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post Jul 25 2008, 11:07 AM
Post #4401

Group: Veterans
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What are you afraid of? Stuff like heights and bugs, not like failing/not succeeding or BS mind fears.

Have you ever gotten in a fight and did you win?

You seem to be really nice in this thread, is that just and act? Are you really an asshole?

I decided against River King. I really do want it, but I have no games to play so I want a really fun game to play, not one that I will get bored with fast, hopefully they will still have some new copies around Christmas. Anyways, Animal Crossing DS or New Super Mario Brothers DS? Or maybe even The World Ends with you, though I'm kind of in the mood for a non-story fun bright game. Like AC, Mario or Harvest Moon. But IoH doesn't come out for another month.
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post Jul 25 2008, 12:17 PM
Post #4402

be like a cloud
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-March 07

Are you mean in real life? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/weirdsmile.gif)
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post Jul 25 2008, 12:20 PM
Post #4403

It's your world now.
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Perhaps Buddhism, but I'd have to do more research. But technically I'm Anglican.


I used to be really terrified of windows. I'd also think someone or something might be on the other side (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasad.gif) I am quite afraid of bugs, a bit of heights, and just walking through unsafe areas. I'm paranoid whenever I walk past alleys too. I can't think of anything else of hand.

I've had fights with my younger brother, but that would be it. They'd usually end in a tie since it'd get broken up.

I actually get be quite stubborn and spiteful, so yes, I could be an asshole. But I'm normally just quiet and I do try to be a good person D: Still doesn't mean I don't have my mood swings a lot. So no, it's not an act; and yes, I am at asshole at times.

In your case I'd go for Animal Crossing. I haven't personally played New Super Mario, but I have been curious. Do you plan to buy the new Harvest Moon soon?


I'm known for my mood swings in real life (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasmile.gif) Normally I'm just quiet though. I try to be a nice guy most of the time, and people do see me like that too.
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post Jul 25 2008, 12:26 PM
Post #4404

be like a cloud
Group: Veterans
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What's the one thing that unleashes your inner rage and undying anger for the world? :)
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post Jul 25 2008, 12:32 PM
Post #4405

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Joined: 4-March 07

What do you mean in my case? What part of my case makes AC the best choice?

Well when you hang around people like Xief and Mike I figured you'd have to be an a hole.

I don't know, probably. If I have the money I will. If not I will get it for Christmas. The last few christmas' I've gotten "big" presents like new systems and stuff so I usually only get a small amount of presents like the system, a game and a memory card or something. But this year theres nothing big I want so I will probably just get a lot of DS games and maybe some Wii points or something.

What do you get for Christmas?
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post Jul 25 2008, 12:54 PM
Post #4406

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

You've never struck me as an jerk, Saffy. You just sound like you're being hard on yourself. Everyone has mood swings, and even if they happen to you a lot they don't make you a bad person. On a more serious note, do you also think the age of consent in Canada is way too low? I don't think 14 year olds should be having sex. D:
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post Jul 25 2008, 01:02 PM
Post #4407

be like a cloud
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Joined: 6-March 07

If you ran over someone on an empty highway with no one else passing by, what would you do? D:
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post Jul 25 2008, 07:26 PM
Post #4408

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Arrogant people hate arrogant people. Anyone who basically tries to in some way suggest that they are better than me is bound to get on my bad side. I don't care. I'm just a really stubborn guy. Don't try to tell me how to improve either; I won't listen. Also talking about America has been known to trigger rage in me. And a few comments which I find "insulting" do too. At the moment I'm refusing to talk to Kyle because he changed my name to something >.>


You said you were in the mood for a non-story, fun, bright game. To me that sounds like Animal Crossing would bode well for you.

Well, I do spend a lot of time bothering Xief d: Not just on the forums. It's like all I do all day long, everyday. I'll be on the train or work, and I'll be thinking up new insults to say to Xief. Then I'll rush home, wait for her to get back, and make fun of her some more D: They're usually very retarded, but that's what makes the amusing - at least to me.

