Character Dialogue, (and translations, possibly spoilers) |
Character Dialogue, (and translations, possibly spoilers) |
Aug 9 2010, 09:30 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 12-June 08 |
Well, there isn't much dialogue collected from this game so far... some of it is on the Japanese wiki, but that's about it. During my second playthrough, I've been writing down a lot of the characters' dialogue. Note I'm playing as a girl, so some of the dialogue might be different. I have some villager dialogue too, but it'll have to fit into another post. (also, should I leave the Japanese text, or is it too crowded? It takes more time to type up than to translate, but it might be helpful to some)
Lia Morning 1: 「あら、おはよう。今日は仕事?」 ("Oh, good morning. Are you working today?") Afternoon 1: 「あら、こんにちは。どこかでお出かけ?」 ("Oh, hi there. Are you going somewhere?") With Raspberry (Spring): 「今日はポカポカして気持ちがいいから散歩してるの。こんな季節は特にきれいでしょう?」 ("Today feels so nice and refreshing, so I'm out for a walk. This season's especially pretty, don't you think?") Raspberry Afternoon 1: 「こんにちは、リナ。仕事、頑張りや。」 ("Hey, Lina. Do yer best at work!") With Lia: 「今日は休みから散歩してるねん。…って言っても、動物のことが気になるから、この辺をウロウロするだけやけどな。」 ("Today's my break, so I'm takin' a walk. ...that said, I worry about the animals, so I'm only really hangin' out around here.") Licorice Morning 1: 「おかよう、リナ。元気か?」 ("Good morning, Lina. Are you well?") Morning 2: 「………ああ、おまえか。おはよう。いや、ちょっと考え事をしていたんだ。」 (".........Ahh, it's you. Good morning. Ah, sorry, I have been thinking about something.") Afternoon 1: 「…こんにちは。ふぅ。この時間はなんとなくけだるいな…」 ("...Hello. *sigh* For some reason, I feel so listless at this hour...") 1 Flower: 「…ゆっくりしていっても良いが、わたしはおまえにかまっているヒマはないぞ。」 ("...You are welcome to take your time, but I don't have the free time to spend with you right now.") Mountains (Spring): 「春は花がきれいだが、今から夏にかけては山の緑が鮮やかになるんだ。…新緑の季節だな。」 ("The flowers are pretty in spring, but the mountain greenery will become more and more vivid from now until summer. ...It's the season of new growth.") Kilik Afternoon 1: 「おっ、リナ。今日は仕事じゃないのか?」 ("Hey, Lina. Aren't you working today?") Night 1: 「よお、リナ。今日の仕事はもう終わったのか?」 ("Yo, Lina. Have you already finished today's work?") 1 Flower: 「良かったら、ゆっくりウマでも見ていってくれ。」 ("If you want, go ahead and take your time looking at the horses.") 2 Flowers: 「ウマに乗る時はウマを信頼する事が大切だ。決してこわがっちゃいけない。」 ("Trust is an important factor when riding a horse. You can't be afraid.") 3 Flowers: 「オレと一緒にいるとウマの話しばっかりだけど…たいくつか?でも、ほかの話しって言っても何を話していいかわからんから、まあ、ガマンしてくれ。」 ("If you're with me, the discussion's always gonna be about horses... is it boring? But, I don't really know what else to talk about, so bear with me.") Inside Barn 1: 「動物を育てるってすごくやりがいのある仕事だよな。」 ("Raising animals is really fulfilling work, you know?") Sona's Cafe 1: 「ここの料理はうまいぞ!おまえも食べたらどうだ?」 ("The food here is great! How about you try some?") Outside home: 「休みの日はいつも散歩したりしてるんだけど、やっぱりウマの事が気になるな。」 ("I always go out for a walk and stuff on my day off, but I really do worry about the horses.") Won Cooking Contest 1: 「おまえの料理で今日の料理大会はうちの村が勝ったんだってな。イルサが喜んでたらしいぜ。」 ("Seems our village won the Cooking Contest today with your help. Ilsa seemed pleased.") Won Cooking Contest 2: 「おまえ、今日の料理大会で勝ったんだってな!そんなにおいしい料理なら、オレも食ってみたいぜ。」 ("I heard you won today's Cooking Contest! If your cooking's that good, I'd like to try it.") Favorite Gift: 「へぇー、辛口カレー…オレにくれるのか?!そうか、大好物なんだ!ありがとな♪」 ("Woah, Spicy Curry... it's for me?! Oh really, I love this stuff! Thanks♪") Date 1: 「村では毎年、みんなでお花見をするんだ。すごく楽しいんだぜ。」 ("Every year in this village, we view the cherry blossoms. It's really fun.") Date (Rain): 「ほんっとによく降るな。この調子じゃ。今日は1日雨か…」 ("It sure is pouring. At this rate, it'll rain the entire day...") Chihiro Morning: 「おはようございます、リナさん。」+「毎日運動してますか?…って、ボクはえらそうな事言えませんが。」/「朝ご飯はちゃんと食べましたか?」/「昨日は良く眠れましたか?」 ("Good morning, Miss Lina." + "Are you getting your exercise every day? ...though, I can't really speak for myself." + "Did you remember to have breakfast?" + "Did you sleep well yesterday?") 1 Flower: 「この村の人はみんな健康なんで、医院はヒマなんですよ。だから、ボクは医学の勉強ができて喜んでます。」 ("Everyone in this village is pretty healthy, so the clinic is free a lot of the time. I'm glad that I can devote that time to medical studies.") 2 Flowers: 「仕事はうまくってますか?ムリをしないようにからだには気をつけてくださいね。」 ("Is your work going well? Please take care not to overwork yourself.") 3 Flowers: 「リナさんはいつも元気そうですね。ボクはまだ見習いですけど顔色を見ればわかりますよ。」 ("You always look so full of energy, Miss Lina. I'm still just an apprentice, but I can tell from your complexion.") Inside Clinic 1: 「わかってると思いますが、あまりムリしちゃダメですよ。」 ("I think you already know this, but you shouldn't do anything too reckless.") Inside Clinic 2: 「…ボクはいつになったら一人前の医者になれるんでしょうね。」 ("...I wonder when I'll become a fully-fledged doctor.") Inside Clinic 3: 「からだに良いものを食べると体力の回復も大きいんです。」 ("If you eat something that's good for you, it will restore a lot more stamina.") Free day: 「たまには散歩もいいものです。…と言っても、村の中をうろつくくらいですけど。」 ("It's good to go for a walk now and then. ...that said, I'm only really wandering around town.") Storm: 「こんな嵐の日に外を出ちゃダメですよ!」 ("It's not good to go out during a storm like this!") Won Cooking Contest 1: 「今日はおめでとうございます。あんな料理、どこで覚えたんですか?ボクにも教えてくださいよ。」 ("Congratulations on today. Where did you learn how to cook like that? Please teach me, too.") Won Cooking Contest 2: 「今日の料理大会、楽しかったですね!リナさんの料理は最高でしたよ。」 ("Today's Cooking Contest was fun! Your food was the best, Miss Lina.") Low Stamina: 「リナさん、少し顔色が悪そうですよ。ちょっと休まれた方がいいと思います。」 ("Miss Lina, you look a little unwell. I think you should rest for a while.") Date 1: 「村に生えているタケはほかの地方ではあまりないものなんです。この村はまだまだめずらしいものがたくさんあるんですよ、」 ("The bamboo growing in this village doesn't really grow in other areas. This village has a fair amount of rare sights.") Date 2: 「子供の頃、虹に乗ろうとした事があったんです。いくら追いかけても乗れなくて…泣いていたのを思い出します。」 ("When I was a little kid, one time I tried to ride on a rainbow. No matter how I chased after it, I couldn't... I remember crying over it.") Date 3: 「メーカー小屋を知っていますか?メーカーによってできあがるものが変わるんですよ。できあがるまで、わくわくしますね!」 ("Do you know about Maker Sheds? Depending on the maker, you can make different kinds of things. Waiting for the results is exciting, huh!") Date 4: 「ボクがお世話になっているアヤメ先生はとてもおおらかな方なんです。ちょっとおざっぱ過ぎる部分もあるんですが、優しい方なんですよ。」 ("I'm indebted to Dr. Ayame; she is a really broad-minded person. Sometimes she can be a little too (??*), but she's a kind person.") *I don't know the meaning of the word and couldn't find a definition, but I'm pretty sure it has to do with her delight in tormenting Chihiro :P Purple Heart Event: 「ソナさんの料理って、本当においしいですよね!」 「じつはボク、時々ソナさんに秘伝のレシピを教えてもらいに来るんです。」 「休日には、良くそのレシピ使って、アヤメ先生に料理をふるまっているんですよ。自分で言うのも何ですが料理には、結構自信があるんですよ♪」 ("Mrs. Sona's cooking is really delicious!" "Actually, sometimes I come here to learn Mrs. Sona's secret recipes." "On my days off, I often use those recipes when I cook for Dr. Ayame. I may not have much to say for myself, but when it comes to cooking I'm pretty confident♪") (answer 「料理は楽しいよね」 "Cooking is fun, huh") 「そうですよね!リナさんなら、きっとそう言ってくれると思いました!」 「あ!良かったら、リナさんも、うちにご飯を食べに来てください。」 「お口に合うかはわかりませんが腕よりをかけて、ごちそうを作らせてもらいますよ♪」 「…あ、もうこんな時間ですね。なんだか今日はすごく時間が過ぎるのか、早かったです。良い意抜になりました。」 「また、お誘いしてもいいですか?」 「ありがとうございます。では、ボクはこれで失礼しますね。」 ("Isn't it? I hoped you would say that, Miss Lina! Oh! If it's all right with you, please come over for lunch sometime." "I don't know if it'll be to your tastes, but I'll put my skills to the test and make you a feast♪" "...Ah, it's this late already? For some reason the time has really flown by today. I had a good time." "Is it all right to ask you out again?" "Thank you. Well, I'll be leaving now.") |
Aug 14 2010, 07:55 PM
Master of Pentapi Group: Advanced Members Joined: 5-June 10 |
I would prefer if you write the japanese as well :3 so I can check my own level of japanesenes~
:P would need some other dialouges as well? Or want to work through this yourself? I'm still playing~ but working on the recipes and stuff for the wiki~ so, uhm, if you need help or something the like - drop a line |
Sep 4 2010, 03:28 AM
Member Group: Members Joined: 17-October 09 |
:O Can't wait to see Kamil's dialogue!!! ^-^
May 19 2011, 12:06 AM
Otaku Group: Advanced Members Joined: 13-February 11 |
I kind of want to read some of Kamil's dialogue too. I also want to get a good feel of Michael's character. (I don't want another Ray Incident)
@Nurse Fin could you mark or post which word you were having trouble with? I'm not the best at translating, but I can translate kanji a bit. |
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