The Unofficial Sickness Topic |
The Unofficial Sickness Topic |
Sep 7 2009, 05:12 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Are you sick? Got a cold, pink eye, strep, malaria, mad cow disease, the flu, nausea, headache, etc.?
Then you're in the right place! Discuss how you're feeling or come help out someone who's feeling sick. I'm not doing too good right now. I'm guessing I have a strong cold. I'm feeling like about a 5 out of 10 on the illness scale. My ear hurts a lot for some reason, it's weird. *cough* Oh and I can't forget my lovely mucus-filled coughs...=/ |
Sep 7 2009, 05:20 AM
OBJECTION! Group: Gusty Joined: 12-March 07 |
What a lovely topic D:
<3 I haven't got much to add, but I do have a small sty on my eye? It's almost gone, anywho~ |
Sep 7 2009, 05:20 AM
It's your world now. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-January 07 |
How does your ear hurt?
Sometimes I'll have problems hearing out of one ear for extended periods of time. About two years ago I went almost two weeks being able to hear only out of one ear. I had gone to a doctor and even got ear drops. Little seemed to help until one day my ear just seemed to pop. Since then I've had the problem on and off but it doesn't seem all that serious anymore. It all started from getting water in my ear after a shower one day :( Er, but I digress. I'm happy to say that I haven't so much as had a bad headache for the past few months. It's amazing what eating better and reducing my sugar/sodium intake can do. I used to get headaches nearly everyday in the summer, which was absolute hell. |
Sep 7 2009, 05:28 AM
I don't remember selling my soul to you. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-March 09 |
I'm cursed with asthma. It seems to really act up when I'm in areas like New Jersey. But ever since I moved to North Carolina it hasn't acted up. I went to New Jersey over the summer and had an asthma attack. I felt better soon as I got into New Jersey.
I also have a neurological tic disorder. It's really annoying and sometimes it feels like my throat is in loads of pain. And finally, when I was in 5th grade, I had Chronic Cluster head aches. Really intense headaches that basically make you feel like your head is giving birth. I had it for 1 month exactly. And I had an occipital nerve block (Two needles in the head) and I haven't had them since. |
Sep 7 2009, 03:08 PM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
I have a coooooold. *sniffles* Last year, I had a cold, and it lasted for TWO BLOODY MONTHS!!!!!! Gawd, I hope that doesn't happen again. I was coughing forever! My webmastering teacher would be like, "You're STILL sick, Zen?" "Yep...." Ugh. And once, in the sixth grade, I had such a terrible sore throat, for about 2 days. It was impossible to swallow (but of course, when you have a sore throat, you just HAVE to swallow for some unexplainable reason) without feeling like someone was taking a knife and running it down the inside of my throat. x-x On the subject of headaches, I get them sometimes at the end of the school day because I haven't gotten enough water, I think. Sometimes they'll go away when I drink some water, but other times, I guess that's not it and they don't. :( I occassionally get a really sharp pain in my head. It lasts less than a minute, but, like, the top part of my head will hurt, like something just fell on it. And ever since Thursday, my right ear has been acting weird. All of a sudden, I won't be able to hear anything but a loud ringing noise, until it just fades away. I probably have some terrible brain thing and will die....x-x /overdramatic
Sep 7 2009, 10:19 PM
Member Group: Members Joined: 11-July 09 |
I have pretty bad headaches every day. Dizziness always occurs right after, which is a big pain. Sometimes my ears ring, the only way to make it stop is by clenching my teeth together. And no it's not right after I listen to music or anything too loud, it just happens.
It's probably related with my TMJ. ( It's not a sickness, just something) I wouldn't consider it being sick tho ~ I recently caught a little cold which was just a sniffle and a cough, that's it. Unlike this Winter, were I caught a nasty one D: I missed 1 week of school (Thank god, I was just in 7th grade) It wasn't just coughing and what-not but being confined to my bed being cold, shivering, headaches beyond belief, pain every were and I couldn't stop crying. Let's just say Never Too Late (3dg) was playing on replay for a while. I consider myself lucky with sickness. I don't have anything that I have to put my life on hold which I am extremely grateful. Some children suffer more than just a cold, obviously it's sad 'cause they can't be a child and run freely. SO LIFE, THROW ME EVERY COLD YOU WANT, I WONT CARE ! Any one that posts here; I hope you get better :P |
Sep 8 2009, 01:12 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
Well, it's like a common ear pain. I think you can get it with colds, I got some ear drops. I'm hoping it's not an infection.
*cough* What Zen!? Two months? Woooow! |
Sep 8 2009, 01:12 AM
Because I said so. Group: Chicken Joined: 8-March 07 |
I'm getting a little bit of a cough, which concerns me, because while I love staying home, I don't want to miss school intentionally. :[ I have horrible sinusitis/rhinutitis which is like he...ll to live with, especially when you sleep. I mean, it's not dreadfully painful, but all that sinus drainage runing down your pallet is really intolerable. It never quits. DX
On another note, occassionally, I get a headache, because I have a bad temper/worry more than I should. But, I have migraine medicine, so it prevents before it gets too bad. So, no biggie. Bigger problem is finding a better way to express/solve my problems. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaexdee.gif) |
Sep 8 2009, 02:36 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Sep 8 2009, 02:38 AM
I don't remember selling my soul to you. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-March 09 |
Was it mah voice that made you feel all better? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalagrin.gif)
Sep 8 2009, 02:40 AM
I leave you alone for TWO minutes! Group: Veterans Joined: 27-November 08 |
Uhhh....yeah! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalagrin.gif) ;; I also only take naps when I am EXTREMELY tired, as in, about to pass out from exhaustian, or when I'm sick.
