25 Days of Christmas!, Merry and Jolly Countdown! |
25 Days of Christmas!, Merry and Jolly Countdown! |
Dec 2 2009, 05:44 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Crystal: I understand, I know about all those things. I do feel that people go a little overboard with the gifts. Except the decorative lights part, I think it's great to decorate your house. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) The electric bills don't come too high, just be a smart shopper when you get lights.
Yes! This season totally has a lot of greed in it. I agree with that. "I want this for Christmas" or "I need to buy this and that for so and so." But there are people that truly do have a nice Christmas. Sure, sometimes families will fight, but that can happen with any family gathering. Everyone still gets together, they eat some food, laugh and have fun, it's all good. I think the people that make a big deal out of gifts are kids. Honestly, they HAVE to have whatever they say. I think it's stupid how a lot of parents will then get them EVERYTHING. That's just wrong! Santa! I actually love the whole Santa Claus concept. I think it's fun for kids to let their imaginations run wild thinking about this fat man giving gifts, lolz. I'll be lying to my kids about him come the time! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasmile.gif) Oh, I hate cutting down trees too. Just buy fake ones, we've had our X-Mas tree for like 7 years now...>.> Overall, it's best to not think about the bad sides of it too much and just join in, but when you join in, make sure to do it the right way! |
Dec 2 2009, 05:51 AM
The Not-Quite-Crazy Cat Lady Group: Site Contributor Joined: 22-June 09 |
I have no desire to join in with the madness. If I want to give someone a gift, I give them a gift. I'm not waiting for Christmas to tell me to give them a gift. If I want to throw a family gathering, I'm throwing a family gathering! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
Oh hey, you know a couple of year ago, someone got on the news because of their Christmas lights. They showed their electric bill, too. It was outrageous! You'd be surprised how those little lights add up. 0_o *giggles* Oh, don't get me started on Santa or the Easter Bunny or any of that stuff. Let's just say this: I am much too honest to like stuff like that. Crystal is a Scrooge~! Yes. But~ I DO like all the Christmas Carol television specials. |
Dec 2 2009, 05:56 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Lolz, I like the commercials too!
But everyone does do all that, it's just Christmas time is another reason to do it! You can join in by, I dunno, having a Secret Santa thing with your friends or family? You don't have to buy everyone a gift or anything. Aww man, there's nothing wrong about Santa and the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. I think it helps a kid be a kid. It helps keep their innocence. |
Dec 2 2009, 06:01 AM
The Not-Quite-Crazy Cat Lady Group: Site Contributor Joined: 22-June 09 |
I had a rampant imagination as a kid, and my mom was honest with me about that stuff. My mom and dad don't really celebrate Christmas. Mom not at all, and Dad just kind of celebrates it. It's the extended family that celebrates it.
I do not want to get into Christmas. I do not like it. I'm not out to convince anyone to start disliking it the way I do, nor do I plan on trying to like it myself. Sorry, Oscar! |
Dec 2 2009, 06:04 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Ahh, Crystal, don't worry about it! If anything, I'm sorry, I'm not mad or anything! I can see where your beliefs come from and I totally understand them; there's a lot of truth behind them.
Just sing along with those commercials! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) I do! |
Dec 2 2009, 06:07 AM
The Not-Quite-Crazy Cat Lady Group: Site Contributor Joined: 22-June 09 |
I think you got me wrong there, Oscar. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif) I don't like Chrismas commercials, I like the Christmas Carol television specials. You know, Charles Dickens? Scrooge?
And don't be sorry for me. Well, I guess you can. I feel sorry for a lot of people who do celebrate, so . . . >_> |
Dec 2 2009, 06:09 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Crystal: Ahh, oops. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Well, I like those too, so watch 'em!
I don't feel sorry for you. If that's the way you do stuff, it's cool with me. |
Dec 2 2009, 06:13 AM
The Not-Quite-Crazy Cat Lady Group: Site Contributor Joined: 22-June 09 |
Good, then. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalasmile.gif) I'm cool with all the people who do celebrate it, too. I know how much some people enjoy it. ^_^
On brighter note, I don't just like the specials, I love them. I'm sure that sounds weird after my rant, but I really do! I look forward to them all year and I get really excited when I see that they're on. I'm dragging Dad out to see the new movie Disney made involving the story. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif) |
Dec 2 2009, 06:16 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Haha, that's funny cuz I too want to see it! Maybe I'll find a way to see it..>.> I have always loved the Christmas Carol story; a classic.