I usually get video games and maybe CDs. I don't get anything overly exciting, but some years I'll get a new console or handheld whenever there is one :0 I usually get one big gift (e.g. PS3, Nintendo DS, mp3 player) followed by a bunch of smaller ones. My mom spend maybe $300 on each of us for Christmas, so we don't get hat spoiled >.> I also have my birthday exactly one week before so I'm able to get even more junk. There's just nothing overly exciting lately to get. I usually have to find things I'm only mildly interested in and would only bother to get because I don't have to spend the money myself.


Believe me, I can be a real jerk (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) You just see the nice side of me. Right now when I came online I got into a needless argument with Kyle. I told him to change my name or I refuse to talk to him. I wasn't even in a bad mood today? I just needed to be firm and let him know that I wasn't going to speak to him with that name.

They changed the age of consent to 16. I think both are low =\ Did you know it's different if you're gay? Not that I care, I just found it odd. You have to be at least 18 to have gay sex. I think it should 18 all over.


I'd stop and call the police. I wouldn't even think to drive off.
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post Jul 25 2008, 07:33 PM
Post #4409

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

Well, they say we only hurt the ones we love. And I'm sure you only get into these fights with Kyle because you're so open with each other and you can say what you'd be afraid to say to other people. And I didn't know they changed the legal age of consent recently. I find the extra two years to have gay sex stupid, I also think it should be the same for both. Still on the topic of (yikes!) politics, do you think Canada is better than America and why?
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post Jul 25 2008, 07:39 PM
Post #4410

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

They changed it only a few months ago, actually (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasmile.gif)

Well, yeah, I obviously do. There are lots of simple reasons since I don't need to start bashing Americans. The fact that we have more land and about tenth the size of the population is just amazing. There's a lot to see in the country, and it's really amazing when you think just how vast it all is. You could go off to British Columbia, the Atlantic provinces, even head up to the Arctic Circle. Then there are other things like free healthcare. But again, I don't want to go off and start bashing America. I've never lived there and aside from the differences I know of, I really don't have enough knowledge to say we are better. It's just that from my experiences I would greatly prefer to live in Canada. I have no intent on ever going to the States.
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post Jul 25 2008, 07:43 PM
Post #4411

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

Good reasons. A lot of people would just have said ways in which they say America is worse, but you actually named things that Canada is better at. Do you still have the first wild Pokemon you caught?
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post Jul 25 2008, 07:46 PM
Post #4412

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Child, you need to learn how paragraphs work (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasad.gif)

Depends on the game? Not the very, very first one I caught though.
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post Jul 25 2008, 07:52 PM
Post #4413

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

Sorry, paragraphs have never been my forte. But I'm hardly the first person on the Internet to mangle the English language. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif)
Have you ever been sexually interested in any woman in the course of your life?
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post Jul 25 2008, 07:59 PM
Post #4414

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Never. Not even close. Like, at all.
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post Jul 25 2008, 08:07 PM
Post #4415

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

Methinks he doth protest too much. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I was just wondering is all (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif)
What do you think of this fan-made Lucky Star comic? I think it's sweet. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasmile.gif)
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post Jul 25 2008, 08:13 PM
Post #4416

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Are those lesbians?
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post Jul 25 2008, 08:15 PM
Post #4417

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

I think that's heavily implied, since they're making out with each other. I just thought it was cute.
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post Jul 25 2008, 10:08 PM
Post #4418

Namco Professor
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EarthBound has been in the number one slot for most requested Virtual Console game for FOUR MONTHS.

When the heck will Nintendo get the frickin' hint?
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post Jul 25 2008, 10:11 PM
Post #4419

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Where is said list? I assume it would come out either just before Christmas, right after the New Year, or maybe some odd chance September. It just seems like they'd want to hold off on releasing the game until it was a good time (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasmile.gif)
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post Jul 25 2008, 10:14 PM
Post #4420

Namco Professor
Group: Mayors
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Joined: 19-March 07

It's been in Nintendo Power. Here's the latest issue's scan:


Personally, I kinda wonder if they just hate it. 'cause they're mean or something. iunno.
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