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Jul 15 2008, 11:14 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
I could see you doing that.
How was I replaced with him? And no, I'm not sad. People actually do that? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasad.gif) |
Jul 16 2008, 01:32 AM
Lightning Bolt Action Group: Gophers Joined: 4-March 07 |
Does Saffy miss me making Saffy Beef Stew out of him?
Jul 16 2008, 01:45 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Jul 16 2008, 03:45 AM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
I think that would be painful.
He'll die when you beat the game. |
Jul 16 2008, 06:59 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Why the heck does everything like to screw up when you're trying to get to sleep? Stupid piece of apple crap.
edit: Stupid hunk of crap is just dead. I'm tired of trying to fix it. Should I cough up the 179 bones to replace this old mini with a newer, prettier model, or is there some other MP3 player you think I should go for? |
Jul 16 2008, 09:33 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
For the past few days I've been noticing something. I've stopped looking up girlie pics on the net, and the naked or scantily-clad women in my anime and mangas don't interest me like they used to. And I started playing Rune Factory again yesterday and I found Zavier really hot (the first time I played I found him incredibly annoying). Does any of this mean what I think it might? :confusion:
Jul 16 2008, 12:21 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
Aw, I know that joy quite well. It happens a lot in programming, but you mustn't give up D: It'll make your sleep all that more earned. You could go for the new Creative Zen X-FI :D I'd buy that if I didn't buy the earlier version of it already.
You're becoming more gay (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalagrin.gif) Congratulations! |
Jul 16 2008, 12:46 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I know I showed you that schoolgirl pic for fun and Toaster Boy asked about it, but has anyone on the net (or real life, if it's not too personal) ever seriously tried to turn you straight? And yeah, that's what I suspected was goin' on. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-iia.png)
Jul 16 2008, 05:17 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 4-March 07 |
How do you fish in River King? I've been thinking about getting it for some time. I'm thinking about either getting River King, Animal Crossing, The World Ends with You, or possibly reserving the upcoming Harvest Moon DS game. I need to know how River King handles.
Jul 16 2008, 05:42 PM
Bigger. Better. Toaster. Group: Veterans Joined: 16-March 07 |
What does Saffy mean he could see me doing that?
Oh, and are you happy about Natsume finally releasing ToT and IoH? |
Jul 16 2008, 08:08 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
Seriously? No, I don't think so. I'm sure there's a few people who would prefer I was though :0
-- You press L to take out the rod (or tap your character) then go up to the water and press A to cast the line. You can press Y to pull the lure closer to you, or A to to take it out. When a fish nibbles on the bait you press A once it's under and then you'll active this sort of fishing mini-game. What you do there is draw a circle on the screen to slowly bring the fish in closer to you. However, there's a tension meter which when maxed out will snap the line and the fish will get away. So you have to keep a balance between bringing the fish in quickly and not breaking the line. Also, the fish sometimes goes far to the side so you may have to tap the edges of the screen to bring it back to good standing. Overall, it's pretty simple once you do it but it takes a lot of patience to actually get a bite in the first place. Of your game selection, I probably wouldn't go for River King unless you really wanted to try it. The game requires a lot of patience and it can easily become frustrating. -- Well, anyone can goof off in class. I mean, it's not like I've never talked to friends in class or laughed really loudly when I shouldn't have. I've also fallen asleep during lectures, too. We just do that? We're human. We knew they were going to for a while. I'm glad they are, I guess. I don't know if I'll play them much though. |
Jul 16 2008, 08:28 PM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Do you think this Let's Play will be doing better by having more things actually happening rather than lots of story fluff?
Jul 16 2008, 08:32 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
Yes, you need to give people options but still have some direction on where it's going :)
Jul 16 2008, 08:37 PM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
I guess so. Just telling people to tell me what to do might not be as compelling as originally thought. I thought it'd be fun for everyone to be telling me to just do this or that and then I go do it and report on how well it went. I guess I need to try harder to explain what exactly it is they CAN tell me to do...
Jul 16 2008, 08:39 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
It might also be that people don't know much about the game. At the least, that's why I haven't posted.
Jul 16 2008, 08:49 PM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
That's the main reason I choose free-form games. So that even if people didn't really know the game, they could still probably direct me somewhere or another and I could still get something done that they might've been interested in. I didn't try going too in depth about explaining everything because I didn't want to end up making just knowing how to get in on a silly "Let's Play" topic into homework. Or maybe I'm just kinda bad at this =\
Jul 17 2008, 12:31 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 4-March 07 |
Yea I know, I wouldn't go for it first either, but games like River King are never restocked once they sell out. While games like AC still have brand new copies even though its been out for quite some time now.
Jul 17 2008, 12:34 AM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
I know what you mean. I just got lucky and found it at EBGames one day.
Jul 17 2008, 12:48 AM
Official Gleek! Group: Site Contributor Joined: 4-March 07 |
What does Saffy think of Puzzle de Harvest Moon 2?
Jul 17 2008, 12:50 AM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
I'm not impressed.
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