Gabstah |
Gabstah |
Jan 20 2009, 05:16 PM
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 |
A friend of mine came over at like, midnight and he was drinking, so instead of making our totally cool thread me and him talked about women. I think if he hadn't come over I would've done some drunk texting. Anyway we can't make the thread unless we're drunk and it'll have to go in the mature section. Furthermore, I'll delete posts that are from clearly not drunk people. A good plan? I think so.
Jan 20 2009, 07:25 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
I sure think so. I sent some serious drunk texts friday night. When I'm drinking my fine motor controls go out the window, you'll definitely be able to tell when I'm drunk because nothing I write actually makes any sense.
Jan 20 2009, 07:43 PM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
How come I never hear about you people my age group going out and having fun in the snow? Especially when most of you actually have it?
Also, I think the drunk thread would probably go better in the veteran's forum. Just personal opinion. |
Jan 20 2009, 07:49 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
No snow here, haha. I have some awesome pictures from when there WAS snow though, they're pretty sweet. My brother had just gotten home from australia and it was about 3 in the morning and started snowing. So we all got all geared up and went outside, I climbed a bus shelter... ah so very fun.
PROOF. Good night, haha. Normally we go snowboarding a few times a year but we're too broke to, this year. |
Jan 20 2009, 10:48 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Wouldn't a drunk thread encourage excessive drinking? *Captain Obvious to the rescue!*
Jan 21 2009, 02:28 AM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Mm, no. I think a lot of people on here don't drink to begin with, and the people that do have been doing so for a while.
Jan 21 2009, 06:27 AM
just a teacup tragedy Group: Veterans Joined: 4-March 07 |
Which Robin Sparkles music video do you prefer?
I find "Lets Go To The Mall" more catchy myself. |
Jan 21 2009, 09:10 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
What's the oldest a guy was who ever hit on you?
Jan 21 2009, 05:47 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
How did you meet Fraser?
Stupid post limit :X |
Jan 21 2009, 05:48 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Let's Go To The Mall hands down. I get it stuck in my head all the time. Sandcastles in the Sand is alright, but not as epic.
Well, there are always those 80 year old men... especially when I was a candystriper. Here's my best hit on story. I was actually kind of flattered in a sick perverted way. It was my 19th birthday (so like two months ago) and I was going to the liquor store for the first time. I was all prettied up because we were going out later that night. Fraser was coming down with me but he was walking with his brother a little bit behind me. As I was walking up these three guys, probably around 25-ish? were leaving. They got into the car and I was passing them and one of them in the back opened up his window and like... hahaha this sounds weird no matter how I say it. Well he pretended like he was jerking off and was moaning at me through the window. It was so bizarre but what can I say, hahaha. Actually one time I got hit on going like 140 km/hr. I was driving by myself from my home town (SA) to Vancouver for some interview for school. Fraser had to work so he couldn't go with me. I was passing these two guys and then a little later on they were sitting in the lane next to me, going exactly the same speed as me. I was like "What the waffles?" and I look out the window and the passenger seat guy was holding up a sign that said "I think you're HOT!" Haha. I was like "woah, sweet dude." And they sped off, and I laughed. About 15 minutes later they must have slowed down because I passed them again, and then they passed me and opened up their window. I sort of opened up mine and he's like "you're hot!" and I gave him a thumbs up. Then he put his phone number up on the window and was like "Call me!" I kind of wish I called him, hahaha, it would have been funny. I didn't get down the number quick enough. Those guys were probably like... 20 or so. |
Jan 21 2009, 05:56 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
How I met Fraser is the most magical story of all time and requires a long post. I mean I guess it doesn't NEED the long post but I like to tell it the long way.
