I Have A Questions Topic, Now Yume and Hasfusel can stop arguing over me. |
I Have A Questions Topic, Now Yume and Hasfusel can stop arguing over me. |
Oct 11 2009, 12:36 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Heyyy I'm Catholic too! Does this mean we're faith buddies? Haha that sounds stupid.
Oct 11 2009, 12:45 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Yeah. And it does sound stupid but I'll comfort you. I mean, we're faith buddies.
Oct 11 2009, 04:08 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
In a fire would you be more likely to save someone that had the same religion as you or someone that wasn't?
Oct 11 2009, 04:27 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I'd save whoever was youngest. Age takes preference to religion when it comes to my sympathies. If they were around the same age I'd just go for whoever was closest.
Oct 11 2009, 04:29 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
What if they were, like, both exactly the same distance apart? Would you save your fellow Catholic or save the other man in the hopes of converting him to your faith?
Oct 11 2009, 04:34 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I would save the other. I'd like to think that the other would tell me it was okay. If there's one thing all my Catholic friends have in common it's that we're all ready to die. We're not suicidal or fanatical, we just feel like we're ready.
Oct 12 2009, 04:58 AM
Closet case of innocence Group: Advanced Members Joined: 19-October 08 |
How do you buy weed with lunch money?
Oct 12 2009, 05:38 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Do you remember the Spice Girls?
Oct 12 2009, 02:39 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
I'm always technically ready to die, because when you're dead nothing at all matters anymore (or even exists as far as you're concerned), but I'm more or less enjoying my life at the moment and I'd rather carry on.
Favourite axe? |
Oct 12 2009, 02:51 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
Have you ever worn makeup as a teenager?
Oct 12 2009, 03:30 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Take the lunch money, give it to your stoner friend. Wait two days until he gets the stuff for you, get disgusted with yourself and end up giving it away a few days later.
Yes. There was always a feud between them and the Backstreet Boys at my school. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) Zulu, simple and effective. It doesn't look pretty but it gets the job done well. How many ways can I say no? |
Oct 12 2009, 03:32 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
Why would Xief get angry when asked to have her naked?
Oct 12 2009, 03:36 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Great to see you're finally interested in girls. And because she has body issues.
Oct 12 2009, 04:10 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
I'm not at all interested in girls. I just enjoy watching her reaction to the crazy things I say to her.
Oct 12 2009, 04:12 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I felt the same way about Toaster Boy. But was he a good sport? Nooooooooooo...
Oct 12 2009, 04:26 PM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
Yes, but Xief is normally a good sport :) She says I crossed a line though.
Oct 12 2009, 04:28 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Like I said, body issues. Either that or she wanted you to say it but when you did she was so overwhelmed with joy her defective female brain got fried and she got angry. You know how girls are.
Oct 12 2009, 07:54 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
Xief is a girl?
Also, would Captain Falcon wield a béc de faucon? I love those things, they have to be the crowning glory of medieval weaponry. |
Oct 12 2009, 09:49 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Saffy talks with a girl. I know, it's too incredible to be true.
I think it would just jab him in some very sensitive places whenever he winded up a Falcon Kick. But to anyone else it would be extremely useful, especially if they were fighting him. |
Oct 12 2009, 10:13 PM
Melted Wings of Wax Group: Global Moderators Joined: 22-January 08 |
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