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> Guide to Forum Etiquette, Revised 2-27-09
post Aug 27 2008, 01:10 AM
Post #1

Because I said so.
Group: Chicken
Joined: 8-March 07

Forum Etiquette 101 version 1:

Hello, everyone! I've noticed that some of our need members have a hard time adapting to our strict grammar standards, so I decided to put together a quick guide to good content. This is not by any means to insult anyone's intelligence. It is only an aide for anyone who is confused about what is acceptable and what is not.

Note: Please don't take person offense to anything I have written. I don't think hard enough to think of certain people's grammar habits. This is simply a list of common poor grammar habits. So, don't worry. Be happy. ^^;

1. Punctuation:

Punctuation makes sentences make more sense. Please try to refrain from run on sentences. Short sentences are fine.

- "..." is fine, but don't over do it. No one likes: So, I was like.......um.......yeah.....lol...

-Three exclamation points are more than adequate. Also, please refrain from "!!!!!1!!!!!1!!!111". Sometimes it's done on accident, but all we ask is that you put some effort into these posts.

2. Capitalization:

Always capitalize the beginning of sentences, your I's, and try to capital proper nouns, such as: names, cities, book titles, religious titles (such as referring to a personal deity as He, She, It.), etc.

In addition, don't tYPe LiKe ThIs. It's a bad habit and hard to read.

3. Abbreviations:

Abbreviations are best left to long words, marital status titles (Mrs., Ms., Mr., Mme, Mlle, M., etc.), Etcetera, organizations such as NASA, or commonly abbreviated words.

4. Here is another one:

hi th3r3 n00bz I''m s4m4nth4. :DDDDDDDD

This is known as 1337. It's fun to do, admittedly, but it is unacceptable for the simple fact that not everyone understands what you're saying. It can be used to be silly, but don't make a habit of using it.

This would be a better format:

Hi, there everyone! My name is Samantha, and I'm excited to see a Harvest Moon website! Hope I can enjoy a nice long stay!

5.The next thing I would like to address is brevity. Brevity means simply "short, sweet, and to the point". I myself have been known to be the exact opposite, and in my experience, frankly, I found out that no one wanted to read those posts. So instead of saying:

I like Bob, the hottest person in the world. He just makes me jump out of my skin. It's like so incredible and fabulous and amazing. I enjoy the thought of the day when I will go to his house and steal his hairbrush. I mean his hair is like so perfect. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!1!!!one!!!!1

Say something like this:

I think Bob is so cute! Sadly, I feel like a fan girl. I mean, I even think about how soft and beautiful his hair is. Maybe I should ask him for his hair brush. Heehee~

6. Something more annoying to people than a rant is a two-word post.

Again, instead of:

Yeah. Cool.

This would be more appropriate:

Okay, that sounds good. Should turn out well.

7. Don't just put a smilie in as a response, such as the popular "it is awesome." You can use them freely (just don't go over board), but please at least write a 5 word sentence as to offer a reason for your emoticon usage.

8. Spelling:

If you don't know how to spell a word, it is not necessary, but courteous to place "(sp?)" after the possibly mispelled word. Just try your best to spell the word. We also have a grammar check on the full reply (that little "abc" with a check mark), if you would like to use it.

9. Be careful with your words. Don't make statements without backing them up. Now, however you feel like doing this is up to you. (Etc. Science, human, personal, religious material, etc.) Just don't say something without a reason.

10. Don't feel that you have to write in complete sentences. If you want to say something that doesn't really count as a sentence, don't worry about it. We don't want you to have to take an hour per post. This isn't Language Arts. You're not going to be graded.

11. I am sure everyone has seen our rules as they joined the site. No racial, sexual, or discriminatory comments. Please keep your posts tasteful. So keep your opinions to yourself! There is no polite or proper way to verbally or mentally abuse another person.

12. If you are told that your grammar needs work, please do not make an issue about it. We just take pride in our boards and would like you to post on our board as if you were writing an assignment. Just try to improve your grammar etiquette, take it as constructive criticism (because it certainly couldn't hurt), and don't worry, no one is mad at you. If you really want to, you can always edit your post by pressing edit and choosing the"full" or "quick" edit options to change your post, followed by "complete edit".

