Harvest Moon Land of Beginning, Information |
Harvest Moon Land of Beginning, Information |
Jan 29 2012, 05:56 PM
*The friendly one* Group: Veterans Joined: 30-October 08 |
Harvest Moon Land of Beginning Information Topic. Main Site Gameplay videos, exploring, crops growing, promotional video. Gameplay Videos - Made by Cher from Ushi no Tane Opening. Boy Player Options. About the Game This game like all Harvest Moons before it is being developed by MarvelousAQL. It is exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS handheld console. Customization and placement are going to be a heavy aspect in the game. Plot Synopsis Your character inherited a smal farm in a desolate town, from their parents. The older villagers informs you that the town was once livelier. But all the younger people have since moved to the city. The farm is small, and has not crops or animals already on it. However, if you work hard and help reconstruct the farm and surrounding town, then maybe the people who left will return. Character Customization The game allows you to customize your characters through a variety of ways. *Videos of character customization for boy and girl. In order: *Skin Color *Facial Profile(Eye shape) *Hair Style(Including hats) *Hair Color *Eye Color *Outfit(Whole outfit, apart from hats) Farm Customization Various aspects of the farm can be customized as well. *Eastern and Western styles of buildings to choose from. *Structures and plots can freely be placed across a grid, to customize farm placement. *Decorating the inside of your home will make a return. Other Things of Note *House level upgrades will not be returning. *The old heart icons for love interests will be making a return. *Your character, and even his family can take trips to vacation destinations. *The game will implement the use of 3D terraces and hills to accentuate the 3D look of the world. *The ability to befriend wild animals will return. *Villagers moving in as you improve the town will make a return in the game. *Harvest Moon: Land of Beginning will feature a dating stage in relationships, rather then going from friends to being married. *Reverse proposals will make a return. *You can save anywhere on a total of 2 save files. *House level upgrades will not be returning. *The old heart icons for love interests will be making a return. *Your character, and even his family can take trips to vacation destinations. *The game will implement the use of 3D terraces and hills to accentuate the 3D look of the world. *The ability to befriend wild animals will return. *Villagers moving in as you improve the town will make a return in the game. *You can begin to improve the town on Spring 25th. *Time flow is 1 second(IRL) = 1 minute(in game), and does not freeze indoors. *Harvest Moon: Land of Beginning will feature a dating stage in relationships, rather then going from friends to being married. *Reverse proposals will make a return. Main Characters These are the characters you play as. You can customize various things about them. These include, hair color and style, eye color, skin color, facial features, and clothing. Keep in mind these are only their default appearance. Male MC(Default Name: ハルト Hart) (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/MC_Boy.png) A young man that loves nature. Came to the village with hopes to create a farm full of green. He is curious, determined, and willing to take risks. Female MC(Default Name: リオ Rio) (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/MC_Girl.png) And energetic young women that loves taking care of animals and crops. Came to the village with hopes to start a ranch. She is smart and gentle, with a talent for communicating with others and enjoys helping them. Bachelors Allen (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Allen-1.png) A confident and overbearing stylist, specializing in women's hair styles. He is serious and meticulous about his work. Occupation: Hair Stylist Unlock: Birthday: Spring 16 Favorite: Genovese Pasta Loves: Herb Soup, Bouquet, Insects Likes: Flowers, Pastas, Pies, Ice Creams, Fireflies and Butterflies Dislikes: Dumpling, Japanese Dishes, Green Juice, Teas, Locust, Tomato Risotto Hates: Horror: Rod (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Rod-1.png) A