so both are feasible. |
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 ![]() |
You're in a van on a narrow road, you can't turn round and besides the other group would have time to retreat to their trailers/"pad".
Come on, remove one of these offensive groups from society. You'll be doing the world a favour. Also, bonus question for extra points: Do you know whether any of the Castlevania games for DS are worth getting? |
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
Can't get rid of them forever, that's like saying you brushed your teeth once and they're clean forever now.
I got Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for Christmas with my DS and I really enjoyed it, due to having a really unique feature where you have 2 characters and switch between them/use them both at the same time. You have a lot of freedom in play style and the controls are excellent, and the game itself is a good challenge, as any respecting game (especially a Castlevania) ought to be. Best of all, after beating it, they had a variety of new modes where you can play as other characters (radically changing the gameplay) and/or increase the difficulty. Also, there's a cool skeleton bartender. (IMG:http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y133/MagicPants/bartenderaslide.gif) My only gripe was the anime style art for characters that was used instead of the more European style used since the Playstation and Symphony of the Night. Observe: Richter Belmont, anime style Richter Belmont, classical European style I don't know how good the other 2 DS games are, but I've been a pretty solid fan of the series and as long as there's a challenge and plenty to do I'm usually sold. If you have a PSP by any chance, I'd pick up Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles since it's Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night combined. |
Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 ![]() |
Why Lindstrom's BADASS army..?
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
To increase recruitment. There's only like 10 of us, but we're still the best ragtag bunch around.
Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 ![]() |
I use the word "badass" all the time. I found it amusing that you used it.
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
Understand that it's used as a noun in this case, that is, we are an army of badasses, as opposed to as an adjective, to describe us as only collectively badass. So, simply, we are an organized group of badasses.
Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 ![]() |
I knew that. Chicken is a badass. Couldn't you tell? :P
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 ![]() |
How do I become a badass? Do I apply for a form or something?
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 ![]() |
If you're a badass, how come you didn't sign up?
Consult the thread in the Veterans' section. You'd want to read the first page and check out the videos scattered through the thread. But don't bother if you don't want to keep up with it, only real badasses need apply. |
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 ![]() |
Okay, guess I'll stick with loser.
How come the alies in Reistance: Fall of Man take more than 50 high-caliber rifle rounds before they go down but hitting them with the stock of your rifle kills them instantly? Shouldn't they have just given the entire army baseball bats or something? |
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Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 5th February 2025 - 10:47 PM |