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> If You Were A Bachelor/ette
post Aug 10 2007, 10:04 PM
Post #1

be like a cloud
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-March 07

What would be your love point gifts?
Every HM Forum seems to have this topic... Cept us. ;)

+ 800 LP
I'd say: "Haha! This is shiny. I like it. :D"

+ 500 LP
Normal Items ~ Any flower, Milk, Diamond, Pink Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz
"Oh, thanks so much! This is so nice of you."
Fooooooood ~ Hot Milk, Chocolate cake, Fruit Latte, Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice
"Mmmm.... This looks good. Thankie."

+ 300 LP
Normal Items ~ Honey, Chocolate, Wild Grapes, Relax Tea Leaves, Corn, Tomatoes
"Heehee thanks!"
Fooooooood ~ Fried Rice, Pizza, French Fries, Scrambled Eggs, Iced Cream

- 500 LP
Popcorn, Wool, Wine, Eggplant, Sweet Potato, Spa Boiled Egg
"Umm... You sure you don't want this? Okay, I guess I'll take it... >>"

- 800 LP
Any Grass, Weeds, Stones, Branches, Fodder, Any fish, Sushi, Sashimi
"If you don't like me then you can just say so. D:<"

- 5000 LP
Baked Fish
"Mhm... And this is supposed to be...... What.
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+Quote Post
post Aug 11 2007, 10:27 PM
Post #2

Group: Members
Joined: 2-August 07

+ 800 LP
Minerals & gems
"Wow, I needed this AND it's shiny, that's always good. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif) Thanks!!"

+ 500 LP

Certain flowers, ruby, sapphire and gold ore.
"You got this for me? Thanks!"
FOOD: Fruit Juice, wild berries, Amago Sashimi, Rainbow Trout Sashimi, Herb Tea, any type of jam, etc.
"...I want to eat it right now! Thank you! You have good taste."

+ 300 LP

Corn, honey, spinach, fish, and any other (than above) sashimi.
"Cool, thanks! :D"

- 500 LP

Tuna Steak, Pie Dough and any type of eggs.

"Ummm...Thanks? I guess?"

- 800 LP

Weeds, lumber, perfume and junk ore.

"Why would you ever think of giving someone this!? GRRR."
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The Pickle
post Aug 11 2007, 10:59 PM
Post #3

It Ain't Cox unless I say it tastes like Cox!
Group: Veterans
Joined: 4-March 07

+800 LP
Pickle Doll on fire :D

+500 LP
"Nice! I love this stuff!"

0 LP
A Painting of yourself

-500 LP
A picture of Jack, one dollar, Fat childern.

-800 LP
a Fat Child eating ice cream.
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post Aug 12 2007, 06:12 AM
Post #4

Group: Members
Joined: 22-July 07

I picked some food they don't have.

Items:sliver ore,book,sketchbook,cherries,broccoli,anime books^^
Cooked Food:hot cocoa,cake,cookies,mashed potatos,soup,deviled eggs,chicken ramen.

"^///^thank you." for food I'd say":3yummers,thanks.)

Items:gold ore,banana,plum.
Cooked Food:baked potato,hot milk,normal ramen.

";3thanks" for gold ore"expensive things arent for me don't think so highly of me,but..its the thought that counts:3." for food"how sweet of you"

Cooked Food:lemon-lime drink,pickles,fruit latte,fish(just plain cooked fish)


items:jewels,butter(just plain butter like a chunck of it),spinch.
"0-0 geez if you hate me that much tell me"
items:anything pink.perfume
cooked food:burnt dish,grape jam.
"thanks bastard" for perfume"*cough*ahck*blah,jerk"

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+Quote Post
post Aug 25 2007, 07:10 PM
Post #5

be like a cloud
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-March 07

How fun. :D

Another one cause I'm bored.

+ 800 LP
"Oh my gosh, cheese AND cake? You are like the coolest person in the world! <3

+ 500LP
Cookies, Chocolate cookies, cake, chocolate cake, Toast, pizza, Any Juice, Shaomi, Pudding, Pumpkin Pudding, Pickled Cucumber, Sandwich.
"Woo! This looks so good! Thank you so much!"
Normal Items
Any Jewel, Any ore except for Junk, Pumpkin, Orange, Grape, Peach, Cheese.
"Coool!!! Thanks I love it!"

