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post Mar 28 2008, 03:05 AM
Post #2721

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

"Puttingz s'sz andz z'ss atz thez ens ofz thes worz wes sayz isz funs. :DZ"
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+Quote Post
post Mar 28 2008, 03:09 AM
Post #2722

be like a cloud
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-March 07

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) What compelled you to read that one? XDDD
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+Quote Post
post Mar 28 2008, 03:12 AM
Post #2723

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

It was the first of yours I saw.
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+Quote Post
post Mar 28 2008, 03:16 AM
Post #2724

be like a cloud
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-March 07

Oh. :D
I have a LOT more that are kind of bad and some are just weird. :OO
Why haven't you asked me a question yet? D:
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+Quote Post
post Mar 28 2008, 03:17 AM
Post #2725

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Fine, I'll go ask one D:
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+Quote Post
post Mar 31 2008, 02:32 AM
Post #2726

Group: Katie
Joined: 7-March 07

Why have I been having nightmares the past 4-5 nights?

They seem to come in twos or more, one I awoke screaming, two others inspired horrific pictures. I really want to know why.
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+Quote Post
post Mar 31 2008, 02:37 AM
Post #2727

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

What have they been about? It's probably something wrong with you D:
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post Mar 31 2008, 02:54 AM
Post #2728

Group: Katie
Joined: 7-March 07

The first was that I was in a classroom without a teacher, but peers. I recognized them. A small scorpion was crawling about the wall, and for some reason everyone was fascinated by it. Then everyone began to ignore it, except me, who was quite terrorized by the spider-like poisonous thing, for they all began to fiddle with a television in the room that seemed broken. The scorpion crawled atop the VCR below the TV on its stand and looked menacingly at me. Then this reeeal jerkface Nicky reaches over and touches it. It lunges straight at me, and as I jump away, it lands under my foot somehow, causing me to scream. Then Pudgy sees me on the bed looking at me like I was going to bite his head off.

The second wasn't as scary at the time, but was?_? strange. It began as an action-dream. I was a spy, male, and was infiltrating this huge base with no clear intention. The base seemed broken down & abandoned anyway. But as I entered a new room, there was little light. Two elevators lay at the opposite end, a stairwell leading down to a dank room & door in the center. As I pressed the arrow key for the elevator to go down, a voice struck me. It was a sickly crying voice of a woman asking if I would just leave her there. Just then the lights dimmed more and I stepped catiously out from the elevator's light. "I can't see you," I had said, and there at the opposite end of the room stood a deathly pale headless manequin. It wore a very feminine outfit, a blue turtleneck with a green necklace & jeans. And it began walking towards me. Stepping off to the right and backwards, I was sure it couldn't see me. But it followed me, walking faster now. I couldn't get away from it. Though it had no mouth nor eyes, it say me, and wrapped cold porcelain hands around my neck.

Another I had recently was I was in the backseat of a car as a grown woman, with two other women my age & two little boys. We were inside the garage, watching the fancy TV on the car's ceiling. Then the boy's screamed. Looking out my window, a man's shadow loomed into the car. The front door & mine opened quickly and the three of us were dragged out by our hair. The rest I'll refrain from. But after these?_? events that may have related bloody knives that couldn't kill & cold hands, he just left. We returned to the car, bloodstained and clothes ripped. The boys were missing. One woman began to cry while the other seemed to console her. I turned away to call for the boys. But the voice of the crying woman squeaked for help. The woman who I thought was helping her had an animalistic look to her eyes, her tongue hanging out of her mouth hungrily. I screamed, and she--it--turned on me. Mouth stretching beyond comprehension, I lunged & grabbed her jaws with two hands to restrain her. Her breath smelled of prey & her saliva was fresh in blood.

And the last one, most recent was abouta flying clown & we [I was a little boy with a mom & dad] were stuck on an islan off Manhattan and the clown was going to kill us with pancakes & eggs. ?_? ._. It was scarier in my dream, I swear.

?_? I dunno why I'm having them at all. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalacry.gif)
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Toaster Boy
post Apr 2 2008, 10:44 PM
Post #2729

Bigger. Better. Toaster.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 16-March 07

Does Saffy consider Pluto a planet?
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post Apr 2 2008, 11:29 PM
Post #2730

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Pluto will always be a planet in my heart D:<

I'm sorry, Katie, I need to give you a proper reply to that, but I haven't gotten the time.
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+Quote Post
Toaster Boy
post Apr 5 2008, 03:47 PM
Post #2731

Bigger. Better. Toaster.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 16-March 07

What happened to my AMQ2 topic posts? :( If you cant fix it, help me regain them? :D
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+Quote Post
post Apr 5 2008, 07:33 PM
Post #2732

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Something happened to your posts?
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Toaster Boy
post Apr 13 2008, 03:48 PM
Post #2733

Bigger. Better. Toaster.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 16-March 07

Yays more grades:


Rofl, whats Saffy think?
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+Quote Post
post Apr 13 2008, 04:02 PM
Post #2734

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Those are pretty nice grades. You should be proud.
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Toaster Boy
post Apr 13 2008, 04:09 PM
Post #2735

Bigger. Better. Toaster.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 16-March 07

Unfortunatly I can't get my full report because my mom wouldn't take me to the post office all weekend.
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+Quote Post
post Apr 13 2008, 04:32 PM
Post #2736

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Why do you have to go to the post office?
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+Quote Post
Toaster Boy
post Apr 17 2008, 12:08 AM
Post #2737

Bigger. Better. Toaster.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 16-March 07

I have a PO Box. And yay grades. I need a 94.51 up to get on high honors...95.2857!1!!

Should I be prouds?
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+Quote Post
post Apr 17 2008, 12:18 AM
Post #2738

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Sure you should. Why do you have a PO box? D:
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+Quote Post
post Apr 17 2008, 12:37 AM
Post #2739

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Group: Veterans
Joined: 4-March 07

Do you miss me? Why am I annoyed by the fact that I may have a crush?
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+Quote Post
post Apr 17 2008, 12:38 AM
Post #2740

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Yes, I did. Because you don't know what might come of it?
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