Picture Thread |
Picture Thread |
May 17 2012, 11:42 PM
An artist of many sorts Group: Veterans Joined: 16-October 09 |
you could always put together one yourself, bjd are completely customizable. Eyes Wigs everything. Also Sebastian is only a $35 dolly, good price ja ooohhhh..... vury nice.... where do you usually get them? I'm now getting interested in making me an anime/ comic book collection to get me ready for college.... gotta have something to decorate a dorm with. =3 |
May 18 2012, 06:32 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
I got Sebastian from junkyspot.com click enter to enter the page hit pullips and dals then click the picture of the pullip when it comes up. Also, Hujoo are very inexpensive dolls too
May 18 2012, 07:32 AM
The World Traveller Group: Global Moderators Joined: 14-June 09 |
Standard Pullips usually run $150+ if I remember correctly. Is your Sebastian a Little Pullip? I knew they had released a standard sized Pullip of Sebastian, but I wasn't aware they had a mini too...
EDIT: I had to look it up. Technically, they call their male line Taeyang and the mini Sebastian doll is listed as a Docolla. You can also get that particular doll from here, Rebecca. I've never been a huge fan of Groove dolls. (This encompasses the Pullip, DAL, Isul, Docolla, and Taeyang lines.) I think there are characters that look good in that style, but most tend to look pretty weird to me. I don't dislike them the way I dislike Blythe and American Girl dolls, though. *shudders* It'd be hard for a doll to be as creepy and ugly as a Blythe doll. |
May 18 2012, 08:41 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
I also dislike Blythe... yuck, they're creepy as ######.. But yes, this Sebastian is small, he can fit well in the palm of my hand. Standards are about 135.00.
I do recommend the Hujoo line of dolls, they ARE ABS Plastic, so not the typical resin or vinyl you see in a bjd. However they are good if you want a cool little character to have and customize, though again their head are BIG. But the Wings and Berrys Hujoo are only about $35.00 a piece. |
May 18 2012, 05:49 PM
Gill's still number 1 Group: Veterans Joined: 29-August 08 |
Are there any that actually let you move their fingers and things, and not just have you pop off their whole hand and switch it out?
May 19 2012, 01:18 AM
An artist of many sorts Group: Veterans Joined: 16-October 09 |
So I was browsing DollDivine.... and I saw someone made Hetalia dolls with Sailor Moon stuff.... So I thought... "Hmmm.... I could make Loki with that...."
So I did... (IMG:http://www.dolldivine.com/users/h/hs/70714/2012-05-18_20-20-31--70_246_27_137--_DollDivine_SailorSenshi.jpg) |
May 20 2012, 10:35 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Lol... Loki... we shall call her Liko.
There are a few companies that have jointed fingers, but the joints are ball joint typical. Not all flowing as one hand. You can always get various hand types. THIS. Is my mums dog trying to get me through my legs. She looks like a MONSTER. (IMG:http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/551821_10150802261931086_524061085_10157522_1376101264_n.jpg) |
May 20 2012, 02:41 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Double reply, I know, sorry, but this post is nothing to do with the previous...
Caught Beyond the Burrow. (IMG:http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/141/2/7/caught_beyond_the_burrow____by_hmbabydoll-d50kimq.png) Emory (Angel of Dream Jimi) ??? (Dollmore Kara Klum) |
May 20 2012, 03:09 PM
An artist of many sorts Group: Veterans Joined: 16-October 09 |
That... just made me want to request a series of pictures for you to make with your fantastic dollies.
Please make a Peter Pan series of pictures. |
May 20 2012, 04:02 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
I could certainly try! Though there will be no Wendy since atm I have no females... and probably none of them will be dressed appropriately, but I will try! In the meantime... Part 2!
(IMG:http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/141/e/9/tread_softly_by_hmbabydoll-d50ktkz.png) |
May 20 2012, 04:03 PM
An artist of many sorts Group: Veterans Joined: 16-October 09 |
Personally, I never cared for Wendy. Too demanding. I would just love to see Peter and the lost boys, or Peter fighting Hook. *total Peter Pan fangirl mode*
May 20 2012, 04:21 PM
Your Friendly Neighborhood Masked Vigilante Group: Veterans Joined: 8-May 10 |
does that mean that rebecca's a pedobear?
May 20 2012, 04:38 PM
An artist of many sorts Group: Veterans Joined: 16-October 09 |
Because I've fangirled over Peter Pan since I could walk? I doubt it. I just adore the story. It's timeless.
And now I thank everybody for their patience as the next FIVE pages of my comic are ready for public viewing... I finally got off my lazy butt to clean off the scanner which currently functions as a place to put stuff... Again, if something seems illegible, tell me. (IMG:http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz114/HSGisME123/Comicp2-1.jpg) (IMG:http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz114/HSGisME123/Comicp3-1.jpg) (IMG:http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz114/HSGisME123/Comicp4-1.jpg) (IMG:http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz114/HSGisME123/Comicp5-1.jpg) (IMG:http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz114/HSGisME123/Comicp6-1.jpg) funny story, I didn't think it was possible to make myself hungry by just drawing. I proved myself wrong with that third picture. |
May 20 2012, 04:50 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
May 20 2012, 05:34 PM
An artist of many sorts Group: Veterans Joined: 16-October 09 |
So... this series of pictures... what exactly is the story? A guy randomly finds a naked boy who lives under his house?
May 20 2012, 06:41 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
I don't know how to explain it, I think it will become clearer as it goes, All the bjds are still bjds in the story, still owned by me, it's almost like.. how the naked fox bjd came to live in my house. They all have characters and backstories but they are all also my bjd.
May 21 2012, 05:42 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
Just saying, I think if you're both going to continue posting pages of comics/BJDs series I think it should go in the- Awww, just remembered it's not called Any Colour you Like anymore. D8 ....That makes me feel old...... -Cough- The Show Off your Work section.
May 21 2012, 07:25 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
I made a thing for BJDs in the Entertainment section, sooooooooooo. I'll post BJDs there.
May 28 2012, 01:41 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
The old AZ photo album has been updated with the weekend's pictures. Probably more to come later on if I can get more pictures from people. Also, this happened. (IMG:http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g281/worthlessnewbie/DSC02514.jpg) (IMG:http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g281/worthlessnewbie/DSC02515.jpg) (IMG:http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g281/worthlessnewbie/DSC02516.jpg) (IMG:http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g281/worthlessnewbie/DSC02517.jpg) |
May 31 2012, 07:22 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 27th December 2024 - 11:00 PM |