Alright. From grade 8-10 I had this best friend, his name was Sean. We were really, really good friends, we told each other everything, blah blah blah. He stood by me when I found out I had depression, he helped me through some REALLY tough times, etc etc. Well we started hooking up in grade 11, and I wanted to date but he told me that he was having a rough time emotionally and he couldn't handle a relationship. He still liked being physical with me so he was like "best friends with benefits?" and I was a stupid girl who thought she was in love so I was like "yeah sure." He made me promise not to tell ANYONE about it, and I was a stupid girl and I didn't tell a single soul. Not even my mom, and that's crazy - I tell her EVERYTHING. Anyways, I go to school one day and he's holding hands with one of my friends and apparently they've been dating for like a week. So that's cool, I was basically heartbroken and swore off guys for the rest of my life. My friend had no idea about us (since I didn't tell anyone) and eventually I told her what happened on my side and she felt so terrible and broke up with him. Absolutely no hard feelings on my friend, but I haven't really spoken to Sean since. Alright. So I'm heartbroken. This sort of friend of mine was having a party like two weekends after. I hadn't gone out at all since this whole episode and I was supposed to be babysitting but I was like "you know what? I need a change of environment." So I got my little brother to babysit for me, called my best girl friend and we went to this party. ((Okay, this is the terrible part of the story that nobody except that best girlfriend knows. Oh god.)) There I met Fraser and his brother and a friend. I thought that Fraser was dating that friend, and I actually... had a crush on his brother first. Oh man. Actually I might have told him this when we were both drunk, I can't remember. His brother doesn't know though because Fraser and his brother BOTH got a crush on me that night, apparently, and his brother is kind of hurt that I picked Fraser over him. Anyways so I met him that night, said Hi, cool, nothing there. Two weeks later we were at the school dance and he was there. I found out that he didn't have a girlfriend (and was so much cuter than his brother) and I was like "hm I should ask him to dance with me." My feet were really sore so I had taken off my high heels and it was winter, and really snowy outside. I finally got up the nerve to go talk to him and the smoke machines set off the fire alarms and we all had to go outside. I had no shoes on. I was kind of hopping back and forth from foot to foot and Fraser saw me and said "Do you want me to carry you?" So he held me while we were all piled outside, and we hugged to "keep warm." After that we started hanging out at school and about two weeks later I invited him over to my house to play DDR or something and we kissed, and then we made out, and then we decided that we should be dating. So we've been dating for almost 3 years and we've known each other for... basically the same amount of time. |
Jan 21 2009, 06:12 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
You said you had a slightly erotic dream about Yume in his questions thread. You do know that Yume is 14 years old, right? D: And what thread did you find his pictures in?
Jan 21 2009, 07:12 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
Why isn't Celine Dion elected as the leader of Canada? It'd be so cool. And a lot better than how they do it in Italy, which is fill the parliament with dumb women with genetically modified breasts and then have a complete pervert for Prime Minister, so that all their meetings consist of a lot of smiling and staring and not much actual work while a team of pirates probably run the country secretly.
Jan 21 2009, 07:31 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
^ Nooo! Not Celine Dion! Nothing but that annoying French Canadian!
Jan 21 2009, 07:46 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
I KNOW that he's 14. It was so bizarre. I didn't actually see a face though, just the name "yume". So really I had an erotic dream with the name yume. In my dream he was older, if that makes it any better.
I love celine dion! I love the french canadian. She's getting pretty old to be a PM though. |
Jan 21 2009, 10:07 PM
irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann Group: Veterans Joined: 6-July 08 |
Please watch the following music video and share your thoughts.
Jan 22 2009, 04:56 AM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
Richard's on Richards is kind of famous, hahaha. That's funny. I'm also jealous of that girl, sitting there and getting all prettied up. Not fair.
Jan 22 2009, 11:39 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Why did the phrase "Richards on Richards" give me a dirty mental image just now?
Jan 22 2009, 02:37 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
How did you get into Harvest Moon?
Jan 22 2009, 04:33 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
To tell the truth, I thought that it was Richards street on Richards avenue. Turns out Vancouver doesn't have a richards ave though. Probably has a lot to do with two male names, one "on" the other.
My brother had ZSNES growing up and he always played boring fighting games, and I didn't have much to do on the computer so I'd watch him. We had downloaded a pack of games and we were just playing them from top to bottom. We got to Harvest Moon and he started playing it and he was like "Woah this is lame" and I was like "Farming?! Sweet! Can I try?!" I was probably 7 or 8 at the time. I loved it SO much. I didn't know that there were multiple games though, until I went to the video store and I saw that you could rent out HM games for different consoles. Unfortunately we didn't have ANY consoles, so I couldn't play any of them. By the time I was 12 I was really into roleplaying and I joined a very active harvest moon role play site, which just kept me hooked. I just kept playing and replaying the SNES version until we got a DS and they had HM:DS and I started playing that. I haven't played a wide variety of HM games, but hopefully once Fraser gets a job we're going to buy a Wii and I can't wait to play some more. |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 24th January 2025 - 11:38 AM |