Sep 8 2009, 02:49 AM
I don't remember selling my soul to you. Group: Veterans Joined: 13-March 09 |
I take naps whenever I feel like it. The problem is, I never feel like it. Problem solved. |
Sep 8 2009, 02:53 AM
Bigger. Better. Toaster. Group: Veterans Joined: 16-March 07 |
I never get sick. Really, maybe once a year and it's just a mild fever that goes away 2 days after. I got sick as a kid more often though.
Sep 8 2009, 03:03 AM
Closet case of innocence Group: Advanced Members Joined: 19-October 08 |
I have plenty of conditions to live with... Multiple skin conditions that prevent me from leaving the house without sun block and sweaters all the time, stomach issues and some brittle bones, among others I'd rather not talk about.. So yeah, I'm just a sick bucket half the time.
Right now, out of nowhere I feel the need to throw up. No idea why. Haven't even eaten that much today. |
Sep 8 2009, 03:34 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 12-June 08 |
I was sick for a few hours the other day. I threw up like 8 times then I felt better. Kinda weird, because my mom had the exact same thing the same time I did.
I'm allergic to most antibiotics, so I know how it feels to have a cold/flu that lasts for months. I haven't gotten one in over a year though! Not to my recollection, anyway. xP Being out of high school helps. |
Sep 8 2009, 04:01 AM
Member Group: Veterans Joined: 13-August 09 |
I think I'm allergic to sunscreen.
I wore a bunch of it yesterday and now my face is like a freakin sponge. Texture wise at least. O_O |
Sep 8 2009, 03:31 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
Well yesterday I went to the movies and suddenly started feeling really sick, like becoming very cold and then suddenly sweating because I was so hot. I then got really strong stomach pains but thankfully didn't get sick until I got home. But once I got home it got worse and I then got like extreme back pain which I think was all from possibly eating some old salad dressing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/lalaeyes.gif)
But for my overall sickness, it's pretty bad I suppose. I have a form of fibromyalgia, but the doctors think it's also a mixture of something else but they don't seem to want to try and figure it out. So what fibromyalgia equals is a pain disease which involves your muscles. They say it could go away since I'm just a kid still but I've had it for quite a long time now so I kind of doubt it, also they said being active helps with the pain but for me, it makes it way worse. Which sucks. Also, I get my tonsils out in a month! Finally! |
Sep 8 2009, 06:05 PM
Wakes the Thought Police Group: Veterans Joined: 10-June 09 |
As I type this, I have a horrible headache that makes it hurt like nobody's business whenever I move my head. Pain in the arse (...well, not literally) when my dad comes in and I have to turn my head to talk to him.
I also have a sore throat that feels like it'll never go away! Which is bad, because I'm a vocalist at school and the directors give us... uh, very stern looks when I'm sick. (Last year one girl had the flu for a week and when she came back, one of our directors asked her why she had the flu.) Especially me, though. It's mostly because I got colds a lot in the ninth grade. Last year I hardly got sick at all, though, but my Girls' Chorus director insisted that I was sick every other day at evaluation at the end of the year. I think this stems from her inability to tell skinny, short, white girls apart, not even by hair color. I'm 5'1/2'' and have brown hair, the girl on my left is 5'2'' and has blonde hair, and the girl on my right is 5'1'' and has dark red hair. And both of them caught really bad colds this year. So the director would walk in and say, "Marley! You're sick again?!" and we'd have to straighten it out for her. But I digress. I get stomach pains a lot, and I don't know why. BUT I HATE THEM OH MY GOD SO MUCH. It's made be paranoid about what I eat and drink, and I put almost everything through experimentation; now I know not to eat mangoes (which is a shame because I LOVE MANGOES), hamburgers, or Wendy's frosties, and not to drink water that's been sitting out for more than an hour (that one's the worst. I tested that one... oh god, it was a terrifying experience.) On the converse side, frozen yogurt makes everything go away and makes me feel fantastic. Go figure. Thing is, when I was four years old to fourteen years old, I never got sick (before I turned four, though, I went to the hospital six times... half of those times, because I got something stuck up my nose.). And then BAM! Sickness city. |
Sep 9 2009, 05:06 AM
Respawn Group: Oscar Joined: 12-August 08 |
ID: Really? Why do you have to get 'em out? Is it because you always get sore throats or something?
Marley: Try garggling with like vinegar, it might help! Ugh, I'm still sick. I'm getting kinda worried... |
Sep 9 2009, 04:03 PM
Tin Soldier Group: Veterans Joined: 1-September 08 |
No, actually last year around this time I was throwing up everything I ate. Like, I couldn't even lick a popsicle without it making me throw up. So we went to my doctor and she told me at first it was reflux {which I most likely DO have since my dad has it severely} but she gave me pills that weren't working. So then we went to my pediatrition {who helps me with my other fun sicknesses} and she told me it was my tonsils and sent me to a Ear, Nose and throat doctor.
He then had to send this looong camera through my nose which was horrible and told me that I really had no signs of reflux but my tonsils were very infected. Which means they won't help me if I get a cold and they also get these gross things that come out of them and when they're infected it makes your mouth taste horrible. So why not get them removed if they're not helping me at all and it's horrible getting those gross things that come out of them and having my mouth taste bad constantly. |
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