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> I Have A Questions Topic, Now Yume and Hasfusel can stop arguing over me.
post Jun 22 2009, 11:30 PM
Post #1001

Namco Professor
Group: Mayors
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Joined: 19-March 07

Yet again, Saffy is completely missing the great of bacon, this time for eggs. Why does he persist in this?
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+Quote Post
post Jun 22 2009, 11:33 PM
Post #1002

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

The man never ate a grand slam in his life.
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+Quote Post
post Jun 22 2009, 11:34 PM
Post #1003

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

I saw a commercial for some American restaurant where they were wrapping bacon around hamburgers. You're welcome.
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+Quote Post
post Jun 22 2009, 11:36 PM
Post #1004

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

That's the reason right there, why people hate America. And I feel compelled to say thank you.
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+Quote Post
post Jun 22 2009, 11:44 PM
Post #1005

Group: Oscar
Joined: 12-August 08

Who is that guy on your avatar anyways?
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Twilight Wandere...
post Jun 22 2009, 11:51 PM
Post #1006

Melted Wings of Wax
Group: Global Moderators
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Joined: 22-January 08

Ever heard this?
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post Jun 22 2009, 11:53 PM
Post #1007

Namco Professor
Group: Mayors
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Joined: 19-March 07

You know decadence isn't limited to America, right?
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+Quote Post
post Jun 22 2009, 11:58 PM
Post #1008

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

Sousuke, from Full Metal Panic.

No. It's awesome, it sounds like old Linkin Park only heavier.

Yeah. Poutine is proof of that. I was just trying to make joke.
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 12:00 AM
Post #1009

Group: Oscar
Joined: 12-August 08

Did you like my old sig better than this one?
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post Jun 23 2009, 12:03 AM
Post #1010

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

I can't remember what your old sig was honestly. I think the diamonds in the new one are a bit over-the-top though.
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 12:04 AM
Post #1011

Group: Oscar
Joined: 12-August 08

Haha this sig is almost the same as my old one.
So darker diamonds, huh?

*pesters you* Wooo!
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 12:52 PM
Post #1012

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

Go pester Totoro.
Crash, you're going down without a sound.
And I'll pass you up before I explode!
Breaking until I'll see it through.
You won't keep me down when I crash through you!
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Twilight Wandere...
post Jun 23 2009, 04:23 PM
Post #1013

Melted Wings of Wax
Group: Global Moderators
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Joined: 22-January 08

I like that quote. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
Have fun, and if you want, you can ask me them as well. =3

1. If you could buy any type of food what would you buy?

2. What color is your tooth brush?

3. If you could be any animal what would it be and why?

4. What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?

5. Who is your favorite super hero and why?

6. Who do you admire the most?

7. What is your favorite summer activity?

8. If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?

9. If you could be any flavor of ice cream what ice cream flavor would you be and why?

10. Who is your favorite cartoon character and why?

11. If you could go any where in the world where would you go and why?

12. What is your dream job?

13. Are you a morning or a night person?

14. What is your favorite hobby?

15. What is one thing that annoys you the most?

16. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

17. What is your favorite thing about someone in your family?

18. What is one of your weird quirks?

19. Describe your self in 3 words.

20. If you could trade lives with anyone for a day who would it be and why?

21. If you could talk in your sleep what would you say?

22. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?

23. What is your favorite movie quote?

24. What is your favorite joke?

25. What would you do on Mars for fun?

26. If you could get yourself anything, what would you get?

27. Where is the worst place you could get stuck?

28. What would you do with your “15 minutes” of fame?

29. Where would you go if you where invisible?

30. What is your favorite flavor of “Berty Bots every flavored beans”.

31. What is the one thing you own you wish you didn’t?

32. Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words.

