Valentines Day Gift Exchange!, Run by Twi and Kozu! |
Valentines Day Gift Exchange!, Run by Twi and Kozu! |
Feb 9 2010, 05:41 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Lolz! Just start it now, Charmy. Just use the time that you would be on RS to work on it.
Feb 9 2010, 05:49 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
Well, I'm most likely to make a signature. And I take a pretty long, non-stop time to do those. If I were to start and finish on different days, well, I just wouldn't finish it. Like how I usually like to draw a picture in one night rather than scattered days.
....I'm picky. ;--; |
Feb 9 2010, 07:57 PM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Well, just try to have it very close to Feb. 14th and apologize to whoever won't get it on that day. And I'm sure they'll understand..
Feb 10 2010, 06:14 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
Mmhmm. I've already apologised in advance if I were to be late.
Like I said, I'm not completely abandoning it, so that's to be on the brighter side. I am still horribly sorry though to my giftee person thingy. |
Guest_Harvest Moon Raccoonn_* |
Feb 10 2010, 06:22 PM
Guests |
Wait when are the boys gifts due in? (The gifts the guys make)
Feb 11 2010, 12:51 AM
Melted Wings of Wax Group: Global Moderators Joined: 22-January 08 |
That would be on White Day, a month after Valentines. :]
Feb 11 2010, 03:25 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
I know this is off topic, but why does HMR's name look funny and it say he's a guest?
Feb 11 2010, 03:32 AM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Brief kerfuffle. Pay it no mind.
Feb 11 2010, 05:47 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Oh a month until our gifts, huh? I wonder who got me...
Feb 13 2010, 01:39 PM
Melted Wings of Wax Group: Global Moderators Joined: 22-January 08 |
...I read that question wrong. >D
They are pretty much due in tonight, I guess? *Cracks whip* I thought you meant the gifts the guys make. My bad. :] |
Feb 13 2010, 03:52 PM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
For whatever guy gets me and doesn't know what the heck to make, a simple poem like, "Roses are red, violets are blue, this poem is funny, and so are you!" is good enough for me. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
Yay! I hope ****** can stand my present. It's so lame. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) |
Feb 13 2010, 05:11 PM
--valiant|| Group: Katie Joined: 7-March 07 |
*looks at date* … BLEEEP. D: *runs to scanner* |
Feb 13 2010, 07:30 PM
Patience, my young grasshopper. Group: Veterans Joined: 16-September 08 |
HOLY SHIIIIIZZLES! ..... ah well, Its a saturday so, I can easily finish without worrying about anything else~ *panics*
Feb 14 2010, 05:44 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
....I can't use my GIMP..... Shizzles mo chizzles....
I'll have to make a substitute for the substitute. O_O: |
Feb 14 2010, 02:10 PM
Official Gleek! Group: Site Contributor Joined: 4-March 07 |
We will begin as soon as Twi gets on.
Feb 14 2010, 02:53 PM
Melted Wings of Wax Group: Global Moderators Joined: 22-January 08 |
Alright guys! Since Valentines is only one day, we are going to use the system of guessing on a form. :]
For Darth (1); (IMG: For Suiko (2); (IMG: (IMG: For Hasfusel (3); (IMG: For Toast (4); (IMG: For Classic Tyler (5); (IMG: For Harvest Moon Raccoon (6); (IMG: For Zboy (7); (IMG: (IMG: For Lenyo (8); (IMG: For HS (9); *Will be edited later* For Oscar (10); (IMG: (IMG: |
Feb 14 2010, 06:29 PM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
I have no idea.
1: Zen seems to be into posters. 2: Iunno. The sig/avatar ones'll be harder. Totoro? 3: Miss Kid? 4: Rebbecca? 5: Daniella? 6: Katie? 7: Be Happy? 8: Co'coa? 9: Charmy? 10: Jitterbug? I just started guessing randomly. =\ |
Feb 14 2010, 06:48 PM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 24-October 09 |
Awww, mine is really cute. Thanks, uh, whoever did it. I love it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaevil.gif)
Feb 14 2010, 07:19 PM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Aaa!! I absolutely love mine! It's great and funny too!
I have no idea who made it. Katie maybe? #9 is Charmy for sure, #1 I say Zen too. #7 could have been Totoro? |
Feb 14 2010, 07:38 PM
The Incredible Group: Veterans Joined: 13-October 09 |
Thanks a lot whoever I got, I really love it. The problem now is because all the presents were so great I'm going to look awful when I have to give mine!
As for guessing I don't really know people here well enough to be accurate but I'm going to take a shot at Totoro or Daniella doing mine, I figure 6 is Katie since it was hand drawn and she said she had to run to the scanner. |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 14th January 2025 - 04:21 PM |