traveler with an appreciation and love of animals since his childhood. He wants to spread this love and knowledge he has on animals to others. He came to the village in hopes of making friends. Occupation: Pet Store Owner Unlock: Birthday: Summer 28 Favorite: Lasagna Loves: Fried Rice Ball, Tomato Risotto, Gold Egg Likes: Milk, Walnut, Moon Drop, Egg, Insects(Except Bees), Tomato Juice Dislikes: Pet Food Hates: Horror: Sengoku (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Sengoku.png) He was a reporter, but after an event during one of his reports he stepped down. He came to the village in hopes of relaxing. Unlock: Birthday: Spring 24 Favorite: Eel Bowl Loves: Bouillabaisse, Boiled Potato Likes: Small Fish Dislikes: Egg Hates: Horror: Celka (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Celka.png) A butler in the service of Amir. He is kind, polite, and modest. Often putting his employer first. Unlock: Birthday: Fall 12 Favorite: Herb Pasta Loves: Herb Jam Likes: Dislikes: Hates: Horror: Niel (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Neil.png) He has a soft spot for animals and runs the animal shop. His unfriendly tone and serious expression, often cause people to misunderstand his nature. He will give you your first cow on Spring 9th. Occupation: Owner of the Animal Shop Unlock: From the beginning, but leaves on Spring 1st and comes back Spring 9th. Birthday: Winter 9 Favorite: Ebichiri Loves: Yak Milk, Silkie Chicken Egg Likes: Chestnut Rice, Moon Drop, Milk, Egg, Fodder, Normal Treat, Cow Treat, Grilled Fish, Tomato Juice, Dislikes: Sweets Dishes and Drink, Herbs, Herb Soup, Most Flowers, Bamboo Shoot, Minerals, Walnut, Mashed Potatoes, Sliced Onions, Plum, Apricot, Small Coin Hates: Vegetable Cake, Pudding Horror: Crepe Heart Events: Colorless: Hard-working Location: Neil's Home(6:00-9:30 Fri-Sun) Purple: Face of Neil Location: Neil's Home(6:00-9:30 Fri-Sun, Sunny) Blue: Sudden Confession Location: Anywhere(6:00-23:00 Sat&Sun, Sunny) Amir (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Amir.png) A prince of a far away land. He came to town with his butler Celka. He wishes to live his life freely, knowing that as a prince that is unlikely Unlock: Birthday: Favorite: Loves: Likes: High Quality Animal Products Dislikes: Hates: Horror: Bachelorettes Felicia (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Felicia-1.png) A girl with a love for food, but would rather eat then make it. Despite her appetite she doesn't gain weight. She has a keen taste and is a prestigious gourmet. Occupation: Gourmet Unlock: Birthday: Spring 21 Favorite: Monkfish Stew Loves: Uha, Tomuyankun, Gazpacho Likes: Most Foods(Except Milk Dishes and Salads), Dairy Products, Jams Dislikes: Milk Dishes, Salads, Turbojolts and Bodigizers, Chocolate Dishes, Insects Hates: Horror: Iroha (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Iroha-1.png) She came to the village hoping it would be a good place to find ore. She works hard with the goal to exceed her limits, often considering herself still to be a student. Occupation: Blacksmith Unlock: Spring 16th. Birthday: Winter 5 Favorite: Fried Lotus Root Loves: Margaret, Sunflower, Red Rose, Umezu Salad Likes: Most Salads, Grilled Fish, Boiled Potatoes, Stone, Most Flowers, Bamboo Shoot, Plum , Apricot, Copper, Scrap Metal, Lumber, Japanese Dishes Dislikes: Dairy Products, Animal Products, Sweet Drinks, Teas, Seafood Fried Rice Hates: Horror: Heat Events Colorless: Smith Training Location: Iroha's Home(Morning-Night) Purple: Location: Iroha's Home(Noon) Blue: Sudden Confession Michelle (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Michelle-1.png) She came to the town when she heard it was becoming livelier, hoping to set up a magic act. A talented magician, she attracts many people with her magic and cute appearance. Occupation: Magician Unlock: Birthday: Fall 17 Favorite: Chiffon Cake Loves: Gems Likes: Teas, Fruit, Flowers, Yogurts, Minerals, Shiny Coin Dislikes: Gratin, Salads, Fish, Insects, Cheese, Butter, Mayonnaise Hates: Milk, Mushrooms Horror: Tina (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Tina.png) The delivery girl for the village newspaper and is always busy delivering it. She has a strong curiosity and loves gossip. Occupation: