I Have A Questions Topic, Now Yume and Hasfusel can stop arguing over me. |
I Have A Questions Topic, Now Yume and Hasfusel can stop arguing over me. |
Jan 12 2009, 01:15 AM
Member Group: Forest Spirit Joined: 13-July 08 |
How does one get rid of an inner fangirl? Do I need like an exorcist or something?
Jan 12 2009, 01:19 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Yep. Ask your little sister about Allen Walker and she can take care of the rest. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
Jan 12 2009, 01:39 AM
Member Group: Forest Spirit Joined: 13-July 08 |
I see...
How did I go from checking out Vanilla Ice songs to this? |
Jan 12 2009, 12:59 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Because Youtube is great for finding weird stuff. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/emot-iia.png)
Jan 12 2009, 10:30 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
What do you do during the day, besides youtube? hahah. Are you in school or do you work? How old are you?
Jan 12 2009, 11:22 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I'm 16 years old, but I still don't have a job. The funny thing is that I'd like to get one but my mom won't let me. Weird, huh? As for school, I have a lot of medical problems that keep me from going some days. Read the latest page of Chicken's questions thread for more info on that. But I get good grades at least, so yeah. I hope that answers your question.
Jan 13 2009, 05:40 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
That time we got banned for nothing, did ya know I also got a 30% warn for "making you leave"? When all I did was physically go on holiday (France, since you ask)? And specifically say that I was? That Saffy is some baaaaaaad white boy.
Jan 13 2009, 06:18 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
Yeah, Saffy is a total tool, especially since he won't answer my questions anymore. D:<
Disclaimer: Saffy is not actually a total idiot. Wait, I said tool...well, he's not that either, so there. |
Jan 13 2009, 06:18 PM
Namco Professor Group: Mayors Joined: 19-March 07 |
Do you include Blernsday into your week to extend it to 8 days?
Jan 13 2009, 06:21 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
No, but there is Not Go To School Day, Spend All Day Watching Youtube Day, and the occasional Lie In Bed All Day Day.
Jan 13 2009, 06:32 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
What's your choice of personal medieval weapon?
Jan 14 2009, 12:36 AM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
(IMG:http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/L/LA/LAD/LadySerity/1132691794_zlongsword.jpg) Longsword!
A bit unoriginal, but nothing can come close to it's level of sophistication and daring. |
Jan 14 2009, 02:12 AM
Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 |
Does Domeki know that Chicken is dealing with similiar health problems? I need to go to the doctor really soon. DX I think my headaches are mostly stress-related, though.
Do teachers give you trouble, because you miss school...even though you make good grades? I have that problem. -_-; I can't help it. |
Jan 14 2009, 01:08 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I didn't know that you had similiar problems. I really hope you'll get better, although I'll probably forget to pray. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif)
Teachers at my school love me, for some reason. I'm not a particularly likeable guy, so it remains a mystery. And I don't think it's fair for teachers to give anyone trouble for stuff that's not their fault. I used to get picked on a lot by them in grade school because I had OCD. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sad_ghostie.gif) |
Jan 15 2009, 06:50 AM
Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 |
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaeyes.gif) Are you serious about the OCD? I had that, too. Through much praying and a little intiative, I got over it pretty much, though. And thanks. My teachers love me(for the most part), I was just curious.
So, um other than the medical issues, what's up? |
Jan 15 2009, 12:29 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I think it was only one teacher with a weird sense of humour, but over time my mind's extended it to every teacher I had early on. And I didn't know you had OCD; just don't tell Tolby, he wasn't exactly the "good boy" Saffy claims him to be when I told him. I'm not talking trash about him for no reason, I just really don't think it would be a wise decision. :/
What's up? Let's see, I bought Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and a Soulfly album on Tuesday, so that should give me something to do. I also finished reading through my current pile of manga, so I guess it's time to go buy another 4 volumes of D. Gray Man. On the same note, I'll also (hopefully) be getting my Allen Walker cosplay outfit in soon...other than that, not much. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalatounge.gif) |
Jan 16 2009, 06:22 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
Are you planning to go to college? What university are you going to apply to?
You should come to England, we have Cambridge. And Oxford. And that one that nobody can remember its name but everyone knows it's good. If I were you I'd come here to study British humour. I intend to get such a degree when I'm older. |
Jan 16 2009, 10:27 PM
quest for knowledge Group: Veterans Joined: 5-November 08 |
What was the last dream you had that you can remember?
Jan 17 2009, 06:50 PM
Angel's Son Group: Veterans Joined: 30-April 08 |
I'll probably go to college for an apprenticeship in a trades skill; I don't wanna be stuck in an office all day. D: And going to England sounds tempting, but I'll probably just go to Algonquin.
The last dream I had that I remembered? Fittingly enough, it was an xxxHolic dream, although Domeki was nowhere to be found. Watanuki and Yuko were investigating a series of bizzare murders and supernatural events that were plagueing a desolate town in what looked like a cross between barren farmland and hell. Prettty cool. There was one slightly erotic part too but I don't want to go into detail. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalagrin.gif) |
Jan 18 2009, 08:48 PM
Goodnight Group: Ranch Hand Joined: 27-March 08 |
I heard you say you like Surrealist art. Me too, I love it - although some of it can be rather disturbing... Who's your favourite surrealist artist?
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 13th January 2025 - 07:29 PM |