Dec 2 2009, 03:35 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
I've always loved Christmas. I love waking up to see my living room with all the colourful wrapped presents underneith the tree and Christmas music played over the radio usually. It's a day where we forget our worries and everyone can usually get along for one day.
I love having Christmas dinner with my grandparents and uncles and maybe even making my own dish this year.. I did it last year but everyone said it wasn't as good as my nana's haha.. Nice.. Yeah, there are obviously families that consider this a completely, "GAH! I DIDN'T GET A ROCKING HORSE!" holiday but I think we need to stop being so negative about holidays and stop considering them purely Hallmark. Be nice and go give your family a hug. |
Dec 2 2009, 10:36 PM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
Day 23
The top five Christmas songs of all time are: -"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" -"Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" -"Jingle Bells" -"White Christmas" -"I'll Be home for Christmas" |
Dec 3 2009, 03:13 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
ZBoy, your set is so pretty. Just thought I'd say that lol.
Dec 3 2009, 10:05 PM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
Thanks Idle, it is definately one of my favorites!
Day 22 The structure of the abbrevation Xmas came from the Greek alphabet. X is the letter for Chi, which is the first letter in Christ's name in the Greek aplhabet. |
Dec 4 2009, 12:18 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
One thing I don't like about Christmas.... Having to see all of your family and having a party. D: It's not that I hate my family, but, it causes.... A lot of stress between my parents. Also, I'm no "Partier". And I'm also a shy person, so when they ask me questions of how I am, I'm timid and don't mention a lot. Which causes people to think that I don't want to interact with them. When really, I just want to go home and stop worrying, and trying to keep up good manners.
And I'm picky about my food. And since I'm still a child, I love mah presents. All I do is make a list and my parents buy what they can for me. I still love fiddling around with the presents under the tree and trying to figure out what they are. For an odd reason, I love this type of suspense of gift-giving. And I unwrap each gift so slowly. Xq I don't want to get older and have to start giving gifts myself. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Maybe I'll draw my parents a picture this year though. They love my drawings. <3 But really, I just want to stay at home and have a small Christmas with my tight family, or relatives that don't live very far away. |
Dec 4 2009, 10:03 PM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
Day 21
In ancient Scandinavia, mistletoe was associated with peace and friendship. That is most likely why kisses are exchanged when standing under it. |
Dec 5 2009, 03:00 PM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
Day 20
A few people put stars on their trees to represent the North star that the 3 wisemen followed to find Jesus. |
Dec 5 2009, 07:25 PM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Charmy: Yeah, I know what you mean. Try and hang out with just people that are about your age? You'll feel better around them instead of being in the middle of everyone.
We have a star on our tree. We used to put an angel, but we decided to switch cuz the stars light up. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) |
Dec 6 2009, 01:37 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 13-February 09 |
I love decorating the house. When you put that star on top the tree, it really feels like Christmas.
This season makes me so cheerful! :D |
Dec 6 2009, 07:22 AM
Charrcharrs Group: Site Contributor Joined: 16-July 08 |
Charmy: Yeah, I know what you mean. Try and hang out with just people that are about your age? You'll feel better around them instead of being in the middle of everyone. When we visit my mum's relatives, it's a bit strange. We, as a family, only see them at Christmas, Easter and some birthdays. The people closest to my age are about 15 or 16 I think. And.... Well.... Although it's pretty close it's still feels awkward. *Depressed* I normally sit down and draw, or if I brought my DS, play that. My father's side is so much more comfortable though. ;__; I see he's grandparents once a week, same with my uncle. And the amount of cousins that come, well, it's much smaller than on my mum's side. Like, 90 - 10 people comparison? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) |
Dec 6 2009, 08:29 PM
Retired Superhero Group: Veterans Joined: 6-September 09 |
Day 19
A wreath with holly, red berries and other decorations began from at least the 17th century. Holly, with its sharply pointed leaves, symbolised the thorns in Christ's crown-of-thorns. Red berries symbolised the drops of Christ's blood. A wreath at Christmas signified a home that celebrated to birth of Christ. |
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