Picture Thread |
Picture Thread |
May 9 2012, 11:32 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
I phear the day you do that. :o
EDIT: Drew up a concept art for the outfit I'm getting made for a incoming doll. What do you think? (IMG:http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/539945_10150771259901086_524061085_10091293_271375736_n.jpg) |
May 9 2012, 06:34 PM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
imma draw somefin someday for you folks
May 10 2012, 12:40 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
That'd be good :3 I'm working on a thing for my buddy I'll show you sometime!
May 10 2012, 03:04 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 24-October 09 |
May 10 2012, 03:44 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Nom nom nom! I'm hungry meow :' (
And now presenting... Screech the Fox! PS: NON flash photos. (IMG:http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/133/b/3/screech_the_fox_1_by_hmbabydoll-d4zo6h1.jpg) (IMG:http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/133/b/9/screech_the_fox_2_by_hmbabydoll-d4zo6jz.jpg) (IMG:http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/133/0/c/baby_fox_2_by_hmbabydoll-d4zo6cz.jpg) (IMG:http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/133/f/0/baby_fox_1_by_hmbabydoll-d4zo67t.jpg) |
May 13 2012, 04:36 AM
Gill's still number 1 Group: Veterans Joined: 29-August 08 |
I think they used to have one of those foxes at the pet store. I think it was grown, I'm not sure if it was for sale though.
May 13 2012, 04:37 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
May 13 2012, 04:39 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Red fox? He's just a baby, they don't USUALLY carry foxes at stores as you require a special permit to own one, unless they were selling it with a permit too.
May 13 2012, 04:39 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-kraken.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-kraken.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-kraken.gif) |
May 13 2012, 04:39 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Red fox? He's just a baby, they don't USUALLY carry foxes at stores as you require a special permit to own one, unless they were selling it with a permit too.
May 13 2012, 04:54 AM
Gill's still number 1 Group: Veterans Joined: 29-August 08 |
May 13 2012, 04:56 AM
The World Traveller Group: Global Moderators Joined: 14-June 09 |
You are not alone, Charmy. I seriously just want to cuddle the thing to death. Question. What state are you in? I know that rules governing "unusual" pets differ across states. (Like here in Texas, I can own a dog that's up to 99% wolf without any kind of permit whatsoever. In most states, that's not the case.)
Anyway, how old is he? Will you be able to keep him once he's grown as well? |
May 13 2012, 04:59 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Fennec's also require a exotic animals license or permit because they are imported animals and are rarely bred in states, there are a few fox farms that breed fennecs, but they will not sell to petshops and are licensed by the government.
I am actually in Canada, in my area of Canada the rules for exotic pets differ from MD to MD and county to county. |
May 13 2012, 06:25 PM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
Dats uh kyoot fox omg
May 13 2012, 09:10 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
Isn't he though? He's got a cockeye >;3
EDIT ALSO. New doll, Sebastian! (IMG:http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/535775_10150794443561086_524061085_10141229_1334990205_n.jpg) |
May 16 2012, 07:37 PM
Gill's still number 1 Group: Veterans Joined: 29-August 08 |
I find these dolls to be unreasonably creepy, but at the same time I sort of want one.
May 16 2012, 11:57 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
It`s your own personal trip into uncanny valley... uncanny valley is something in us that makes things that are very human-esque look creepy.
Nightcrawler! just arrived today. (IMG:http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/137/f/d/nightcrawler_by_hmbabydoll-d504z8r.jpg) |
May 17 2012, 01:37 AM
An artist of many sorts Group: Veterans Joined: 16-October 09 |
Isn't he though? He's got a cockeye >;3 EDIT ALSO. New doll, Sebastian! (IMG:http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/535775_10150794443561086_524061085_10141229_1334990205_n.jpg) Make a second one, and send it to me? I love it that much.... though.. if you take me literally I'd much prefer a Mukuro one.. or at least know where I can get a doll with a blue left eye and a red right eye... and blue hair... |
May 17 2012, 06:08 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 25-June 11 |
you could always put together one yourself, bjd are completely customizable. Eyes Wigs everything. Also Sebastian is only a $35 dolly, good price ja
May 17 2012, 02:02 PM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
my sister rikas is a pieced to gether bjd
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