3DS |
3DS |
Mar 29 2011, 11:51 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 24-October 09 |
Hey Lenyo, wanna trade Friend Codes and Mii QR codes?
Here's my number: 5370-0397-4153 And my QR code: (IMG:http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/197457_10150152022473137_565653136_6636132_587608_n.jpg) |
Mar 30 2011, 12:23 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Ha, that's a pretty neat feature, Tyler!
Mar 30 2011, 01:43 AM
Member Group: Advanced Members Joined: 31-October 10 |
Yeah, I read that comment and was like "wait a minute, wasn't it priced at $250 at gamestop?" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
Edit: I didn't even notice that post tyler. Sweet feature. I know they do the same type of thing with smart phones where they have some sorta code that you take a picture of and can watch a movie or something because of that. Not sure how old that news is. I don't have a smart phone (mine's actually pretty dumb...) and I just learned this not too long ago. |
Mar 30 2011, 05:12 AM
Dude... Bummer Group: Veterans Joined: 3-May 10 |
I know it's for Australia but 350$ is quite bigger than 250$ so it just seems so extreme (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) .
Wait how does the QR code work? I haven't even figured out Friends Codes (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaeyes.gif) . |
Mar 30 2011, 03:00 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 24-October 09 |
The 3DS has a system wide friend code. Enter it once in the friends list and you can play any game that your friend has.
As far as the QR code, you have several options when saving your Mii. Not only can you save your Mii into your system, but you can save an image (like I did for my avatar) and a QR code, which your outer camera will scan so you can have that Mii in your system. Say if Oscar wanted my Mii, he'd scan that code so he could have my Mii. |
Mar 30 2011, 07:06 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
I can't believe it costs 250 dollars {btw, what do Australians use? Dollars or what?} and obviously there's going to be a price difference between countries you silly people. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaeyes.gif)
Lenyo, you just figured "meh, it's just laying around"!? Honestly, I would've saved that money towards something more useful later on, like maybe paying for your own drivers license or something, you do need to learn the value of a dollar because there are ADULTS who don't know what it's like to just have that kind of money laying around to just buy whatever with it. This is just like people buying a 3D tv, it's a gimmick and it really doesn't add anything. You could play those same games and still get the same enjoyment out of them, if you can't then it's a bad game to begin with. Just like with the movies, if it lost any of it's enjoyment when it wasn't in 3D then it wasn't good. I still have the very original DS, I never saw the need to buy "thinner" versions because it was already small enough for me it's not like I wanted it in my back pocket, I only used it at home or in long car rides. And any video games just bore me now, the only game I play now is glow hockey on my iPod touch when I'm bored or just want to listen to music lol. And thta doesn't get old. |
Mar 31 2011, 08:21 PM
Dude... Bummer Group: Veterans Joined: 3-May 10 |
I don't see how comparing this to a 3D TV makes any sense. I can still watch the same shows on my normal TV but I can't play any of the 3DS games on a normal DS. It has nothing to do with the games not being fun without 3D. You can turn the 3D off if you want. But if you want to play these new games you have to buy this new system. If they worked on a normal DS then it would be like a 3D TV. But they don't. People aren't buying a 3DS for an extra feature. They are buying it so they can play the many new games that are coming out only for that system.
I use the original DS too, but unlike you I still like video games and I want to play these new ones. So 3D or not I have to buy a new console not for just an extra feature "that doesn't really add anything" but so I can play the games at all. |
Mar 31 2011, 10:38 PM
The Incredible Group: Veterans Joined: 13-October 09 |
Well to be honest if I were to get a 3DS it wouldn't be because I want to play games in 3D, in fact I hate the whole 3D fad (Though it's lasted a while now so maybe it's more than that). I'd just want to play the new games it has and would probably turn 3D off anyway.
Either way I won't be getting one anytime soon for the reasons I gave in another post. Not like Nintendo cares because they're swimming in money already and if people want to add to that it's not my problem - good for them and I hope they enjoy it. Though if you have more money lying around the future and there are no major consoles or handhelds to buy I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. I won't even hassle you by giving something in return. No don't worry about it, it's cool. |
Mar 31 2011, 11:25 PM
Member Group: Advanced Members Joined: 31-October 10 |
Though if you have more money lying around the future and there are no major consoles or handhelds to buy I'd be more than happy to take it off your hands. I won't even hassle you by giving something in return. No don't worry about it, it's cool. Hate to jump on the bandwagon but I second this statement, just in case you can't get a hold of Suiko. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif) Anyone play Cave Story before? Heard they're making a version for the 3DS. It won't have the same pixelated charm as the freeware, Wiiware, or DSiware versions, but I'm a fan of the game and am kinda curious about how it'll turn out. Oh man, that reminds me of how hard the "real" final area of that game was.... whoops, side tracked. Also wanna see the 3DS Super Mario game. This and Cave Story are gonna be two of the biggest persuaders for me to get a 3DS. I've seen some good times with Mario and will probably never grow out of his games. Too many memories of playing them with my grandma when I was little. She actually beat most of the earlier ones before I did! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Tell ya what though, I can tear up Super Mario Bros. 3 (AKA the best game ever) considering how many times we played it. Good times... |
Apr 3 2011, 05:35 AM
Member Group: Advanced Members Joined: 28-October 07 |
In Australia, 1 AUD (Australian Dollar) = 1 USD. But the problem is that its not equal to the same as the Japanese Yen, which is why we have/expect some price difference, however we are still over charged.