Newspaper Delivery Girl Unlock: Birthday: Summer 12 Favorite: Orange Sherbet Loves: Cake Roll, Shiny Coin Likes: Mimosa Salad, Small Coin, Sweet Deserts and Drinks, Fruits, Teas, Gems, Walnut, Butterflies Dislikes: Hates: Horror: Yuri (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Yuri.png) She graduated from a fashion school and will set up a tailoring shop in town. Clothes are very important for her, any fray on them that she notices she fixes. She doesn't talk much and tends to be absent-minded. She likes to looks at nature. Most people think she's a guy, as only herself and her family know her gender. Occupation: Tailor Family: Emma(Mother) Unlock: Birthday: Winter 19 Favorite: Herb Soup Loves: Walnut Likes: Butterflies, Firefly, Teas, Shellfish, Flowers, Minerals, Wool Products Dislikes: Kimchi, Chocolate Dishes, Locust, Mayonnaise and Mayonnaise Dishes, Medicine, Turbojolts and Bodigizers Hates: Horror: Witch Princess (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Witch_Princess.png) A mysterious girl that treats the MC with a big attitude. Unlock: Birthday: Favorite: Bogidizer XL Loves: Poison Mushroom Likes: Medicines, Weed, Lumber, Stone, Wildflowers Dislikes: Hates: Horror: Villagers Gardner (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Gardner-2.png) Runs a travel management agency. Years ago, he married Camarilla after she became pregnant. He comes to the village to give his daughter a good place to grow up. To him family is the most important thing. Occupation: Travel Agent Family: Hina(Daughter), Camarilla(Wife) Unlock: Birthday: Fall 2 Loves: Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Kamiriya/Camarilla (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Camarilla.png) She runs the travel agency with her husband. Is very diligent and strict about her and her husbands work. But despite her job being a major priority, family comes first for her. Family: Gardner(Husband), Hina(Daughter) Unlock: Birthday: Summer 5 Loves: Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Hina (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Hina-1.png) An energetic girl with a positive attitude allowing her to make friends easily. She is the youngest child of those in the town and is good at making people happy. She is very proud of her parents and can get upset when they scold her. Family: Gardner(Father), Camarilla(Mother) Unlock: Birthday: Summer 26 Loves: Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Kosaburo (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Kosubaro.png) He is a rough but otherwise good person. Comes from a family of 5 brothers and gets nervous when left alone with a girl. He's is an expert fishermen and will set up a shop when he moves in. Occupation: Fishermen Family: Hana(Wife) Unlock: Birthday: Summer 22 Loves: Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Hana (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Hana.png) She runs and owns the general store. She is really happy to see young people moving into the village. Occupation: General Store Owner Family: Kosaburo(Husband) Unlock: From the beginning. Birthday: Fall 20 Loves: All Fish Likes: All Butterflies, Turnip Soup, Freshwater Clam Dislikes: Normal Treat Horror: Dunhill (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Dunhill.png) A wanderer with no profession, who enjoys his freedom. He decides to stay in the town after meeting the MC and looks forward to the future. Unlock: From the beginning. Birthday: Spring 6 Loves: Likes: Wine Dislikes: Grilled Fish, Turnip Horror: Fodder Rebecca (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Rebecca.png) She is a sculptor and owns a structure store. She likes carve things and recycle old things to make new thing. Occupation: Crafter Family: Tony(Son) Unlock: Spring 27 Birthday: Summer 9 Loves: Likes: Lumber, Stone, Clam Dislikes: Mint, Chamomile, Cactus, Herb Soup, Normal Treat Horror: Tony (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Tony.png) He possesses a great curiosity and love of making mischief. Family: Rebecca(Mother) Unlock: Spring 27 Birthday: Summer 14 Loves: Boot Likes: All Insects But Butterflies, Fish Bones, Can Dislikes: All Butterflies, Fish Horror: Kamonberu (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Kamonberu.png) The chef and owner of the local restaurant. Despite being a expert cook he often overcooks food. He usually eats these dishes rather then throw them out. As a result he has gained a good deal of weight. Occupation: Restaurant Owner and Chef Unlock: Birthday: Summer 2 Loves: Likes: All Fish Dislikes: Horror: Emma (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Emma.png) She is in charge of shipment in the town and takes pleasure in seeing younge people move in. She has a very warm-hearted and leisurely personality. Family: Yuri(Daughter) Unlock: From the beginning. Birthday: Spring 28 Loves: Likes: All Flowers, Mashed Potatoes Dislikes: All Insects and Fish Horror: Olivia (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Olivia.png) She runs the tea house, which has an exotic flavor to it. She has a very regal personality, but rarely talks about herself. Occupation: Tea House Owner Unlock: Birthday: Fall 28 Loves: Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Kuroze/Claus (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Claus.png) A doctor from the city who moved to town for a good working environment. He is a perfectionist who hates unpunctuality and laziness. Despite being very strict he cares deeply for his patients. Ocupation: Doctor Unlock: Birthday: Spring 13 Loves: Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Hossan (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Hossan.png) A cheerful and positive man who runs the local inn. He has a dream to become a novelist. Occupation: Innkeeper Family: Nark(Son) Unlock: Loves: Birthday: Fall 5 Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Naruke/Nark (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Nark.png) He looks very much like his father, Hossan, and has an easygoing personality. He loves to eat, and is best friends with Tony. Family: Hossan(Father) Unlock: Birthday: Winter 12 Loves: Likes: Dislikes: Horror: Sokura (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Sokura.png) He is the younger of the harvest sprites twins. Along with his sister assists the MC with their farm. He worships the Harvest Goddess. He is a hard worker. Family: Alice(Sister) Unlock: Birthday: Spring 29 Loves: Swallowtail Butterfly Likes: All Insects, Turnip Dislikes: Moon Drop Horror: Alice (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Alice.png) She has a rather mature personality and along with her brother assists the MC with their farm. She worships the Harvest Goddess. Family: Sokura(Brother) Unlock: Birthday: Spring 29 Loves: Honeycomb, Chamomile, Mint Likes: Herbal Tea Dislikes: All Insects, Turnip Horror: Shiitake Sandra (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Sandora.png) A woman who runs a exchange shop to supply her research. She is enthusiastic about her research and likes to boast about it. Unlock: Birthday: Fall 7 Loves: Likes: Horror: Harvest Goddess (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Harvest%20Moon%20Land%20of%20Beginning/Harvest_Goddess.png) She lives in the fountain of mountain,and protects the land. She has a bright and cheerful personality and likes it when the MC brings her an offering. She cheers for the MC for the reconstruction of the town. Unlock: From the beginning. Birthday: Spring 8 Loves: Likes: All Flowers, Turnip Dislikes: All Insects, Apricot, Plum Horror: Animals and Crops This contains the list of known crops, livestock, and pets that have been confirmed in the game. So far it has not been announced if there are different variations of animals and crops. Pets Pets are bought and sold at Rod's shop. You can play and interact with them. But neglecting them will cause them to become fat and unhealthy. Dogs There are two options of dogs. One is a large pointy-eared breed. The other is short with floppy ears. Cat Cats come in the options of short and long haired breeds. Livestock Horse Chicken Cost: 5000g Product and Base Sell: Silkie Chicken Cost: Product and Base Sell: Sheep Cost: Product and Base Sell: Suffolk Sheep Cost: Product and Base Sell: Cow Cost: 10000g Product and Base Sell: Milk(200g) Original Cow Cost: Product and Base Sell: Jersey Cow Cost: Product and Base Sell: Yak Cost: Product and Base Sell: White Alpaca Cost: Product