+ 300 LP
Relaxtea, Relaxtea leaves, French Fries, Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sponge Cake,
"Mmm this looks realy good thanks for making it for me!"
Normal Items
Tomato, Potato, Pineapple, Carrot, Bell Pepper, Moondrop Flower, Pink Cat Flower, Yogurt, Indigo Grass, A Seasonal Sun.
"Hehe, I really like this, thanks."

- 500 LP
Any Curry, Marmalade, Baked Yam, Butter, Mayonnaise.
"I'm sorry, but this food doesn't... Appeal to me... Sorry."
Cabbage, Onion, Mushrooms, Oil, Flour, Dog Ball.
"Umm... You're giving this to me? ... Thanks?

- 800 LP
Happy Eggplant, Doria, Gratin, Fish Sticks, Pickled Turnips, Sushi, Sashimi.
Uhh... Ew. Why would you give this to me?"
Jewelery, Lumber, Branch, Rock, A weed, Fodder, Bird Feed, Any Fish.
Ugh. I hope you know I hate this."

- 5000 LP
Grilled Fish
"EWW! I absolutely hate this! This is so gross! I hate you <playname>!"
It would actually say <playname> because of a glitch. Mehehehehehe.
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+Quote Post
post Aug 26 2007, 11:02 PM
Post #6

Group: Members
Joined: 11-July 07

This looks like fun!

800+ Love Points
Pink Diamond
"Wow! This is beautiful! Your so sweet!"

500+ Love Points
Recipes: Cheesecake, Chocolate Cake, Ice Cream, Choco Cookies, Sunny Side Up Egg,, Corn on the Cob, Relaxtea, Pineapple Juice
Gold Ore, Jewelery, PinkCat Flower
Food: "Wow! Thank you! Did you make this yourself?"
Other: "Aww.... <playername> you didn't need to give this too me!"

300+ Love Points
Recipes: Pancakes, Rice Balls, Blueberry Juice, Blueberries, Orange Juice, Strawberry Milk
Any Flower, Coral, Dress, Girl Items
Food: "Awww... How sweet of you! You made this I'm guessing?"
"How nice! Thank you!"

300- Love Points
Recipes: Sashimi, Anything Pickled, Marmalade, Jams
Fish, Junk Ore, Fossils, Tomato, Onion, Pepper
Food: "Ummm... Sorry, I won't eat this..."
"Uhhmmm...? This is for me? Thanks, I guess."

500- Love Points
Recipes: Failed Dish, Salmon Sashimi, Squid Sashimi
Weeds, Rocks, Branches,
Food: "*Gag* N-No thanks..."
Other: "Ugh! That's horrible! Get it away from me!!
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+Quote Post
post Aug 27 2007, 12:24 AM
Post #7

Group: Members
Joined: 26-August 07

+ 800 LP
Cake, Candy, Sweets, Pastries, Sweet food in general, or Strawberries
"Oh-... oh my! Thank you so much~ It's so nice!! GLEE!"

+ 500 LP
Milk, Fish, Eggs, Sushi, Yams or Ores
"Ooh! How neat, Thanks a bundle, <Player>!

+ 300 LP

Carrot, Potato, Watermelon, Pink cat flower, or Drinks
"Aww, You don't have to give me anything! Thank you very much, anyway!"

- 500 LP
Flowers, Jewely, Eggplant, Squash, or Corn
"Mn, You sure? Ok, thanks... I guess."

- 800 LP
Cucumber, Turnip, Onion, Lettuce, any Vegatable ir over-all girly items.
"Hmm... All right, then."

- 5000000000 LP

"... You're trying to kill me, aren't you?"
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+Quote Post
post Aug 27 2007, 03:01 AM
Post #8

be like a cloud
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-March 07

QUOTE(Moru @ Aug 26 2007, 06:24 PM) [snapback]50676[/snapback]

- 5000000000 LP

"... You're trying to kill me, aren't you?"

I'm guessin you don't like tomatoes? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
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post Sep 25 2007, 12:13 AM
Post #9

Group: Members
Joined: 24-September 07

+800 LP; Pizza
"That's my favorite dish man. Thank you.

+500 LP; Summer produce, Autumn Produce, flowers, milk, Masutake.
"Nice to know you care about me. Thanks"

+300 LP; Spring Produce, Cooking, Wool, eggs, Gold and Normal Lumber, stones, weeds.

-500 LP; Ores, Gems, failed cooking
"Is that for me?"

-800 LP; Mushrooms, fish.
"Do I have to take that..."

