Rule Thread |
Rule Thread |
Jan 14 2016, 08:36 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Since this is an RP forum, I'm feeling we should make a collaborative rules thread instead of an iron clad, unbreakable document. These are suggestions, and I think it would be a good idea to make use of them, as well as contribute your own ideas. Hopefully making this topic will encourage this forum to actually be used after it was requested by bringing a starting point.
If you feel something is too verbose and could be made more clear, say so. I'm not an expert. HOW TO POST General: RPing! A magical thing where you get to try to live inside the mind of your favorite/original characters, put them in new situations, and explore how they would react to the world with likeminded people who can keep things interesting and force you to improvise. Explore worlds, fears, fantasies, pick up where your favorite story left off, and just have fun! While RPing can basically be collaborative fan fiction (unless it's an original work), we have already have a forum for that here. Anyway, now that the basic idea is out of the way, here's some pointers for some nice, clear, concise posts and threads. Detail: Write a lot. Since this is a place where imagination runs free, quality and quantity are wanted. Does your character furrow their brow? Mention it. Do they smell bullshit when someone's trying to convince them of something? Are they gazing off in another direction instead of paying attention where they should? Well, say so. There is nothing too small to mention, and your posts should probably be more than dialog unless it's a rapid-fire exchange and nothing has changed. Characters: Though I don't think I need to mention this, remember that they need to develop. Don't have someone who just is. This means that your character grows, changes, and learns new things with time. Events will change your character: it is inevitable. But it's important that you understand that characters do not develop overnight, even if your character is making a conscious effort to change. To that end, it's not often a person lays out who they are when they first introduce themselves. Combat: This is something I see that is often just handled stupidly. When words are being blows, never post points of damage your weapon/spells are doing. Rather, describe how powerful it is by how tired it makes the mage, by how much weight the warrior puts into his swing, etc. Example of how NOT to do it: "I do like, 32 damage because I am leet lol" Example of how to do it: "Lunging with his spear, he attacked with all his might." Basic dialog guidelines: Quotes (" ") for dialog, thoughts in italics, other nonverbal communication (telepathy, sign language, whatever) in * or -. Though that's probably not an essential rule, it helps a lot. Also, ya know, that thing called grammar and spelling. Readability is super keen. Character interaction: Don't make someone else's character act how they don't want to. You don't say your sword hit them, you don't say they handed something they own to you. You say you swung your weapon, you say you held out your hand expecting it, you ask if they want you to, etc. Loner RP: One thing I see often is that sometimes people want to play a loner. That's okay, and I think all of us can think of a "Loner" character they like, but... it's not very interesting to the other players/readers to see someone not interacting with anyone and just doing their own thing and ignoring anyone who tries to interact with them. At some point that "loner" just feels disruptive more than anything. A lot of these same sensibilities can be attached to "stealthy" characters as well. That said, a sort of "single player" RP is technically viable. For example, roleplaying as a character telling a story. Something like this would allow you to have sole control of the story, but also interact with other posters as the character you're roleplaying. Such as if a poster wanted to ask a question from that character. It's fairly close to fanfiction, but the interactivity helps it stray away from that. |
Feb 2 2016, 09:22 AM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
Any plans or interested people noted yet?
Feb 2 2016, 11:19 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
I have literally no idea. This place was asked for, I made it, and then no one did anything with it. I thought giving a little framework may encourage people, but alas.
Feb 2 2016, 06:13 PM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
Well I noticed it was new as in last month new. But maybe something will happen with it. If we get a setting in place I'd try to participate.
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 12th January 2025 - 10:55 PM |