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> Holy friggen cow!
post Mar 29 2009, 08:31 AM
Post #1

Group: Mayor
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Joined: 13-January 07

I was coming home late tonight from a bar with some friends, (I had two shots an hour before I left), nothing big, driving down the highway. By this time I was 99% sober. No cars in sight, the speed limit is 70. So I'm driving down this slightly windy two lane high barreling at speeds of 80mph because there are no cars in sight ahead of me, and no cops. Around a wide turn, I see these headlights through some metal guardrails ahead slightly to the left..they seem funny, but I didn't think too much of it until 2 seconds later when I saw them coming directly towards me when the highway sort of straitens out. OMG HE WAS ON THE SAME SIDE! I immediately switched lanes milliseconds before this car WHIZZED by me (and shook my car from the turbulance). I'm not exaggerating that either, we were mere inches side by side as he passed. He must have been going 80phm+ too, it was like a lightning WOOSH. Luckily I was able to keep my car from flipping out. -_-; I looked back and I could see 2 cars behind me immediately scatter swirve and scatter to the sides and stop, they must have been like OMG THAT CAR ALMOST HIT THAT GUY HEAD ON, PULL OVER!!!!!

The funny part was when I saw the headlights directly in front of me in the same lane, whitout thinking (because you can't in split second situations), I turned my blinkers on as I quickly switched lanes. Lol @ reflexes. I bet the guys behind me were like "lol he used his blinkers." after they pulled over. >.>

Man that would have made headlines for sure. There wouldn't be big enough pieces of me to pick up off of the highway. I have a small dinky plastic car.

So how was your night? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalagrin.gif)
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