and Base Sell: Brown Alpaca Cost: Product and Base Sell: Llama Cost: Product and Base Sell: Other Animals Sparrow Boar Panda Can be ridden. Crops and Flowers Spring Turnip Cost: 210g Grow: 4-5 Base Sell: 125g Potato Cost: 290g Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: 190g Cabbage Cost: Grow: 10-14 Base Sell: Cucumber Cost: Grow: 8-11 Base Sell: Strawberry Cost: Grow: 12-17 Base Sell: Pink Rose Cost: Grow: 7-10 Base Sell: Marguerite Cost: 240g Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: 210g Tulip Cost: Grow: 9-13 Base Sell: Summer Onion Cost: 210g Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: Pumpkin Cost: Grow: 10-14 Base Sell: Tomato Cost: 210g Grow: 9-13 Base Sell: 80g Corn Cost: Grow: 10-15 Base Sell: Pineapple Cost: Grow: Base Sell: Watermelon Cost: Grow: 13-20 Base Sell: Sunflower Cost: 440g Grow: 10-14 Base Sell: 420g Red Rose Cost: 390g Grow: 7-10 Base Sell: Hydrangea Cost: Grow: 7-10 Base Sell: Fall Spinach Cost: 290g Grow: 4-5 Base Sell: 200g Carrot Cost: 260g Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: 190g Eggplant Cost: Grow: 9-13 Base Sell: Sweet Potato Cost: Grow: 5-16 Base Sell: Pepper Cost: Grow: 9-13 Base Sell: Pink Cat Cost: 260g Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: 215g White Rose Cost: Grow: 9-13 Base Sell: Gerbera Cost: Grow: 7-10 Base Sell: Winter Radish Cost: 190g Grow: 4-5 Base Sell: 125g Chinese Cabbage Cost: Grow: 9-13 Base Sell: Broccoli Cost: 390g Grow: 8-11 Base Sell: 130g Snow Drop Cost: 390g Grow: 7-10 Base Sell: 315g Gentian Cost: Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: Blue Rose Cost: Grow: 14-20 Base Sell: All Year Rice Cost: Grow: Spring-Fall Base Sell: Wheat Cost: 130g Grow: 30 Base Sell: 350g Soybean Cost: 200g Grow: 45 Base Sell: Lotus Root Cost: 260 Grow: 15 Base Sell: 300 Wasabi Cost: Grow: 20 Base Sell: Cherry Cost: 170g Grow: 60 Base Sell: Peach Cost: 420g Grow: 90 Base Sell: Banana Cost: Grow: 60 Base Sell: Mango Cost: Grow: 60 Base Sell: Apple Cost: 240g Grow: 45 Base Sell: Grapes Cost: 560g Grow: 60 Base Sell: Cacao Cost: Grow: 60 Base Sell: Kiwi Cost: Grow: 45 Base Sell: Orange Cost: 990g Grow: 60 Base Sell: Tea Cost: 840g Grow: 45 Base Sell: Flax Cost: 170g Grow: 8 Base Sell: Cotton Cost: 270g Grow: 10 Base Sell: 390g Mint Cost: Grow: 8-12 Base Sell: Chamomile Cost: Grow: 6-9 Base Sell: Lavender Cost: Grow: 6-9 Base Sell: Rosemary Cost: Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: Sage Cost: Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: Aloe Cost: Grow: 10-15 Base Sell: Basil Cost: Grow: 6-9 Base Sell: Bay Leaf Cost: 1110g Grow: 10-15 Base Sell: Bergamot Cost: 1340g Grow: 8-12 Base Sell: 185 Thyme Cost: Grow: 5-7 Base Sell: Grass - Doesn’t require watering. Cost: 20 Grow: 2 Base Sell: Mushrooms Shiitake Cost: Grow: 11 Base Sell: Shimeji Cost: Grow: 10 Base Sell: Eryngii Cost: Grow: 13 Base Sell: Houkitake Cost: Grow: 13 Base Sell: Mushroom Cost: Grow: 12 Base Sell: German Mushroom Cost: Grow: 9 Base Sell: Shops General Store Unlock: Initial Open: 10:00-18:00: Mon, Tues, Thurs-Sat Sells: Seeds Turnip Seed - 210g(Spring Only) Potato Seed - 290g(Spring Only) Margaret Seed - 240g(Spring Only) Grass Seed - 20g Onion Seed - 210g(Summer Only) Tomato Seed - 210g(Summer Only) Sunflower Seed - 440g(Summer Only) Red Rose Seed - 390g(Summer Only) Wheat Seed - 130g Lotus Seed - 260g Tools Sickle - 60g Hoe - 60 g Axe - 70g (After Year 1, Spring 15) Hammer - 70g (After Year 1, Spring 15) Watering Can - 60g Fertilizer - 100g Soil - 0g Recipes Hana's Secret Recipe 1 - 100g Hana's Secret Recipe 2 - 100g Hana's Secret Recipe 3 - 100g Basis of Grilled Food - 300g (After Year 1, Spring 11) Basis of Drink - 500g (After Year 1, Summer 2) Hana's Secret Recipe 4 - 100g (After Year 1, Spring 16) Hana's Secret Recipe 5 - 100g (After Year 1, Spring 16) Hana's Secret Recipe 6 - 100g (After Year 1, Spring 16) Ingredients Wine - 630g Rice - 340g Rice Flour - 410g Flour - 290g Bread Crumbs - 210g Oil - 170g Chili Pepper - 970g Curry Powder - 370g Truffle - 1670g Coffee Pack - 380g Cocoa Pack - 1000g Other Fertilizer - 100g Rucksack Upgrade - 5000g(After Year 1, Summer 2 Soil - 0g Engagement Ring - 30000g(After a Love Confession) Assembly Shop Unlock: Spring 27 Open: 10:00-18:00: Wens, Fri, Sat Sells: Crafts Wooden