13. Don't try to turn your post into an essay. We are fully aware that most of you are not "Edgar Allen Poe's", "E.B. White's", or "William Strunk, Jr.'s". Feel free to use phrases, contractions, or simple responses. We just don't want a bunch of IM speech or deplorable grammar.

14. Also, if you are not a native English speaker, less than perfect grammar is acceptable. We realize you are only in the process of learning English, and you are fully understood, and will not be warned, pestered, or etc.


Please feel free to PM me, Jason, Saffy, or anyone able to change this post (administrators, global moderators, and moderators), if you genuinely think something should be added or changed to this list. Thank you.

-Chicken :)
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Twilight Wandere...
post Aug 27 2008, 01:14 AM
Post #2

Melted Wings of Wax
Group: Global Moderators
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Joined: 22-January 08

Nice done Chicky.
I learned a whole bunch about spelling and all of that here.
(You should have seen when I first came here 0_0)
I thought the one about Jason was interesting (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif)
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post Aug 27 2008, 01:15 AM
Post #3

Group: Mayor
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Joined: 13-January 07


This post has been edited by Jason: Aug 27 2008, 01:17 AM
MOD:: You should mention something about one post smilies.
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post Aug 27 2008, 01:21 AM
Post #4

irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann
Group: Veterans
Joined: 6-July 08

When do we get to meet Samantha?
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post Aug 27 2008, 01:25 AM
Post #5

Because I said so.
Group: Chicken
Joined: 8-March 07

Done. I thought 5 was funny, but I changed it, because someone might think I'm serious. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) I thought more people would read this if they think it's funny, but "Bob" works, too.
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Twilight Wandere...
post Aug 27 2008, 01:28 AM
Post #6

Melted Wings of Wax
Group: Global Moderators
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Joined: 22-January 08

It would be more funny if it was Jason, or Waffles (Saffy) ;D
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post Aug 27 2008, 01:34 AM
Post #7

Group: Mayor
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Joined: 13-January 07

It would make more sense with Saffy, I don't have long enough hair for a brush.
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post Aug 27 2008, 02:06 AM
Post #8

Group: Veterans
Joined: 4-March 07

chikenz r gae

edt: huh? chikenz gae, srsly.
MOD:: Thanks for the great example of what not to do man.
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Totoro Spirit
post Aug 27 2008, 02:49 AM
Post #9

Group: Forest Spirit
Joined: 13-July 08

I certainly hope that '...' thing wasn't directed at me... Have I mentioned chicken is my favorite food?
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post Aug 27 2008, 11:48 PM
Post #10

Because I said so.
Group: Chicken
Joined: 8-March 07

Tolbie r cute. <3

No, that wasn't directed toward you. Actually, I had a certain teacher in mind that went crazy with the "..." thing. You can go over three, but just don't go: ................................................................................
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post Aug 27 2008, 11:49 PM
Post #11

It's your world now.
Group: Veterans
Joined: 13-January 07

One of my teachers absolutely hated "..." And it it wasn't even because we were using it in our writing. She just really didn't like it and considered a downfall of society of sorts D:
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post Aug 28 2008, 02:29 AM
Post #12

Group: Veterans
Joined: 4-March 07

I love ellipses. I'd marry them if I could.
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post Aug 28 2008, 11:41 PM
Post #13

Because I said so.
Group: Chicken
Joined: 8-March 07

:D Tolby just made my day. I forgot what "..." was called.
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post Aug 28 2008, 11:56 PM
Post #14

Maximum Camwhore
Group: Veterans
Joined: 18-February 08

I shall do my best to adhere to these rules. :]
Also, Chicken is like, the best.
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Twilight Wandere...
post Aug 29 2008, 12:03 AM
Post #15

Melted Wings of Wax
Group: Global Moderators
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Joined: 22-January 08

I will try, but I can't promise anything D;
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post Aug 30 2008, 11:39 PM
Post #16

Because I said so.
Group: Chicken
Joined: 8-March 07

The goal is to try. It's a "How do I...?" topic. Openly not trying is like, "hi u r cul & crap. lol."
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