-5000 LP; Perfume
"Get that thing away from me please."
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+Quote Post
post Oct 3 2007, 11:59 PM
Post #10

All I hear are angels cry <3
Group: Veterans
Joined: 3-October 07

This is really fun. x3

+800 LP; Any Sweets
"Oh, you shouldn't have. How did you know this was my favorite? Thank you so much, _____!"

+500 LP; Gems, Jewelry, Coral, Strawberries, Cheese, Milk, Fossils
"How thoughtful. Thank you, _____!"

+300 LP; Flowers, Perfume, All ore [except gold and junk]

-500 LP; Rocks, Weeds, Branches, etc.
"...this is a joke right?"

-800 LP; Failed cooking, Pickled dishes, most vegetables

-5000 LP; Fish or other meat dishes
"Gross! What were you thinking? I thought we were friends, _____!"
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+Quote Post
post Mar 8 2008, 09:16 AM
Post #11

Group: Members
Joined: 7-March 08

Haha.Cool. :D

+800 LP; Any Sweets
"For me?Really?Thanks!You're so sweet. :D"

+500 LP; Gems, Jewelry, Coral, Strawberries, Cheese, Milk, Fossils
"Thank you so much.I love these.^^"

+300 LP; Flowers, Perfume, All ore [except gold and junk]

-500 LP; Rocks, Weeds, Branches, etc.

And.What am I supposed to do with this?"

-800 LP; Failed cooking, Pickled dishes, most vegetables
"Um.Thanks,I guess..."

-5000 LP; Fish or other meat dishes
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+Quote Post
post Mar 8 2008, 03:49 PM
Post #12

Group: Members
Joined: 8-March 07

+800 LP: Chocolate Cake
"You know how to please people, huh? Thanks. I love it."

+500 LP: Relax Tea, Ice Cream, Chocolate dishes, Pudding, Fruit Juice, Apple Juice, Pizza, Cake, Apple Pie, French Fries, Pancakes, Milk
"Oh, I can have this? Thank you."

+300 LP: Fried Rice, French Toast, Pizza, Scrambled Eggs, Donuts, Carrots, Cabbage, Relax Tea Leaves
"This is nice. Thank you."

+0 LP: Jewels, Jewelry, Ores

-500 LP: Fish, Vegetables, Fish dishes, Vegetable dishes,
"...What am I supposed to do with this?"

-800 LP: Lumber, Golden Lumber, Junk
"...I dislike this. Please don't give me this kind of thing."

-5000 LP: Fish Stew
".......Do you hate me?"

I have boring responses. :P And a sweet tooth.
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+Quote Post
Louey & Hits...
post Mar 9 2008, 01:33 AM
Post #13

Group: Veterans
Joined: 24-February 08

+800 LP- Cheesecake, icecream, chocolate cake, Sponge cake, music stuff
Whah! this is for me? . . . really? Thank you so much!

+500 LP- Home cooked food. Sushi, chocolate (from shop) jewels (not jewelry).
Wow, thanks!

+300 LP- Jewelry, eggs, milk, (not junk) ore, vegetables, books, wine
Thanks a bunch.

0 LP- Anything I didn't mention in + or -
For me, alright.

-300 Lp- Fish, junk ore
Ah . . . nice.

-500 LP-mistakes in cooking, lumber
(sigh) Please find a better source of your time than (cooking mistake) creating something like this (lumber) cutting wood.

-1000 LP- Blue feather without red heart
You a** hole, stop jerking me around!
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+Quote Post
post Mar 24 2008, 09:53 PM
Post #14

Group: Members
Joined: 27-January 08

800 LP
Cheesecake or Milk Tea
"I'm going to lock you in my basement...with love...<3"

500 LP
Eggs or Blue Mist Flower
"How thoughtful!"

300 LP
"Thank you, I like it!"

-500 LP

-800 LP
The fat yellow Sprite
"I don't want this..."

-5000 LP
"Go kill yourself."
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+Quote Post
post Mar 28 2008, 09:54 PM
Post #15

Group: Members
Joined: 4-March 08

Cool this sounds fun :3

+800 LP
Egg over Rice
-"Sweet! you made that for me?! You're the Best person in, like, the known universe! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) "

+500 LP
Recipes: Toasted rice cake, Curry noodle, curry Bread, curry bun, Cheesecake, Fried Rice, Baked Yam
Normal item: Cheese, yam, Orange
For food: "You can cook? That's awesome!"
for items: "Whoa! Are you, like, Psychic?!?"