Bench - 800g Stone Bench - 800g Barrel - 800g Wooden Box - 800g Scarecrow - 800g Grass Roll - 800g Ragged Cart - 1600g Cobble Road - 800g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Street Light - 1600g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Wood Pillar - 1600g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Sign Post - 800g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Flower Pot - 1600g One Ball Topiary - 800g Lattice - 3200g Stone Fence - 800g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Stone Fence(Angle) - 800g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Stone Fance Gate - 1600g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Normal Field - 1600g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Paddy - 3300g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Copper Box - 1600g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Copper Refrigerator - 1600g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Copper Toolbox - 1600g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Vase - 2400g (After Year 1, Summer 1) Mailbox - 2400g Barn - 1600g Chicken Coop - 1600g Materials Bin - 800g Feed Bin - 800g Hand Bell - 800g Stethoscope - 800g Crab Basket - 800g Shipping Bin - 1600g(After getting the "Chicken Farm" title) Supplies Stone - 160g Wood - 160g Copper - 840g Iron - 510g Animal Store Unlock: When Neil Returns Spring 9 Open: 10:00-18:00: Mon-Thur Sells: Animals Cows - 10,000g Chicken - 5,000g Sheep Supplies Fodder - 110g Animal Medicine - 840g Feed - 140g Normal Treat - 10g Cow Treat - 30g Chicken Treat - 30g(After First Chicken) Pet Store A shop where you can purchase pets. Unlock: Open: 10:00-18:00: Mon-Thurs Sells: Supplies Lead - 1800g Pet Food - 260g Gum Bone - 4500g Tin - 4500g Pets Dog - 6000g Cat - 5000g Horse - 10000g Sandra’s Stall You can exchange crops for ores, gems, feathers, recipes, and diagrams here. Unlock: Open: 19:00-22:00 Fri-Sun Exchanges: Crystal Ruby Jade Diamond Amethyst Emerald Agate Peridot Sand Rose Fluorite Adamantite Orichalcum Mithril Platinum Pink Diamond Topaz Moonstone Philosopher’ Stone Small Coin Red Feather Green Feather Blue Feather Yellow Feather Orange Feather Purple Feather Treasured Recipe 1 Treasured Recipe 2 Treasured Recipe 3 Treasured Recipe 4 Treasured Recipe 5 Treasured Recipe 6 Treasured Recipe 7 Treasured Recipe 8 Treasured Recipe 9 Treasured Recipe 10 Treasured Recipe 12 Treasured Recipe 12 Treasured Recipe 13 Treasured Recipe 14 Red Vase Diagram Blue Vase Diagram White Vase Diagram Fireplace Diagram Blue Plain Diagram Orange Plain Diagram White Plain Diagram White Stone Floor Diagram Black Stone Floor Diagram Purple Stone Floor Diagram Witch’s Stall You can change your skin color, eye shape and color, and facial expression here. Unlock: Open: 12:00-17:00: Tues-Thurs Sells: Festivals and Events Spring Thanksgiving - Spring 14 Spring Crop Festival - Spring 30 Animal Festivals Beekeeping Festival Insect Catching Tournament Fishing Tournament Beach Festival Pumpkin Festival Autumn Festival Statue Festival Winter Thanksgiving Starry Night Festival |
Jan 29 2012, 05:59 PM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
I wish theyd have cycled through more skin colors :I
thanks for the update :D |
Jan 31 2012, 03:06 AM
Member Group: Advanced Members Joined: 28-October 07 |
Cutest Guy: Rod
Cutest Girl: Tina Expecially the girls- way to many generic Animie style characters. |
Jan 31 2012, 03:12 AM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
I just don't like Michelle for some reason
Jan 31 2012, 03:17 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Looks like a healthy supply of festivals at least.
Feb 4 2012, 03:02 AM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
Seems cool, I like that they're adding more things you can customize that was always something I wish they did more of before.
Too bad it's only for the 3DS, don't plan on ever buying it. :( |
Feb 4 2012, 06:51 AM
Member Group: Advanced Members Joined: 28-October 07 |
With it coming out in the end of Febuary in Japan, how long until the EU release?
I'm guessing 2013 :( |
Feb 4 2012, 07:00 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Whoa what. The site now advertises their brand new Domino's Pizza cross-promotion.
