Countdown to Harvest Moon: Animal Parade!, The sequel to the Tree of Tranquility countdown! |
Countdown to Harvest Moon: Animal Parade!, The sequel to the Tree of Tranquility countdown! |
Aug 3 2009, 05:20 PM
Official Gleek! Group: Site Contributor Joined: 4-March 07 |
Alright, I figured it was time to make this topic, seeing as we have a tentative date of only a few months away. So here we go!
Harvest Moon: Animal Parade Release Date: October 20, 2009 (tentative) Nurse Fin's Exciting Animal March: A First Look Harvest Moon: Animal Parade - RanchStory Days Left: 70 So get to talking, and I will update this periodically with new info for the English Release! |
Aug 5 2009, 04:07 AM
Official Gleek! Group: Site Contributor Joined: 4-March 07 |
Spoiler: Unfortunately, the connection system in Animal Parade isn't without unintentional problems. Very rarely after you check your Reception Box, the game can have a small hiccup, resulting in a permanent removal of all calendar events and festivals if you save your game after you have opened the items from the Reception Box. The calendar will no longer be marked with icons for special dates, your clock in the upper-left corner no longer indicates that you are on a festival day, and there are no villagers at the festival grounds. The area will be set up as though something is suppose to happen, but it will never take place. The best way to avoid this issue is to check your calendar after you have opened a message from your Reception Box. If your calendar still has its events marked, then you're probably fine. If not, then reload your game to the last save point. This problem will only affect the current save you are on, and not any of the other games you may have saved. It is unknown at the moment if this is fixed in the English version of Animal Parade. Spoiler'd just in case you don't want to know. |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 13th January 2025 - 03:33 AM |