+300 LP
Recipes: Raisin Bread, Mushroom Rice, Moon Dumplings, Strawberry Milk, Popcorn, Ice Cream
Items: Rice cake, Bamboo shoot, milk, strawberry, any colored grass.
For food: "You didn't have to go to the trouble for me..."
for items:" Giggle, I like this. Thank you."
for Colored grass: "Cool! I can use this for dyes in paints"

-500 LP
Recipes: vegetable juice, salad, Apple Souffle
Items: Wine
For recipe:"Um, I really don't, exactly, like this food......."
For wine: "Are you nuts???!!!?? I can't drink!!....yet...."

-800 LP
Recipes:Apple pie, Pickled Turnips,
Items: Weed, Branch, Stone, Turnips, Spinach, Apple, egg.
For recipes:"Sick! I hate this!!!!"
For items:"This crap ain't even edible, you dork!"
for egg: "Gee, a RAW egg...thanks alot, dummy (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif) "

-5000 LP
vegetable latte

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+Quote Post
post Apr 20 2008, 11:29 PM
Post #16

Group: Members
Joined: 20-April 08

+ 800 LP
Items:Diamond, Pink Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz, Necklace
Food: strawberries, strawberry jam, jam bun, fruit latte
"Wow, this is for me? Thank you so much."

+ 500 LP
Items: MagicRed Red, Moondrop, Pinkcat, Toy Flower
Food: Fruit Juice, Honey, Cocolate, Noodles, Salad
"Hehe, this nice, thank you "

+ 300 LP
Items: Wool, Good egg, Grasses
Food: Starberry Milk, Hot Milk,

- 500 LP
Items: Coper ore, Silver ore, Gold ore
Food: Curry bread, Sushi
"You don't want this? O...kay, I'll take it."

- 800 LP
Items: Junk ore
Food: Baked corn, corn flakes, fried potatoes
"Are you sure you don't want this?"

- 5000 LP
Items: Fodder, branch, stone, lumber
Food: Failed Dish, Pickled Turnips
"... ... ..."

Oh, and your rival is the resident doctor providing he's not an old dude like in A Wonderful Life/DS (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
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+Quote Post
post Apr 23 2008, 04:20 PM
Post #17

Group: Newbies
Joined: 6-April 08

+800 LP
Chocolate , Chocolate cake
"I have always wanted this, thank you! Can I have you too? ^.~"

+500 LP
bread, flour, corn, onion, any mushroom
"I did miss lunch, today. How observant of you!"

+300 LP
branch, small rock, fodder
"Hey, I can use this to build a house! Thanks!"

-500 LP
grass, turnip, potato, tomato
"You want ME to throw your trash away!?"

-800 LP
Any ore
"Good thing you brought me this blunt object to throw at your head."

-1000 LP
getting hit with hoe or other tool
"Argh! Are you trying to kill me, you madman!?"
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+Quote Post
post Jul 15 2008, 01:12 AM
Post #18

Group: Newbies
Joined: 14-July 08

+800: Fish Fossil
"...I love science... and history... and animals... c:"

+500: Any gem or ore
"Geology. :D"

+300: Any noodle dish but curry noodles, chocolate cake
"... c:"

-500: Curry dishes
"I love curry, but... it makes me sick...

-800: Any egg dish
"I am NOT eating the amniotic fluid of a chicken! D:<"

-5000: Scrambled egg
"UGH, I can't even pick the yolk out!"


I refuse to eat egg whites. At least the yolk is supposed to be food.

Also, I don't like telling people I love them and showing feelings and stuff. I get embarrassed by my feelings. Hence the lines.
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+Quote Post
Be Happy!
post Jul 15 2008, 01:19 AM
Post #19

I r back from teh dead :3
Group: Veterans
Joined: 22-February 08

This looks interesting.......

" Its shiny thanks!"

" How thoughtful Thanks!"

Milk,eggs, and noodles.
"Yumm, I can use this."

" Umm, Thanks I guess."

" I don't want this. But I guess I will take it."

" Do you want to make me mad?"

* I couldn't think of anything to right *

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+Quote Post
post Jul 18 2008, 02:44 AM
Post #20

Group: Site Contributor
Group Icon

Joined: 16-July 08

+ 800
+ 500
General Item: Any gem
Cooking Item: ice-cream
General Item: Any flower, any fruit (Exculding peaches), cucumber
Cooking Item: Pizza, cake
General Item: any ore, carrots, strawberries, tomatoes, fish
Cooking Item: soups
General Item: weeds
Cooking Item: Curry dishes
General Item: peach
Cooking Item: prawns
General Item: jewelery
Cooking Item: any cooked fish
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