33. What is your biggest addiction?

34. Do you have a song that reminds you of a relationship if so what song?

35. How many books have you read so far this year?

36. When I dance, I look like…?

37. Who have you met that you wish you hadn’t?

38. If you were famous what would you be famous for?

39. What is the worst job you could have?

40. What is your favorite T.V. channel?

41. What is the thing your most afraid of?

42. If you could paint anything what would you paint?

43. What celebrity annoys you the most?

44. What is the most interesting thing you have in your purse/wallet?

45. What is the meanest thing you’ve ever said to someone?

46. If you could get a yacht what would you call it?

47. What is your life long dream?

48. If you could talk to the President what would you talk about?

49. Have you ever tried to do something you know you would be really bad at, what was it?

50. On a scale of 1 to 10 how “cool” are you?

51. What is the best advantage to being really tall?

52. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

53. What is the one thing you have always wanted to do?

54. What TV sitcom family would you be a member of?

55. What store do you shop at the most?

56. What new technology will transform the future?

57. What supply in your house is running low?

58. If you could be any nationality what would it be?

59. What is the most delightful word you can think of?

60. What is your least favorite beverage?

61. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

62. If you were stranded on a tropical island what 2 things would you want with you?

63. What is the first thing you notice about someone when you first meet?

64. If you where running for office what would your campaign slogan be?

65. What was your favorite book growing up?

66. What city in America should not be included on a map, why?

67. What compliment does people give you the most?

68. What word would you add to the dictionary if you could, what would it mean?

69. What product would you refuse to promote?

70. What is your favorite pet’s name?

71. Use one word to describe your computer ability?

72. If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

73. Which of the presidents was your favorite?

74. How long of a consecutive time have you spent in a car?

75. What is your favorite Halloween costume?

76. How can you tell if some one is a nerd?

77. If you could teach any grade or subject what would it be?

78. What fashion trend do you just not get?

79. If you where a wicked tyrant what country would you rule?

80. What is the lowest grade you have ever been given what class was it for?

81. If you could choose your nickname what would it be?

82. What is your best feature?

83. If you could swim in any liquid what would it be and why?

84. What is the song you hear most often?

85. What have you done that you are most proud of?

86. How many keys do you have on your key ring?

87. What is your favorite song?

88. How old where you when you had the worst hair cut ever what style was it?

89. What advice did you get that was the most rewarding?

90. If you could change one thing about your looks what would it be?

91. What is your least favorite type of music?

92. If you where a super hero what would your powers be?

93. What fortune would you want to get from a fortune cookie?

94. What is one food you wouldn’t want to give up?

95. If you won a million dollars what would you buy?

96. If you had access to a time machine where and when would you go?

97. If you could add a person to Mount Rushmore who would it be, why?

98. If you could win any award what would it be, why?

99. If you could teleport where would you go, why?

100. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?

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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 05:36 PM
Post #1014