If you guys want to add me, my FC is 5455 - 9412 - 9162. But PM me if you add me with your code. Cave Story I'm interested in, yeah its not as charmy as the other versions- but the 3DS version does look good. My brother sees the 3D as a fad. And it gives him headaches- so hes avoiding the system after playing mine until OoT is out. Which he will either steal mine, or get his own for. |
Apr 3 2011, 07:05 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 24-October 09 |
Would you like to trade codes and Mii's?
Apr 3 2011, 07:08 PM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
The only issue I see with this system is that if everyone wants to continue buying portable Nintendo games, then they'll have to get one. I want one because of all the games coming out for it, not because of the 3D.
Apr 3 2011, 08:39 PM
Dude... Bummer Group: Veterans Joined: 3-May 10 |
I wish I didn't have to buy one. I would much rather save that money. But there are too many games I want (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) .
Apr 3 2011, 09:51 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 24-October 09 |
This is the part where I review my games.
Street Fighter 3D : 8/10 (Buy it) Pilot Wings Resort : 7/10 (Buy it) Steel Divers : 5/10 (Good idea, lacks presentation) Nintendogs + Cats : 7/10 (Buy it if you love cute animals) Bust-A-Move Universe: 6/10 (Puzzle fans only) Super Monkey Ball 3D : 7/10 (Fun, but kinda ugly) If you have any questions, let me know. |
Apr 3 2011, 11:36 PM
Dude... Bummer Group: Veterans Joined: 3-May 10 |
Awesome. I'm glad most of the games are good. But by the time I get a 3DS there will probably be too many other games I want more than those (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) .
Apr 3 2011, 11:44 PM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Yeah,Street Fighter looks the best.
The 3D Mario will probably be the one that'll be the one to convince me the most. I already want to play the 3D Paper Mario.... Don't know if I'll get Animal Crossing. The Wii one was more boring. They need to add more stuff. But I did feel that Animal Crossing worked best in a handheld. |
Apr 3 2011, 11:55 PM
Dude... Bummer Group: Veterans Joined: 3-May 10 |
Original AC is still my favorite. I think they had to add so much stuff to keep people interested it became so gimmicky and lost it's charm. But I did like the other two, just not as much. I am planning on getting AC 3D.
Paper Mario is one I'm super excited about. I need to beat Super Paper Mario in preparation... And Thousand Year Door... And you know what maybe I'll just beat the first one again too >;D. |
Apr 4 2011, 01:18 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Yeah, the original was my favorite, too. Maybe it was because we were younger. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
Super Paper Mario could have been awesome, but I think it was ruined because the turn based battles were removed. The story and writing was awesome, but the gameplay was boring, I thought. So, since this one is more like the Paper Mario I know, I'm looking forward to it. |
Apr 4 2011, 01:36 AM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
The issue with City Folk was that nintendo rushed it. They didn't include everything that they did in Wild World, so it got boring extremely quick. I'm hoping that this whole "You're the mayor!" will make things feel really fresh, and they won't get boring quick.
Apr 4 2011, 02:33 AM
I don't remember selling my soul to you. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-March 09 |
I can't believe it costs 250 dollars {btw, what do Australians use? Dollars or what?} and obviously there's going to be a price difference between countries you silly people. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaeyes.gif) Lenyo, you just figured "meh, it's just laying around"!? Honestly, I would've saved that money towards something more useful later on, like maybe paying for your own drivers license or something, you do need to learn the value of a dollar because there are ADULTS who don't know what it's like to just have that kind of money laying around to just buy whatever with it. This is just like people buying a 3D tv, it's a gimmick and it really doesn't add anything. You could play those same games and still get the same enjoyment out of them, if you can't then it's a bad game to begin with. Just like with the movies, if it lost any of it's enjoyment when it wasn't in 3D then it wasn't good. I still have the very original DS, I never saw the need to buy "thinner" versions because it was already small enough for me it's not like I wanted it in my back pocket, I only used it at home or in long car rides. And any video games just bore me now, the only game I play now is glow hockey on my iPod touch when I'm bored or just want to listen to music lol. And thta doesn't get old. k, look, I was joking. I was also being honest, in a way. Everything I need is handed to me on a silver platter, am I supposed to pretend it isn't? I didn't know that would make everyone happy, but this is completely off-topic. Don't take things so seriously. I'm a kid. I wanted something and I bought it. I didn't know that would personally offend you, someone I barely even know. Anyway, Tyler, I'll add that code in a bit. I've only done some local adds, so far. Wifi'll be interesting to mess around with. Edit: Also, the 3D is gimmicky and will wear off soon. I would have bought the 3DS anyway, since I'm a Nintendo Fanboy who loves Nintendo games. Making it a basis for an argument against doesn't work. Edit: Tyler, I'll PM you my info |
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