Is it just me, or does that seem odd for Harvest Moon? |
Feb 4 2012, 04:07 PM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
Dominos Pizza promotion? That does seem kind of out there for Harvest Moon. That's funny though.
Other than that, this game looks awesome. I can't wait to be able to play it on my 3DS. The graphics look pretty awesome. |
Feb 5 2012, 12:37 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Yep. Dominos. http://www.dominos.jp/topics/120203_a.html
I really wish I knew what the promotion entailed. All the important text is in image form, so I couldn't even google translate it. |
Feb 5 2012, 07:48 PM
*The friendly one* Group: Veterans Joined: 30-October 08 |
From 3th February 2012 - 8th March 2012, Domino's Online Shop will choose 100 participant to present "Harvest Moon:Land of Beginning" game to.
Or something close to that. |
Feb 17 2012, 09:54 PM
*The friendly one* Group: Veterans Joined: 30-October 08 |
Four new villagers have been added to the main site.
(IMG:http://i44.tinypic.com/2dmkb9.png) Emma She is in charge of shipments and is the mother of Yuri. She is always smiling, warm-hearted and has a leisurely manner. She is always looking forward to teens like the MC coming to the town. Kuroze/Claus A doctor that moved from the city to look for a good working environment. He is a perfectionist that hates unpunctual, lazy people. He is strict with patients because he cares about them. (IMG:http://i40.tinypic.com/rrjl8m.png) Hossan An uncle that runs the inn. He is cheerful and always thinks positive. He has a dream about wanting to become a novelist. Naruke/Nark He is the son of Hossan. He looks similar to his father and has a easygoing characteristic. He loves to eat, he is best friends with Tony. |
Feb 17 2012, 10:08 PM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
That doctor's nose. 8D
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-kraken.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-kraken.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-kraken.gif) |
Feb 17 2012, 10:27 PM
NEATO! Group: Veterans Joined: 22-April 10 |
Feb 22 2012, 03:22 AM
A Drifter... Group: Veterans Joined: 12-July 08 |
This is looking good so far. I like the customization options as well. Can't wait for the rest of the character releases.
Feb 22 2012, 05:12 PM
*The friendly one* Group: Veterans Joined: 30-October 08 |
Hey guys, I updated the info.
I found new features that will be in the game, *You can save anywhere on a total of 2 save files. *House level upgrades will not be returning. *The old heart icons for love interests will be making a return. *Your character, and even his family can take trips to vacation destinations. *The game will implement the use of 3D terraces and hills to accentuate the 3D look of the world. *The ability to befriend wild animals will return. *Villagers moving in as you improve the town will make a return in the game. *You can begin to improve the town on Spring 25th. *Time flow is 1 second(IRL) = 1 minute(in game), and does not freeze indoors. *Harvest Moon: Land of Beginning will feature a dating stage in relationships, rather then going from friends to being married. *Reverse proposals will make a return. It looks like Amir will be in LoB (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Amir_Temp.png) and Witch Princess. (IMG:http://i1193.photobucket.com/albums/aa353/Osuchin-kun/Witch_Princess_Temp.png) Yuri is now a confirmed bachelorette. (take note of the pink background and the font on her name and look at the other bachelorettes' panels) (IMG:http://blog-imgs-48.fc2.com/s/u/k/sukioshi/P1000258.jpg) |
Feb 22 2012, 08:02 PM
The World Traveller Group: Global Moderators Joined: 14-June 09 |
Oh god, If I get this, I've already decided who I'm going to marry. Yuuri's freakin' adorable. <3
Feb 23 2012, 02:46 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
I saw artwork of her a few months ago but couldn't find anything confirming that she was even in the game. Nice to actually see something.
Feb 23 2012, 06:54 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
Are the llamas inspired by Elvis?
Feb 23 2012, 07:02 AM
The World Traveller Group: Global Moderators Joined: 14-June 09 |
I dunno, but they sure do have one hellacious pompadour don't they? The only one I've seen that's larger is this guy's:
(IMG:http://media.animevice.com/uploads/1/18405/412729-36_ryu_and_tokagero.png) He's from Shaman King. His pompadour's sort of a joke as it keeps getting cut off and changing shape. (Most notably to a heart and a spike-like cone.) |
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