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

1. Cheese.
2. Blue.
3. Kimodo dragon because I could kill things by spitting in their eyes.
4. Kill a world leader with a BB minigun.
5. Batman cuz he's awesome.
6. Pope John Paull II cuz he's almost as awesome as Batman.
7. Complaining.
8. It would be suspense, and I would be played by Keanu Reeves.
9. Mint chocolate chip because it's my favourite flavour of ice cream, duh.
10. Sousuke or Barney Gumble. It's too close to call.\
11. I would go to Australia because they have some awesome comedians there. And I've always wanted to go kangaroo hunting.
12. Mangaka.
13. Night.
14. Reading/writing.
15. Myself when I'm half-asleep.
16. An entire crab, shell and all.
17. My dad recommends likes anime and manga too, which is cool.
18. I can turn my face red at will. Without even thinking of something, I mean.
19. President Of Nothing.
20. The Pope, just to feel all special.
21. "Come a little closer Haruhi..."
22. Use the computer.
23. "Woah" - The Matrix.
24. How do you make a fruit cordial? Be nice to him. Yes, it's a gay joke but it's not vicious or anything. Plus I'm...you know.
25. Explore those alien pyramids.
26. PS3, beeches.
27. Iran?
28. Sell my crappy poems on eBay.
29. The women's changing room at a cosplay con. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
30. Grass.
31. Pretty Face volumes 1&2.
32. Soft as silk.
33. Diet Pepsi.
34. "I Can Remember" and pretty much everyone in grade school.
35. Probably dozens.
36. ...a maniac, maniac on the floor!
37. Pretty much everyone in grade school.
38. Art.
39. Teacher. Or janitor at a sperm bank.
40. Discovery.
41. Needles.
42. My nightmares. They can sometimes be very beautiful.
43. That bitchy pop star. You know the one.
44. An EB Games card.
45. "You have such nice parents. How the hell did you end up the way you are."
46. Leviathan.
47. To be paid for dreaming about stuff.
48. Foreign policy.
49. I've tried dancing, don't make me go back there.
50. 5.
51. More promotions at the office.
52. Less than five minutes. But then I have to lie down for over an hour.
53. Play a bitchin' solo.
54. The Hills from King of the Hill.
55. EB Games.
56. 27 string guitars!
57. Food. We're not that poor, we just need to go shopping.
58. Japanese-New Zealand.
59. Gaytastic!
60. Eggnog.
61. They look different?
62. A hunting rifle and a crate of ammunition that I could also use for wood.
63. The look in their eyes.
64. "Fuck the left, ask us some questions!"
65. The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
66. New Jersey, because by all accounts it sucks.
67. Something along the lines of being intelligent.
68. "Bitching" - awesome beyind belief.
69. Viagra. Just..no. I'd sooner do adult diapers.
70. Pyther. I think I just made it up though.
71. Suckular.
72. Some member of the clergy.
73. Ronald Reagan.
74. Probably eight hours.
75. Sexy vampire.
76. If they know how to code. I'm lookin' at you Lenyo.
77. Grade 12 History.
78. Hippie.
79. Australia.
80. 40's for French.
81. Lis after Lysander.
82. My clear blue eyes. Mentally, my analytical waqy of thinking.
83. Lava, for a handy escape route from hell.
84. That annoying one by that female diva. You know the one. Unless it's something I want to hear, in which case Shoots and Ladders by Korn.
85. I gave an old lady her cane back when she dropped it. Seriously. And I got kicked out of the building because..I guess I looked like I shouldn't have been there? It was a library by the way.
86. One, my house key.
87. Shoots and Ladders by Korn.
88. Probably really young, since I don't remember ever having a really bad hair cut.
89. "You can't sit on your ass reading books all day", from my dad.
90. I would have less terrible acne.
91. Experimental.
92. Mind-control!
93. That I would get married someday.
94. Does cola count as a food? If not, cheese.
95. A nice estate and invest the rest.
96. I would go back to the 50's to avert the Cold War and therefore prevent the rise of hippies.
97. George Bush, because it's the least the world owes him after being blamed for everything up to and including the freaking weather.
98. The Nobel Prize for Science, to have something non-collectible or school related on my wall.
99. To Fort Knox. Because no one will ever miss two measly bars of gold, right?
100. The Simpsons.
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 08:00 PM
Post #1015

Group: Veterans
Joined: 19-December 08

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/bored_fc.gif) Would you tell me the Guy's
locker room password?
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 10:11 PM
Post #1016

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Can you program your way out of a linked list?
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 10:13 PM
Post #1017

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

I might if I knew it.

Again with the technical mumbo-jumbo...
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 10:24 PM
Post #1018

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

Have you ever eaten a cookie made entirely out of... lasers?
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 10:26 PM
Post #1019

Angel's Son
Group: Veterans
Joined: 30-April 08

No, I didn't pay much attention in Dr. Frink's cooking seminar.
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+Quote Post
post Jun 23 2009, 10:54 PM
Post #1020

Tin Soldier
Group: Veterans
Joined: 1-September 08

How tall are you? And please, not in centimetres. We don't need everyone knowing we're Canadian.
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