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> Lindstrom Knows Everything, everything that matters, anyway
post Mar 15 2010, 09:12 PM
Post #3101

Group: Ranch Hand
Joined: 27-March 08

Well then you're lamer than a lame duck. You should be thanking me that you are graced with knowing me, and that makes you just that little bit less lame and stops you just short from falling into the pit of ultimate lame-ness.

Also, are you aware of these guys? Something British version of They Might Be Giants from the 60's, but they had better everything.
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post Mar 15 2010, 09:15 PM
Post #3102

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

Whatever hater

Have not heard of them, sorry.
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post Mar 16 2010, 05:22 PM
Post #3103

Group: Ranch Hand
Joined: 27-March 08

Allow me to enlighten you

Well, sorta. But they were awesome.
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post Mar 17 2010, 12:53 AM
Post #3104

Tin Soldier
Group: Veterans
Joined: 1-September 08

What annoys you most about your siblings {or.. err.. sibling..?}?
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post Mar 17 2010, 02:10 AM
Post #3105

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

Too lazy to check those. The best way to get someone into a band is to drive them around and have one of their CDs going.

(3 brothers, one of which is my twin) For my oldest, I don't like how we don't have much common ground, to the point where we don't even seem related. Middle brother, I hate his girlfriend and how she makes him lazier than he already is. My twin, I hate that he has a short temper and doesn't really ever want to do real work.
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Harvest Moon Rac...
post Mar 17 2010, 03:26 AM
Post #3106

Veteran Trash Can Diver
Group: Raccoons
Joined: 23-July 07

Ever have a near death experience?
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post Mar 17 2010, 02:45 PM
Post #3107

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

Nope, Death has near-Lindstrom experiences. Anyway there have been a number of situations that should have killed me were it not for what could be described as luck. I've come close to being crushed, shot, mauled by wild animals, drowned (probably the most frequent one), electrocuted, hit by cars/getting into massive accidents, things like that.
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post Mar 18 2010, 01:19 AM
Post #3108

Tin Soldier
Group: Veterans
Joined: 1-September 08

For a life like that why have they not made a Lindstrom movie yet? I'm waiting to spend my movie giftcard!
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post Mar 18 2010, 01:38 AM
Post #3109

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

$10 says the people in charge would ruin the movie and it would be totally predictable and lame. I would get zero creative control, I bet.
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post Mar 18 2010, 01:44 AM
Post #3110

Tin Soldier
Group: Veterans
Joined: 1-September 08

It's too bad though.

Who would you get to play you if you accidently sprained your ankle and couldn't do it yourself?
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post Mar 18 2010, 01:56 AM
Post #3111

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

If I couldn't do it myself, I'd have it rewritten from the perspective of a female character, changing the plot to fit her actions and thought process. It'd really be an elaborate scheme to get Audrey Tautou into the role, so then I could hang out with her.
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post Mar 19 2010, 04:02 PM
Post #3112

Tin Soldier
Group: Veterans
Joined: 1-September 08

Ooh, good choice of actress.

Do you live near any lakes or large bodies of water?
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post Mar 19 2010, 06:09 PM
Post #3113

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

My town is connected to the ocean on the north side and the south side, both only a short bike ride away.
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post Mar 20 2010, 03:47 PM
Post #3114

Tin Soldier
Group: Veterans
Joined: 1-September 08

Ooh, that's nice. Do you swim a lot? Also, what's fishing like on the ocean? I only know what it's like to have lakes and the same kind of fish everywhere.
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post Mar 20 2010, 06:47 PM
Post #3115

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

Because it's so close, if the weather is good you can usually go for a swim whenever you've got the time. There are a lot of kinds of fish, and also crabs, lobsters, and all kinds of clams, plus occasionally you see sharks or seals or whales. At shore, the fish aren't particularly big, but as you go deeper you find the kind that are usually a couple feet long. Catching those ones with a rod requires a decent amount of strength.
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+Quote Post
post Mar 21 2010, 04:17 PM
Post #3116

Tin Soldier
Group: Veterans
Joined: 1-September 08

My dad used to be huge on fishing, we have tons of old video of him and about 20 guys that would always go fishing together, but not anymore.. Just sort of stopped. We used to have a boat but we had to sell that years ago. My Grandpa had a really nice boat but recently sold it.. No idea why, he used it like 3 times out of 10 years. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaeyes.gif)
Yeah, my city has about 4-5 lakes surrounding it, which is really nice, minus the tourists we get in the summer. xp

Have you ever stuffed/mounted an animal? Or not that big on hunting or things like that?
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+Quote Post
post Mar 21 2010, 08:54 PM
Post #3117

Lightning Bolt Action
Group: Gophers
Joined: 4-March 07

Why were human beings made to exist?
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post Mar 22 2010, 06:05 AM
Post #3118

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

My cousins and I were big into the whole wilderness survival thing back when I was in high school. Instead of shooting a deer with a gun and stuffing it or whatever, we could take them down with bows, spears, or rock slings. We Didn't bother to hunt animals that often, I only took down one deer in my life. We also got pretty good at tanning the skin to make leather and doing other stuff. Ate a lot of deer meat.

Try not to think about it like there's a reason and purpose. Think of it like there's undefined potential.
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+Quote Post
post Mar 22 2010, 06:42 AM
Post #3119

Lightning Bolt Action
Group: Gophers
Joined: 4-March 07

Do you think that there's a purpose for everyone?
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post Mar 22 2010, 07:58 AM
Post #3120

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

Maybe some people have defined purposes, but I think it's really about the choices we make, and even if there's some parts that are destined to be, the rest isn't. This sort of stuff bothered me a lot growing up, I used to wonder why I was myself. I remember being 4 and wondering why my consciousness was in my own body and I wasn't born in some other country or something (I don't think it helped that I had been playing Link's Awakening religiously). It bothered me a lot for years and years. For the same reason it bothered me I don't think an answer I give you will put you at ease because to you I might not even exist (made more so since I can only communicate to you in semi-anonymous internet words). The best thing I can do is introduce you to Rush. Overcome your uncertainty or be overwhelmed by it.

Attached File  Rush___Freewill.mp3 ( 4.97MB ) Number of downloads: 10

As far as what I think now, I don't care about whether there's fate or just luck or whatever. I just do what I need to and what I want to.
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